Ayatos Nightmare (ayato pov )

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Ayato wakes up in a strangers bed ....... he turns to find a beautiful woman sleeping peacefully next to him ..... ages completely in clothed and so is he ..... he finds his clothes and dresses hisself before the woman could wake up .....

He walks out of the room and down a hallway and down a stair case to find himself in the kitchen .... and when he reaches the kitchen he realizes he's famished ...... and so he turns to the fridge to find pictures of events with him and the woman happy together ....

He was so confused and needed to figure out what was going on .... but his main concern was finding Yui ......

He hopes with all his life for Yui to be ok as he pulls a bag of blood A type and guzzles it from the fridge ..... he couldn't investigate on empty .......

He turns around and jumps to find the woman standing behind him

"You ok , love?" She asks softly .... she was stunningly beautiful.... she was wearing nothing but a silk robe ...

"Of course , yeah , just needed some-."
"Oh , well , don't be to long .. I'll be waiting up stairs ......

Ayato nods as he watches her walk away .... and when she does he tosses to blood bag to the side and rushes out the door ...... he turns around to see a mansion he's never seen before ......

His mind was filled with questions which made him grow alert and paranoid ..... and suddenly he vanished hoping to arrive home ..... he turned around believing he'd see Sakamaki mansion ....... but when he turned around he was still in the same place .....

How could this be possible ......

Ayato begins running through the woods .... focused on nothing but finding Yui ....... but no matter how far I ran I always came back to the same place .....

It's some kind of spell work but no matter ...... he was trapped .......

He turns around to go back into the mansion and then steps on something ...... and when he looks down he notices some dirty creepy doll ..... he disregards it and smashes it with his foot ...... and when he does he sees a bloody tear she's from the dolls eye..... it was missing one of them .....

This set Ayato on edge causing him to dash into the mansion ....

And when he slams the door behind him he's startled to find the beautiful woman standing in front of him ..... a bloody tear was shed from her eye ..... but she still had both her eyes .......

"How could you have done that to me ? I thought you loved me !" She begins to sob and Ayato begins to panic .....

"I'm sorry baby , I didn't mean to ! Are you ok?" He says trying to comfort her .... and he lets out a sigh of relief when she hugs him and smiles ...

"Of course it's ok .. I love you ." She says sweetly resting her head on Ayato's chest .... ignoring how fast his heart was thumping out of his chest .........

And suddenly Ayato had no control over his actions anymore .... he couldn't control what he said or did ..... just how he felt ......

He found himself surrounded by candle light ..... and making love to the woman ... she truly was beautiful .... and the love they made felt pleasurable ..... but the entire time no matter how he enjoyed it he worried about the problems he left behind .... he worried about Yui's life ........

And then he gasped when he saw Yui watching them ..... he could see how it was breaking her inside in her expression ... he could see the jealousy , heart break , rage ...... blood lust .... but no matter how hard he tried and how bad he wanted to he couldn't even look her way ........

And then suddenly he was in a church ..... he was dressed in a suit and tie ....... it didn't take him long to realize he was being married ..... but he freaked when he saw Yui's corpse laying in the corner ..... but he couldn't even show it on his expression ..... it was almost like he was possessed ..... and it terrified him.......

And when the woman appeared he couldn't focus on her ..... only Yui ... the alive Yui that couldn't take her eyes off of him ..... who looked broken at this ........

Everything happened so fast but then Yui ran up to them ...... Yui made outbursts that stunned Ayato ..... some of the things she said he had no idea she would feel ...... not really ...... not completely ....... and every fiber in his being wanted to run to her but instead his lips join in on the harsh things the woman said .......

He called her nothing .... said he could never love cattle like her .... that she was nothing more than a blood bag ..... but what he really wanted to do was embrace her ...... but he wasn't the one in control of himself ....... and suddenly Yui stabbed the woman ........

This shocked Ayato ...... and he wanted to get Yui out of there .... he wanted to kiss her more than anything but instead the something else that was in control of his body attacked her ...... and Ayato hoped with every fiber of his being that she would win ....... that she would kill him .....

And suddenly he feels a sharp pain stab through him .... he looks down to see Yui pierced him in the heart ..... and he also saw Yui freak when she realized she had killed him ..... he watches her sob and loose her mind over his body ..... he watched her become drenched in his blood ........

He wanted to stroke her hair and comfort her ..... tell her it'd be ok ......... but instead he dies inside as he feels his possessed arm which was holding a knife pierce Yui's heart ..... he watched Yui die and the last thing he felt as he closed his eyes was Yui grip his hand .... and her head fall to his chest ........

And then he gasped for air and felt warm tears drop down his cheeks as he found himself lying on the cold concrete ....... it was only a dream ..........

And he can't help but feel relieved but still tortured by the horror sweat the nightmare gave him .......

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