The Death Vision

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Everything is so blurry but .... I can make out a little of it .... I hear two voices in a conversation ... loud , deep , intimidating voices that sent fear traveling through me..... I look up to see the man with no eyes ...... he's angry with the other man ....... and when I'm able to see more ....... it's Ayato .........

He's angry with Ayato ....
As I begin to make more out I see Ayato bleeding ... he's wounded ! I try to make a move to help but I can't move my body ..... I'm paralyzed somehow ....... and I'm forced to watch the man without eyes stab Ayato in the heart with some weird looking knife .........

I almost lose my mind and lose my eyesight from my tears as I sob and scream watching Ayato bleed out on the ground ...... I feel his blood reach me and it soaks me as I stare at his corpse losing all my sanity ......... and then I wake up .....

I wake up to see Ayato alive and well still staring at me in worry .... it's the same thing I saw before I blacked out ..... I couldn't have been out very long ....... but then Kou says I was out for seven minutes ..... everyone was terrified for me apparently but .... Ayato was the most panicked.....

Without saying a word as soon as my eyes adjust I shoot up and hug Ayato tightly ..... Everyone noticed how I was .as I woke up .... my blood boiling , my temperature rising , and my eyes blood shot from sobbing.......

Ayato was a little surprised as he returned the hug and held me just as tight ...... I clench his shirt as a sign that I didn't want to let go but I'm forced to anyway ...... Ayato picks me up and holds me in his arms ......

"Yui , are you ok??" I hear Ayato's voice and relief is sent through me .....

"What did you see?" Reiji asked coldly .......

"I saw-." I begin but it hurts to think about it ....

"It's ok , you can tell."Kou says to comfort me ... it works ..... he's always able to .......

"I saw the man without eyes .... I saw him kill-" I choke as I almost start crying again ......

Ayato strokes me and tries to calm me down as I force myself to finish ..... I look up at him teary eyed .....

"I saw him kill you." I say my voice breaking no matter how I tried to prevent it ....

Ayato doesn't say anything .... he just responds by holding me tighter ......

I hold on to him tightly still slightly crying as I bury my face in his chest ..... I can't help it .... I just can't stop crying ...... it was so real .......

Why am I so torn up about this ? I don't understand ... why is this bothering me .....

I get ahold of myself and let myself down from Ayato's arms , I wipe my tears still getting over it as I try to calm myself ...

"What do we do?" I ask aloud and no one gives me a response ..... A mysterious man that has no eyes that wants something from me is bound to kill Ayato .... the hits just keep coming .... and from what I've heard this man is very dangerous .... who's also bound to make a deal with the Makami's ........ more bad luck .......

"We kill him ." Ayato says coldly .
"What else would we do?"
I don't say anything . He's right . But how will we find him . And how will we do it ....... he's obviously not human ...... and I know there's still a lot these guys haven't told me ........

"Let's kill him then ." I say softly .. They all look up at me almost surprised ...... he's a monster ..... I'm not gonna feel bad for his death ...... but I suppose that's also how I felt when I first met the Sakami's ....... I can hardly even look at Ayato ...... so I take off for my room and walk away without saying anything ..... before anyone could say anything to me ........

I find Subaru's knife on my night stand ....... I grip it tightly in my hand and jump as I turn around to see Ayato standing right behind me .........


"Hey , Pancake ." He says softly ..... I don't say anything ..... I just stare into his eyes paralyzed ..... not saying a word ...........

"Hey." I manage to get out in a soft tone ...... but my voice cracks unexpectedly .... causing a bit of embarrassment as my cheeks glow red .... which causes Ayato to chuckle a bit .......

"Your adorable ..."
"That seems to be all you guys ever say."
Ayato looks confusedly at me .... so I explain myself as I gain my full voice back .......

"You claim to know me but you don't . You claim to want my everything but really you want my blood ... and when you compliment me ... I'm only ever adorable ...." I say causing Ayato to be the paralyzed one ........ he can't come up with something to say back so I just begin to walk away from him , but then he grabs my arm stopping me causing me to let out a gasp ......

"You don't understand .. I do know you .. I see inside you ... your blood speaks to me ... and I do want you .. and you are mine .. your everything not only your blood ... your mind , your body , your soul ...... your loyalty that you must pledge only to me ...... and I call you adorable because it is the truth ..... if being adorable is not what you prefer ; then what is?"

Now I'm the speechless one ... I was expected the complete opposite of that .. I was expecting him to get offensive or something similar .... for him to tell me off or something ..... but no ..... instead he gives me these beautiful words that I can't process enough to come up with the right words to reply with ........

I just smile slightly ....
"I want to be more than just adorable .... I am more than that .... and it's ok that you don't see it ...... we view things differently you and I . And do you know why that is Ayato?"

His voice just breaks as he tries to say something not knowing what words to let out , second guessing his thoughts so I go ahead and finish .....

"It's because I'm just a blood bag .. cattle ... a piece of meat to you ... just another source of blood to you .... and because I taste good ; is the only reason your interested in me at all ." After that Ayato truly is speechless , and after a few silent seconds between us I leave him alone in my dark room and head my way to the Makami's.......

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