Corrupt Heart PRT.6

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In the lobby:

(Y/N) didn’t say anything as her eye narrowed, summoning her scythe and twirling it around before smashing it down on the floor, causing the floorboards to crack open and rupture. 

Pulling her scythe out, a bunch of shadows came rushing out of the crevice, screeching loudly.

The Misfits all panicked, Alastor summoning his microphone and shooting a beam of magic at the corrupted demoness. The others scattered out of the way.

Sensing the incoming danger, (Y/N) phased out of the way before summoning a large shadowy clawed hand from the ground, aiming it towards the Radio demon. 

Alastor quickly jumped to the side before the large shadowy clawed hand could grab him. He didn't want to summon his put of tentacles INSIDE the hotel.

“Quick, we need to leave!” shouted Charlie, turning and running out of the hotel, Vaggie, Crymini, and Mimzy close behind. 

Alastor stayed back to distract (Y/N) as the others escaped. 

Shooting another beam towards (Y/N), Alastor managed to hit her scythe out of her hand, angering the Shadow Exterminator demon. 

(Y/N) screamed in anger, causing all of the windows to shatter, shadow tentacles and wisps encasing the entire lobby. 

Lennix quickly grabbed his bag from the Anglerfish demon before grabbing Serenade’s hand and pulling her out of the hotel. Baxter was too distracted to notice though, his focus on his wife. 

“(Y/N)! You have to listen to me. You HAVE to remember, I’m your husband!” said Baxter desperately. 

(Y/N) didn’t seem to react at the sound of his voice, being more distracted with Alastor. 

“We need to leave” said Alastor, grabbing Baxter’s arm and dragging him away. 

“No, I can help her! Just let me try!” said Baxter, trying to get his arm out of the Radio demon’s grasp. 

“You can try all you want but right now we need to regroup and come up with a plan” said Alastor, bursting through the front doors, dragging Baxter all the way to where the others had regrouped. 

They turned and watched as the entire hotel became encased with black shadows, several screams from the other hotel guests being heard as the shadows moved throughout the hotel. 

“Oh no….” said Charlie, devastated. 

“It’s ok Charlie. We’ll save the hotel” said Vaggie, placing a gentle hand on the Princess’ shoulder. 

“The HOTEL!? My wife is more important that the FUCKING hotel right now” said Baxter angrily, glaring at the Moth demon. 

“You wife is gone Baxter. She’s corrupted. You’ve been trying to find the cure for five years. Just give it up. There’s no saving (Y/N)” said Vaggie, glaring down at the Anglerfish demon. 

Baxter growled in anger, the teal spots in his hair glowing a little brighter. 

“Not to mention there are demons in there who were actually working towards redemption. Their safety is more important than your wife right now” said Vaggie, not catching the hint that maybe she should shut up. 

Everyone else just stood silently, glancing away awkwardly, not daring to say a single thing unless they wanted to be on the other end of the scientist’s anger. 

“You ever wonder WHY your wife was taken away from you? You ever thought that maybe you don’t DESERVE being happily married, to spend the rest of your life here in Hell with her? You ever wonder WHY you were never eligible for redemption, hmm? Because your sin was SO horrible, you have no chance in redeeming yourself with all those horrid experiments you did. You deserved drowning a horrible painful death. You DESERVE having your happiness ripped away from you because you’re nothing more than an evil, mad scientist” said Vaggie, glaring at Baxter, snarling in anger as she spoke, venom dripping from her voice. 

Hazbin Hotel {Baxter × reader} The Bond We Share (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now