Bite Marks

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I searched the entire mansion top to bottom for Ayato knowing I wouldn't find him but continued to try ... and I didn't ... my third time around I came back to my room to find Kanato standing at my door ..
"You look tired , Yui. Not sleeping well? Poor thing .. Why are you running around so much for ... lose something ?" The sun was already beginning to come up and I could feel it in every inch of my body how exhausted I am ... but I refuse to admit it...
"I'm fine .."
"Are you? Not only do you seem physically hurt but you also seem mentally troubled ... something on ur mind ? Not home sick are we?"
"I didn't have much back home . I left didn't I ?" I say as I try to get past him to my room ...
"How are those nightmares of yours?" He asks blocking me from the door nob..
"The same ." I say .
"Mm . Are they the reason your not sleeping well .. better figure things out quick .. the body of a mortal can only go so long without sleep ." He says smiling at me his eyes filled with madness as they stare into mine ...

" Have you seen Ayato?" I ask ignoring everything he said ..
"Why do you ask?"
"I haven't seen him..." I say caught off guard , causing Kanato to let out a laugh startling me ..
"Oh , Yui.. Don't tell me you've been circling this place looking for him all this time , have you?" I stand silent for a few seconds causing him to laugh again ..
"Oh , that's to cute ."
"What is?" I ask cluelessly but knowing where he's getting at...
"You have feelings for him." He says a chuckle still in his voice ...

"You know , Your nothing but a meal to him right?" Kanato says smiling ..

"I'm surprised .. with me it would be us together for eternity .. you know it's better for you .." Kanato leans in closer to me causing me to shiver .. I'm starting to get so confused I'm starting to enjoy the un sure feeling ... I think I always have ...
"Dedicate yourself to me , Yui. Me only . And if you don't .. I'm afraid I'll have to finish what I started ..."
"Killing me?"
"Yes. The only reason I didn't is because your still needed .. but as soon as everything is finished and at peace .. I will kill you .. or you can be mine ." Kanato continues .. I don't know how to reply ... I'm not going to lie to him .. or say something I'm not sure I mean .. but I don't want to die by his hand either ..
"I care about all of you equally , Kanato ." I reply ..
"That's not good enough !" He yells .
"Kanato ." I hear a voice behind me .. I turn around to see Subaru ..
"What is it Subaru." Kanato sounds irritated ..
"Reiji needs you . Meeting." I begin to follow Kanato until Subaru holds his arm out stopping me .
"Not you."
"Why not?"

" You can't come .. You need sleep  .. Whatever it is we'll let you know what you NEED to know understand ?" I just shake my head but deep down I wished I argue ..

But honestly I'm to tired and ready to pass out to care if I'm allowed to really ... I enter my room and drop to my bed instantly passed out ....

I wake up to find it dark out .. it's quiet ...

I slightly open my door to see if anyone was outside but .. no one .. just an empty hall way .. I quietly exit my room and begin to roam hoping to find Ayato ... but nothing ... why did he just take off like that? Why haven't any of the others wondered about him after all the time he's been gone ? Their keeping something from me ..... I know it ...

I continue walking only to be knocked back against the wall by someone .. after being startled I look up to see it was Laito ..

"Hey , little bitch." His smirk and eyes the first thing I notice ..
"Laito .."
"You know what I want .. oh how I've missed you , baby."
I smile a little at him to make up for not knowing what to say .... but I know what he wants .....
"Go easy on me ...." I don't fight anymore ... not unless I really feel the need to ... but I can tell with Laito ... Im not going anywhere ....
"Of course , baby ... oh your so special .. your so beautiful .." He continues ...
I don't say anything as he leans in and bites me .. HIs fangs sinking into my skin .. I don't realize I'm clenching the back of his shirt until he stops and I loosen my grip ....

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