Porsceline Doll

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I wake up in a cold wet ditch .... I'm soaked in mud and rain as my head pounds ... nothing but confusion , frustration, and anxiety fill my mind .... I look around to see nothing but trees looking back ...... I'm alone ... or so it seems .......

I keep walking looking for a path or a way back to the road but finally I'm forced to accept that I'm lost .... no matter how far I walk I'm still surrounded with nothing but trees .......

I have to get back to them ... their in trouble they need me ... I can't let them die ........

I keep walking as I struggle to catch my breathe and my body tries to collapse on me ; and finally I'm forced to give in and I drop exhaustedly on the ground ....

I start breathing in and out trying to calm myself until I hear giggling from within the trees...

I can identify where it's coming from but it sounds like a little girl .. I quickly turn my head in every direction while having a panic attack ... I can't think straight .... my eyes are just wide with fear and my heart beat is pounding as it grows even louder in my ears .... I feel light headed as I listen to my rapid heart beating until I quickly turn around ......

I look down ..... and when I look down I see a little glass doll ......

I pick it up to notice it's extremely old .... it's a pretty doll though and it's dressed in a lacy white night gown .... but one of her eyes are missing ...... I study her and then I finally realize there's a blood stain on the bottom of her night gown ; causing me to quickly drop her .......

I hear the girl giggle again ..... it sets me on edge and without thinking I begin to run ... I run and I run and I don't stop as I get scratched and cut on everything I run past ... thorns and tree branches as they scrape me making me bleed as I dash past them ........

And then I stop in my tracks almost falling forward .... it's a little girl ... she's standing maybe three inches away from me .... she stares at me .... and I stare back at her and notice : She resembles the doll ...... the doll I found near me .....

And when I look down ....... I see a blood stain on her night gown ....

"Are you ok?.... what happened to you ?" I ask softly trying to comfort her ... but in the inside I'm panicking with fear ....... and then she points past me .... and I turn a around to see a mansion .... it's beautiful... it's huge .... and it wasn't there before .....

I turn back to face the girl but she's gone .... maybe she wants me to go in there ..... and I seriously doubt I have a choice in the matter ..... so I begin to make my way towards the mansion ......

Did she die here?....... I gulp at the thought as I approach the front door in terror ......

where am I
where's Ayato
why am I here
Who was the girl I just saw
What does she want with me .......

These questions torture me inside as I shut my eyes tightly and ring the doorbell .... it doesn't make a sound but the door opens for me without anyone coming to it .....

I walk in slowly ........

I find the living room .. it's covered in velvet and I look to see parents and their child ..... the family are beautiful people ..... I can see their lips moving but I can't hear any of the words coming out .......

The little girl looks afraid .......

And suddenly in seconds the little girl becomes a pre teen ... at least 11 years old as she runs away from her parents crying ..... I proceed inside the house to follow her and her parents don't even notice me ....... they just carry on a conversation with each other and leave .... it almost seemed as if they were performing a scene in a play ...

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