Special Blood

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I check myself in the mirror to make sure I look nice ... when I first came here I assumed they were just blood sucking psychopaths but .. now I think I understand them .. or at least understand them more ; I only wish they could pay the same respects ....

I make my hair nice and put make up on my face as I slip into a black lacy dress with a strand of light pink down the middle , I stare at myself in the mirror for a few seconds thinking about everything that's lead me to this ... I feel more at home with a family of blood lust killing vampires than back at the church .... people didn't understand me much there either ... maybe that's why I was the one chosen to be brought here .... or the fact that I possess the heart of Ayato , Kanato , and Laito's dead mother .... I don't know ... but if I keep getting lost in thought like this I might lose the sanity I still have intact .. so I hurry to the dining room to meet the others in my lace dress and bare feet ... my dress comes up to above my knees and I have a pink pin in my hair ... I don't know why I tried so hard to look nice ... but when I reach the dining area to meet the others they all stare at me like I've amazed them .. Ayato most of all .. our eyes met again ... I could hardly look away from him when Laito made fun ..

"Aww did you dress up for Ayato?" Laito teased making me blush , so I hurry and take my seat next to Ayato , I find a plate set out for me but .... I just end up watching Ayato ... he didn't even notice me ... I try picturing him covered in blood and the maniacal look in his eyes but I can't ... I just see him normally eating his dinner like any other person a girl could be interested in ... but if I'm being honest with myself .. neither of us are normal .. the other ones not even human ... I'm the only human ..... and it's scary .. and as I get lost in these thoughts I find myself just picking at my food with my fork ...

"Don't play with your food." Reiji orders me without looking up from his plate , it startled me when the sound of his voice brought me back to reality ...

"The meeting you guys had .. the one I slept during ... was it about my nightmares ?"
"No , it was about something more personal that you have no business knowing ." Reiji answers , and the table goes back to being silent ....

"Ayato?" I look over at him . He looks up at me with his mouth full .
"When you visited the Makami's ... what did they say ... when you told them ... and questioned them ?"
"They said they didn't know about the events that occurred in your nightmares .. they told me they have no connections with people outside their household ." Ayato answers me as he continues eating ..

"Could they be lying?"
"No." Ayato answers immediately ..
"How are you so sure?"
"Because I had a knife to one of their throats ." He answered bluntly as he looked me in the eyes ... it caused a little bit of fear to show in me ... I didn't know how to respond to that ...

Dead silence returned to the table as I sat there paralyzed not knowing what to think ... but I'm not surprised ... after all it is Ayato ....

"The man .. In my dream .. He was young and he had a suit on ... he was pale and his hair black but ..."
"But what?" Reiji asks annoyed .
"His eyes were black .. they had no color or white in them .. they looked like two dark endless holes in his head ... not at first but the more he appeared in my dreams the more he seemed like that ... like when I saw him last night..."
They all stopped eating when they heard my words escape my mouth and they stared at me ... causing my face to burn red and go numb before Reiji finally said something ....

"Ayato , I need you to go back to the Makami's as soon as possible ." His voice sounds alert making me get excited too ..
"Why ? What is it?"
"And make your threat seem real this time ." Ayato stands up from the table and exits the room , I follow behind him before anyone could say anything to me ..

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