"Virgil... That's not healthy."

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TW: Dark thoughts, Abandonment, Offensive language, Swearing

I was in the mirror.

He couldn't see me

He couldn't hurt me anymore.

And I was left alone in the dark.

I can't escape.

I'm stuck here.

I have left one prison, only to fall right into another one.

Roman POV

I ran downstairs to see Maddie holding two bags of McDonald's. I stared at her in confusion.

"Mum said that you were spending the night with Ishi?" She sighed.

"Long story short, her parents are assholes and they no longer like me."

"Ah. The age old problem of your gay partners parents being homophobes." I said. She nodded sadly.

"Anyways, I got a you a Big Mac. You can go eat it in your room if you want. I'm just gonna be down here watching sad movies and crying over my existence."

I thought about it.

"Nah. I'll stay with you. But my only condition is that we have to watch Disney not sad movies. I don't need you to become a big pile of sad goop." I said, walking over to her and putting my arm around her neck. She smirked.

"Hey now, don't get too cocky you little shit." She said, rubbing my head. I ducked out and grabbed the bag and sat down on the couch. Maddie jumped over the back of the couch and sat down next to me.

"So. What do you wanna watch?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"How about Frozen. There's a rumour that Elsa's getting a girlfriend and I love me some queer shit."

I smiled and put on Frozen. Maddie grabbed some fries and reached behind us to turn the lights off.

~~~{ Time Skip }~~~

It was the end of the movie and Maddie had fallen asleep. I grabbed a blanket and carefully put it on her. Smiling to myself, I started walking up the stairs. I was about halfway up when I heard a voice coming from the bathroom.


I sprinted up the stairs and into the bathroom just to see Virgil staring back at me. He looked so tired.

"Hey, Virge. How are you?" I whispered, trying not to wake Maddie up.

"Tired." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Then go to sleep." I replied.

"Can't." I stared at him in confusion.

"I haven't slept since before I got trapped in here." He said, as if it was no big deal. I closed my eyes and inhaled slowly. He hadn't slept in 71 years. All of a sudden, a thought struck me.

"Virgil, are those bags under your eyes?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I guess so." I stared at him in worry.

"Virgil... That's not healthy." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"In case you couldn't tell, I'm stuck in mirror. I'm pretty sure that that's not healthy but you're not telling me off about it." He said gruffly. I sighed. There was no winning with him.

"Well I get tired, and I am right now. So I'm going to go to sleep." I said, turning around to walk out the door.

"Wait, Roman. Please stay. I'm lonely." He said. Maybe it was the tiredness talking, but I could hear desperateness in his voice. Sighing, I turned back around to face him. I smiled.

"Ok then, Dr Gloom. I'll stay. But only if you promise to at least try to go to sleep, ok?" He nodded, and sat down in the mirror. I walked over and sat on the toilet. I was just about to close my eyes when I heard a faint singing coming from Virgil's direction.

Someday, my prince will come,

Someday, we'll meet again,

And away to his castle we'll go,

To be happy forever, I know,

I couldn't believe it. He was singing a Disney song. I quickly did the maths in my head. Snow White was made in 1938, and Virgil got trapped in the mirror in 1947. He was 16 when he got trapped, meaning that he was alive when Snow White had come out. And his voice sounded amazing. I couldn't believe it. I smiled to myself and sang the next verse.

Someday, when spring is here,

We'll find our love anew,

And the birds will sing,

And wedding bells will ring,

Someday, when my dreams come true,

Virgil stared at me.

"You know Snow White?" We both said at the same time. There was silence for a few seconds before we burst into a fit of giggles.

"Yeah. I went to the movie when it first came out." He said. I nodded.

"Well, I'm a HUGE Disney fan. I've seen seen every movie AT LEAST twice."

"How many movies are there now?" He asked, tilting his head.

"At least 149." I said. He sighed.

"I guess I've missed a lot while I was stuck in here, huh." He said. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Like this was somehow my fault.

"I'll find a way to get you out, ok?" I said. He stared at me.

"Thanks, but I highly doubt that I can get out." He said, sitting back down. I bit my lip and layed down on the floor.

"I will." I whispering, closing my eyes.

~~~{ Time Skip }~~~

A voice interrupted my dreams


I rolled over, trying to ignore it.


I whipped my head up as I realised what the voice had said. Looking to my left, I saw Virgil pounding on the mirror and screaming. I had just gotten up to ask him what was going on when the door swung open. I leaped back to avoid getting hit, and I was greeted by Maddie standing in front of me.

"What are you doing?" She asked. I glanced at Virgil to see him staring back with wide eyes.

"Uhhh..." I said.

"I was just on the toilet." I quickly said. Maddie nodded and turned to walk out.

"Just don't be late for school." She said, walking out.

Mirror Man - Prinxiety AUWhere stories live. Discover now