Love Poem

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Baxter's Pov:

I sat at the kitchen table, tapping the pencil in my hand.

I sigh in frustration.

For the millionth time.

I glanced up at Venus and Perxon, her flowerpot and his fish tank on the table across from me.

"I don't know what to write, you guys. Who knew coming up with a poem would be so hard" I say, grabbing handfuls of my hair and pulling at them in agitation.

Venus cocked her head to the side and Perxon just blinked his eyes, some bubbles escaping from between his long, sharp teeth.

I looked over at the scrapbook (Y/N) left on the table before she left.

It's been three months already, and the bump on (Y/N)'s stomach had grown a little.

A Shadow demon's pregnancy lasts only six months instead of the usual nine. Nobody knows why, but it could be that they are made of shadows, and the baby is created by taking some of the shadows that the mother is made up of. When the baby is born, the mother's waist is thinner than it was before the pregnancy, since the newborn infant needs some of the shadows from the mother to form. The thing about Shadow demons is that they don't gain or lose weight, they remain the same body shape as thier human form when they were alive. Since a Shadow demon needs a certain amount of shadows to make up thier body, they remain the same, unless they are female and happen to get pregnant, then they lose some of thier shadow once  the baby is born.

I sigh in frustration and banged my head against the table after thinking about it.

It's hard to understand if you think about it too hard.

Anyway, (Y/N) only had three more months in her term before the baby is born, and she's been really stressed out lately.

I was trying to come up with a love poem, to show her just how much I love her, hoping it would make her feel better.

I then got an idea.

"I know! I'll go ask everyone else what I should write! I'll be right back you two! If (Y/N) comes back, just....I don't know....distract her for me!?" I said, grabbing my pencil, notebook, and the scrapbook before dashing out the door, locking it behind me.

With Charlie

"Hmm...oh! You should write about how much you love her!" Said Charlie cheerfully.

"I know that Charlie, I WANT to, but I don't know how to word it out properly without sounding too much like a cliché" I say, frustrated.

"Oh...hmm....I don't really know Baxter. Sorry if I couldn't be of any help" shrugged Charlie.

I sigh, grabbing my things and turning to leave.

"Thanks anyway. I'll go ask someone else" I said.

I crossed Charlie's name off the list I made.

With Vaggie

"If I were you, I wouldn't even bother with the poem. It's too sappy and cliché" said Vaggie, hanging up a large blanket to dry.

It had been raining last night and Angel had accidentally left our best blanket out in the rain.

And yes, it was normal rain water, not acid (luckily).

"Thanks for the suggestion Vaggie, but I'm writing a poem, and I don't care what you think" I said angrily, turning and crossing her name off the list as I walked away.

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