A Short End For A Nightmare

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"but I -..... I don't understand ...." I stutter staring at my own corpse .....

They both laugh maniacally and the crowd behind us disappears .....

"All people ever do is leave me ..... I've never been in love before this ..... they always leave me ......" I hear my voice break uncontrollably......

"Ever wonder why that is ?" The woman asks rhetorically.... even her voice is stunningly beautiful ......

"It's because your nothing ... just a blood bag .... only meant to be used ..... until it's time for a new one ..... until someone's bored with you .... you are nothing ... and deep down you know it's true .... you always have ." She adds sharply ....

"But ... Ayato-...."
"You truly are hopeless aren't you ." He snaps at me ..... he laughs at me and begins to make fun .....

"You think I'd ever fall in love with cattle ?! Especially when it's someone like you ! You don't mean anything ! The only thing your good for is providing tasty blood ...... but when we're done with you ..."

He points at my corpse laying in the corner .....

"That will be your end ." He finishes coldly ..

"B b but -."
"B b but'" The woman mocks me .... and they both continue to make fun of me .....

"He's mine . He'll never choose you .. no one will . Ayato will never fall in love with the likes of you ." She snaps at me coldly ...

I want nothing more than to fight for him ..... my blood boils inside me ..... and Subaru's knife appears in my hand again .......

And before even thinking ... I charge at her .... my every being filled with blood lust and I can feel it show in my eyes as I flash a wicked smile at her and deeply stab her heart with the knife ...... she stares at me in surprise and pain ....... her eyes wide as she stares at me ..... and I'm the last thing she sees before she dies .....

Ayato runs at me ...... he's sobbing .... he starts slashing at me with his knife but I knee him in the gut and dodge him .
"Ayato stop!" My eyes are wide ... I'm panicking as he continues trying to kill me .......

"I don't wanna hurt you please! Ayato I -."
"I don't care !!" He yells and suddenly without thinking I duck from where he slashed his knife at me and quickly stabbed Ayato I'm the heart aw well ....

I hear him groan and gasp as I realize what I've done ..........

I've killed Ayato ............. oh my god !!! No !!!! Ayato please god no !!!!! I begin sobbing and loosing my mind ... he can't be dead !!! He can't be !!!!! He has to be ok !!!!! How could I have done this !!!! I should've just let him kill me !!!!!! I continue sobbing over Ayato's dead corpse ......... but I notice he's still on his last breathe ... and as I look down at him ..... he stabs me in the heart before he dies ......

It's painful ..... but I grip tightly to Ayato's hand which is now dead .. and I let my head fall to his chest as I take my last breathe .........

And then I suddenly wake up on cold concrete ......

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