Restless Night

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Ever since I've been living with the Sakamaki's ; I've been having stranger night mares the longer I stay . Not nightmares like the ones I used to wake up from when I lived with my father , the ones that after a while of my heart beating rapidly , hot blood and tears I would be ok .. These nightmares seem like clues to something that's happening when I'm awake .... usually that's how it's been going so far ..... I had no idea my life had this many secrets waiting for me ... I'm grateful I'm still alive ... even though most the time I live in fear ... ever since I've moved here .. I've felt the need to record my thoughts so they don't get scrambled and confused with my fear .. regret .. sadness .. but mostly fear ...

At least when I first arrived to the Sakamaki Mansion , I was terrified , I feel stupid about the way I saw things when I first met the family of vampires ... now I'm not as afraid , but I still walk around with the voice of anxiety poking at my brain , causing my heart to thump out of my chest ....

I can't sleep . Not after all these weird dreams I've been having .. I'm starting to feel I don't want to sleep ever again .....
"Hey there , Pancake ."
"Ayato?" I jump up startled by the sound of his voice , his smirk the first thing I see as his eyes focus on me , cutting through me as if he could read my mind , causing my adrenaline to run wild at his presence ....

What could he possibly want at this time of night ??? ....
as if I don't know ... deep down I know he's here to taste my blood once again .... to force me down and drink from me ..... so I brace myself for him ... but I don't feel a thing ...
"Having trouble sleeping pancake ?" He asks leaning closer to me on my bed , were both sitting up staring into each other's eyes , I pray my eyes don't show my fear but as always he sees right through me ...

"What are you so scared of ? After everything that's happened , are you still afraid of me ?" He asks , I can't tell if he's teasing but his smirk remains , and I stutter not sure at first how to respond ..
"I'm not afraid .. after all this .. I don't know what I feel...."
He smiles at me studying my expression reading me which started to make me more nervous ... what does he see ? What does he see when he looks at me ? ..... what do I see when I look at him ..... I don't know .. I can't understand .. I can't tell just yet ... but it can't all be just fear ... I know it's not ..

He places his hand on my cheek interrupting my thoughts . I knew he could see it growing smaller in my eyes ...
"You feel warm . Your shaking ."
I don't reply . I don't know what to say . I just shiver at his touch as his eyes travel down my body and his hand down my arm ....

Before I could make another sound or movement ; he leans in and sinks his fangs into my shoulder .. I flinch in pain .. trying my best not to make noise but I can't help but groan , I stay as quiet as I can .. no matter how much I think I'm used to it ... it always hurts ... but I never pull away...

"Oh I love when you make that sound. You try to say you hate it , you act like you can't stand it . But that sound of pain and look on your face tells me you love it .... Your mine . Only mine . Your heart , your body , your soul .. all mine .. for eternity ... tell me it's only me ... I'm the best .. and I'm the only one for you . Dedicate yourself to me . Admit to it ... your only mine ...."

He sits up to look at me , his eyes and smile cutting through me once again ..... I can see a drop of my blood drip from his lips as he continues to read me again ....

What is he thinking ? What is it he sees when he looks at me ? What does he see? What do I see when I look at him? .... I don't know .... I can't explain... it's been like that ever since I met him ..... but I know there's something more than fear .... it's confusing ... but I don't fear him... not really ... not now .... maybe that's how it was at first but .... somethings changed .... and I refuse to show it ....

We both stare at each other , both in deep thought for minutes to pass , until finally Ayato breaks the silence ....
"You should try to sleep." He says as he stands up from my bed ..

I don't say anything , I just turn over to my side and lay , but I don't close my eyes , I can't .. I can't sleep ..

I can't help but slightly gasp when I feel Ayato place his arm around me .. he doesn't allow me to look over at him ..
"Don't say anything . Go to sleep." He says demandingly as he bury's his face into my shoulder , holding me down with his arm ....

I dread the thought of going to sleep , but Ayato's body pressed next to mine warms me , making me sleepier , and as my eyes grow heavier I fall asleep with Ayato ....

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