A little Argument

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(Y/N) Pov:

Me and Baxter were in our room, talking about our daughter and her recent behavior.

"What are we going to do with Serenade? She almost got exterminated by the Exterminators yesterday. It was a good thing Arackniss spotted her and saved her" I said in defeat, rubbing my temples in pain from the headache.

"Yah. She doesn't listen to us and she continues to defy our authority as her parents" said Baxter, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring off to the side.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence, thinking.

Serenade had gone to the playground with Husk and Niffty, since me and Baxter didn't want her to accidentally hear us speak about what we should be doing about her recent behavior.

"Maybe we should be more strict. If she wants something, she needs to earn it by behaving good and listening to what we tell her to do. We can't always give her what she wants. She's too mischievous and dare I say, spoiled sometimes" said Baxter, glancing up at me.

I narrowed my eyes, unsure if I liked that approach.

"I don't think so Baxter. My mom was always strict as a parent, and she would constantly try to control me. I think we shouldn't take that spacific approuch" I say, shaking my head on disagreement.

Baxter glared at me, growling a little.

"What? So you want to let her fly around doing Lucifer knows what? She almost DIED yesterday because she left the hotel without any of us. We can't keep letting her do what she wants. We're her parents, so we need to act like ones" Argued Baxter, slamming his hands on the table and standing up.

Startled a little, I quickly recovered and stood up as well, but not as loud.

"Baxter, I don't want to be like my mother. I don't want to end up like her. Serenade needs to learn from her own mistakes too. If she doesn't learn, she's just gonna keep doing it until someone gets seriously hurt or injured" I argued back, my arms crossed and glaring at him.

"But if we DON'T be more strict on her, she's going to think that she could do whatever she wants because she can get away with it. We're spoiling her by giving her what she wants" Argued Baxter.

"And if we're too strict on her, she's going to end up defying our authority anyway if we don't let her do something. We have to let her have some freedom to choose what she wants to do. We can't control her forever. My mother ended trying to control me, but she changed after taking a couple years of therapy. Don't you see Baxter? My family was broken because she tried to control us all, but it just ended up with us all dead and in Hell" I said, growling in anger.

"Your mother was a bitch anyway, and you know that" hissed Baxter angrily.

I gasped.

"Don't bring my mother into this. Yes she made mistakes, but she changed. She's trying to make amends with us, you KNOW that. I just don't want to end up like her. I DON'T WANT TO BE A TERRIBLE MOTHER!" I yelled in anger.

Baxter seemed to flinch when I yelled.
"But...you're not! I just want us to be more strict with Serenade! We can't keep letting her do whatever she wants. If we try to divert her attention to something else, like a hobby, maybe she wouldn't try sneaking off. Maybe she'll listen to us more if we help her find something she's good at!" Said Baxter, slowly taking a step closer incase I lashed out on him.

I huffed in anger and crossed my arms.

I didn't want to even look at Baxter for calling my mom a bitch.

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