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Ayato and I stand alone in the living room in silence ....... not saying a word ..

I wish he'd say something .... anything really ... I wish we'd stop keeping to ourselves and just speak our minds .... but for people like us I suppose it's easier to think it than to say it which strongly implies for us ... we are introverts ... we keep to ourselves mostly ... but then he finally breaks the silence .....

"We're alone." He says as he turns to face me ..
"Yeah..." I reply softly not sure what else to say .... my heart starts pounding , dancing's not enough to describe it anymore ..... more like just going crazy as it jumps around in my chest ..... my whole body shakes making it hard to stay standing ......

He studies me .... and I study him .... desire fills his eyes and hope fills mine ..... what will he do?.... will he just ignore it ..... keep me waiting for him to speak his mind even more .....

We're fighting the temptation to embrace each other ... I can feel it with the tension between us ...... and suddenly ; Ayato looses the ability to hold back .... he couldn't hold back anymore ....

He pulled me in and pinned me to the sofa ... he's on top of me now , pressed against me leaving no space between us ..... he sinks his fangs into me on my chest causing me to groan but he doesn't do it very long , he just moves his lips up and begins kissing my neck as he moves his hands all over my body ....... touching me everywhere ....

I can hardly even think it's all happening so fast .... I can't even think to fight it anymore ....... and then he kisses me .....

When I first came here and he saved me from drowning in the pool he kissed me ..... but this time it was different .... it was longing and desirable ..... he ran his hands down my body slowly causing me to moan but a little bit in fear .... I didn't know for sure if I wanted this or not ....... but I know I want Ayato .....

He takes my underwear off and throws it in the floor .. and before I can tell him anything .... no or yes ... please or don't his hand is where I know I shouldn't let it be ....... he moves slowly and I can't help but enjoy it a little ....... but I quickly push him off before it can progress ... he was about to take his clothes off and I knew what would happen then ....

"What is it?"
"I ... I don't know ... I just ....." my voice trails off and he kisses me so I don't have to struggle trying to think of what to say .... I'm sitting on his lap now and we're still kissing each other and closer together than we've ever been .. pressed up against each other as he keeps his arms around me ..... he keeps kissing me ...

But the kissing isn't lustful ... it's soft and sweet .... and I kiss him back just as sweetly ....... even though we've been holding back for a while ....... part of me still makes me wish we waited longer .... and I wish I wouldn't be drawn to him the way I am........

He stops kissing me .... and I can't help but look disappointed in my expression when I look at him ......

Why did he stop ?...

He smiles at me ..

"I knew it was me ..." He says happily but quietly as he leans his head on mine and we both look down away from each other's eyes ....

"Your mine." He says tracing my lips with his thumb ......

What just happened?... what was that ?!....... I don't know ... but I'm not letting myself give in like that again ....

I don't say anything ...

"Say something ." He says almost worriedly.....

"Why'd you stop ?....." I ask  softly ... my voice showing I needed it and it caused him to smirk up at me ...

He kisses me again ... it was a long kiss but felt like it lasted a second when Reiji interrupted us ...

He clears his throat ..

"How many times have I said such activities should take place in your room?" A hint of aggravation shows in his voice ..

Ayato groans
"Your such a stick in the mud ." Ayato says looking over at him ..

"Get her fully dressed , it's time to make the kid talk." Reiji walks away and I'm finally able to breathe .. when I let out a sigh in relief Ayato chuckles a little as he moves me off his lap ...

I miss his sweet kiss ...... but I suppose Reiji's right .... it really is the worst time for this .....

I stand up and put my stuff back on and Ayato offers his hand to hold .....

"I'll give you more tonight , Pancake ." Ayato teases ...
"Reiji's right ... it's not the right time ..." I say trying to keep my calm and a straight face ... but Ayato can still see right through me so he just responds by chuckling a little .....

Ugh ..... I need to get my head straight ... I can't let that happen again .....

Or ..... I don't know ..... but right now .

I just need to focus...

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