The Final Death

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I stare into space as Irvine's words sink in .... Ayato does the same ... and after we lose ourselves in the realization we look at each other knowing neither of us would kill the other ......

"For the perfect blood for the perfect ritual , we must have the perfect ending ! Where the two star crossed lovers kill one another to keep from living without each other ! Ayato is passionate Romeo to your desirable Juliet .. and if you refuse to fight I will kill both of you immediately and take Yui's blood .. If you agree I'll let your family live and one of you gets to walk away .. Yui might be a little light headed though cause I still need blood ." He explains enthusiastically with joy ...

I throw the knife to the ground

"You have me .. it's my blood you need , let Ayato go ."
"No , Yui." Ayato demands .. I can see a spark of fear in his eyes ..

"I won't kill you , Ayato .. and either way I'm done for .. we both know that he will drain every last drop of blood from me either way ... I want to know you'll be ok .... I want to die knowing you'll be alive .."
"You can't .. you can't do this ." He protests ......

"I'm afraid I'm not letting anyone go unless one kills the other .. someone has to kill someone ."
"Someone has to kill someone." I repeat ... and I pick the knife back off the ground .... and I look at Ayato....

"Yui?" Fear shows itself in Ayato's voice ... panic in his expression .. worry in his eyes ......

"It's ok , Ayato ." I say softly trying to comfort him .... but he just stares at me in fear ...... I don't think I've ever had him look at me like that before ........

"Come on ! I haven't got all night !"

I slowly walk towards Ayato .... the knife in my hand .... he doesn't move a muscle ..... he just continues to stare at me ..... and I keep walking closer and closer .....

He begins walking towards me also .... his fear gone and now his expression impossible to read ...... he trusts me ... and he thinks I'm going to kill him and run back to the Sakamaki's to keep my blood out of Irvine's reach ....... I know that's what he's thinking ........

But that's not my plan at all .... I'm fact the Underworld here is no longer my concern at all .... neither is my life or the life of others .... only Ayato's .... I only care for Ayato's life..........

We keep our eyes focused on each other ; unable to pull away .... and finally we're standing right in front of each other .... our eyes still focused on one another .........

I point the knife at Ayato's heart ; I prepare it to pierce him ..... he looks lovingly into my eyes ... I can see all the emotion pouring out of them .... I look lovingly back at him ......

And this time I'm the one who kisses him .... I kiss him softly .... I've finally accepted my feelings for him ..... I've finally given myself up to him ......

He kisses back just as sweetly .. his hand on mine that holds the knife touching him directly on his heart .... one stab and Ayato dies ......

"When I die .. you run like hell you understand ." He demands still looking into my eyes passionately.......

I don't say anything .... I just nod slightly and I can't help but shed tears ........

I look down at the knife ....... I look back at Ayato .....

"Do it!" Irvine tells excitedly...... my eyes are locked with Ayato's ..... and quickly before Ayato can make a move .....

I flip the knife quickly and stab myself in the heart instead.......

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