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Ayato and me meet the others upstairs to find Z still chained to the chair but showing cuts all over .... he looks like he's been tortured already but .... maybe that was just to get him ready for what's really about to happen ...

I pull out Subaru's knife and exchange looks with Ayato .. he doesn't show it in his expression but I know he doubts I can do it .
"Leave us." I demand .
"Are you sure you can handle this , Yui.?" Reiji asks..
"I have to ..."

They leave the room and now it's just Z and me ........

I can feel myself tremble ......
I still love him even now ..... I
Still have hope for him and I still
feel close to him the same way I did ...... and he notices the sorrow and fear that fills my eyes .....

"Those emotions aren't for your life their for mine." He says examining me .....
"I understand .. it must be hard to do this I know it's hard for me ." I punch him in the face and he spits out a little bit of blood .......

"That was adorable." He remarks as he smirks up at me .....
"Your gonna have to do a lot more than that to get me to talk."
"Where's the blind demon?"
"Demon ?" He laughs .." Well he's worse than any demon I've ever met so far . And I've met plenty in a short amount of time .. all his followers seems to be demons ."
"Followers ?"
He laughs again ..

"Oh you foolish girl , Of course he's gonna have followers ! He just has them waiting .. for the signal .."
"What signal?!"
He chuckles.....

"You can't save him." He says sharply his eyes cutting through mine .... my hearts beating rapidly ......

"Don't be so sure ."
"Oh , but I am .." "No matter what you do your futures gonna end the same .. before your death you will be soaked in your lovers blood as you sob and lose your mind over his corpse ." He spits blood at me and it lands on my cheek .... but I don't budge ..

"Nothing will stop me ." I say..
"And if you try to kill him I will kill you!"
"Oh you'll kill me anyway. You have to . And you dread it to . And I won't have to do anything .. I'm not the one destined to kill him ."
"Oh , Y , you truly are naive ."
I look at him questionably ...

"Then who's destined to kill him?! Where's Irvine !"
"That blind devil is simply waiting ."
"For what!"

"I understand why I must die ..... but why Ayato..."
"Someone your in love with must die."
"It's part of the ritual . Does something to your blood . Spices it up makes it real tasty ." He remarks smirking as his eyes fill up with madness ......

"My best friend truly is gone .... you may still be breathing but my best friend is already dead .."
"Nice way of looking at it .. whatever makes it easier for you .. but in order for you to live I must die .. cause if you die .. well then you have absolutely no chance of saving anyone , do you?" He chuckles ..

I pause in silence for a moment ....

"Ayato and I ..... were not in love ..."

He smiles at me ..
"You often blind yourself from the truths that lye In front of you .. your love for ayato being one of them .."
"If someone I love has to die why not you ?.. why'd he spare you .. I love you .."
"The love has to be fresh .. and when doing a ritual you have to follow the instructions by every word exactly other wise you'll fail .. Also your love for Ayato is different from your love to me .. it's also brand new .. not to mention how I'm one hell of a wing man ..." He laughs maniacally ...

I beat on him loosing control ... which made me realize he was getting into my head but I didn't care .... I keep hitting and hitting and I almost kill him ..... but as I raise my arm with the knife ready to stab him I stop myself .....

This causes him to laugh even more .. he found amusement in every second of this .....

"Where's . Irvine ."

He opens his palm to reveal a weird sketch ...

"What is that ?!" I grow alert and a little panic sparks in me ...

"It's a spell .. a damn good one too ... sets the perfect trap for lover boy ." He chuckles with every word and then uses his thumb to press into his palm so hard on the sketch until he bleeds ....

I stand paralyzed for a few seconds until I finally get a hold of myself and punch him to make him stop ... and as soon as he falls dead silent knocked out as I pounded his face I hear a loud bang from downstairs .....

I grip tight to Subaru's knife ... and I hurry downstairs ...

As I rush down the stair case I get knocked back by something .. I look up only to be paralyzed with fear ...

It's him ....... the blind demon ...

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