First Kill

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I find myself standing over my body .... I appear to be asleep ...... I see Irvine .... he's mixing ingredients I think .... it appears he's setting up for the ritual ....... we don't have much time .......

"I truly am sorry , Yui . You seem like a sweet girl but , these are desperate times and .... it just has to be your blood .... it's your blood I need ... but don't worry .... you'll wake up from whatever nightmare you're having soon .. you might have an outer body experience before you actually wake up in your body so .... I suppose that's why I'm talking to you .... you might be listening ....."

I continue to listen to him and I walk closer ..... so I guess I'm just a soul and I'm out of my body right now .... so technically that's just an empty corpse laying over there ...... I'm on the edge of dying ...... I'm almost dead ........

"But like I said .. don't worry ... your not gonna die ... not just yet anyway ..... the poisons purpose isn't to kill you .... it's to put you out and create fear in you ... it creates strange nightmares ... some stranger than others .... based on future events that are bound to occur .... so I assume ...... your nightmare had something to do with Ayato.."

He continues ....

"Where is Ayato !" I demand but ... of course he doesn't hear me .... I basically a spirit right now ..... and if Ayato was given the same poison he's most likely in the same state I'm in ........ and as soon as I begin to think about him I see someone carrying another person towards us .....

When they come closer I see Z ..... he's free from his chains and he's covered in blood .... I pray to good it's not Sakami blood ..... but I fear it may be ....... or maybe it's someone else's .. or just his alone ...... and then I see him carrying Ayato's body ......

I freak out for a few seconds terrified that he's dead until I look up to see him standing in front of me paralyzed by my image ..... he pulls me in and kisses me roughly ..... and I return it ....... we both can't help but shed tears and we can hardly take our hands off each other .........

"I don't understand ... are we dead ?.." he asks keeping his palm on my cheek ...
"No . It's an outer body experience ... we're souls or spirits you could say we're just not in our body's .... but we should return to them soon... and as soon as we do I'm gonna stab that devil in the neck ." I say sharply .... blood list showing in my eyes without me even noticing ......

But he notices ..... and it just causes him to hold me tighter and smirk....

"We'll give that bastard what's coming to him ..... but the boy-..." He begins ..... and I know what he's about to say ...... and I can't help but cry a little at the thought of it .......

I'm going to be forced to kill my best friend ...... I've been so focused on other things ....... I haven't had much time to let that sink in ......... how could I do that ....... I don't even know if I can ...... killing Irvine will be easy but ...... Z......

Ayato watches me think about it for a while and it causes him to worry ..... I can see it in his expression ...
"I know ." Is all I say .... and he replies with another kiss ..... this is the first time our kiss has had any meaning .... he kisses me roughly , passionately and longingly under the moonlight , our souls connected more than ever before ...... and it would destroy us to let go so we just hold on tighter ......... I hold on tighter to Ayato than I ever have ........ I can't let go of him ........ I stay in his arms until suddenly I feel myself gasping for air and see nothing but sky ......

I sit up to find that me and Ayato both have returned to our body's ....

Irvine looks at us with amusement ...

He was joyful ...... he's so close to winning ......

I jump up hurriedly only to be stoped by Z as he held a knife to my throat .....

"Don't even think about it , Y." He says in a sweet tone as he strokes a strand of my hair .

"Stay away from her ." Ayato demanded , hatred firing in his eyes at Z ......

It just causes him to laugh and he reveals a knife in his hands ... it was the knife Subaru gave me ...... Ayato tightens his fist and they both charge at each other and I just jump in between them to stop them without thinking at all .........

"Whoah wait!" I scream holding my arms out to separate them but Z pushes me out of the way ...... and as he's about to pierce Ayato's heart with the blade ;I take his hand that possessed the knife and turned it to his heart instead and I stabbed him in the heart .... and during that moment my mind and soul were gone .. numb ....

But as soon as I saw him bleeding and my hands covered in his blood as he collapsed I begin to freak ....

I just killed someone !

......and he was my best friend .....

And as I look at Ayato paralyzed by my actions and then back down to my hands drenched in blood something changes ...... something changes completely in me ..... and I can feel how I'm changing inside ...... I'm a different person now .......

"I told you .. I'm not the one destined to kill him ." Z struggles to get those last words out chuckling while choking on his own blood ..........

I know I loved him ..... but I don't feel any sorrow ...... I can't even bring myself to shed a single tear ..... I don't feel anything ..... i'm numb as I stare at my dead friend .......

His last words set me on edge though when I finally process them ......

Irvine's laughter startled me as it pulls me out of deep thought.....

"Bravo ! Beautiful !" Irvine cheers ... Ayato and I exchange looks .. Paranoia fills our eyes ...

"Now , Yui , pull that knife out of that boys dead heart ." He demands joyfully.....

I pull the knife out slowly and grip it tight in my hand .......

I walk quickly towards him and hold it took his neck .... my heart beats rapidly as I stand close to one of the worst monsters to ever exist .....

"Your pathetic .. nefarious .. worthless monster blinded by his lust for power ..... and because of you my best friends dead ....."
"I turned him into what he was but I am not the one who ended his life ." He replies with amusement smiling at me .... he snaps his fingers and suddenly I fall into the arms of Ayato standing away from him again .....

I quickly move away and prepare to fight Irvine .. Ayato does too .. and as we get ready to attack Irvine let's out a maniacal laugh ...

"You'd think that the poison and the kid would've hinted at it enough for you to realize!" He exclaims laughing .
"Realize what." Ayato demands ....

"Your not here to fight me ." He begins ...

"You are here to kill each other ."

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