Bleeding Heart

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I wake up from my sleep to the sound of fighting below me .... yelling coming from the living room .. it must be 3 in the morning because I can hardly keep myself awake as I look out my window to a pitch black sky .....

I grab Subaru's knife , grip it tightly , and hurry towards the sound of the fighting .. when I reach the main living room the Sakamaki brothers are on one side and the Makami's on the other facing each other with rage in their eyes ... except for Reiji and Ruki ... They keep their calm expressions and voices as usual .... but their still part of it ...

And when they all see me they stop immediately ... fear causes my heart to race ...... does Ayato know about what I did? Did I tell him that night? I hardly even remember it ........

"First you send this psychopath and he pulls the knife on us , and then you let your cattle run lose and SHE threatened us ! A spoiled little blood bag pulled a knife on Azusa!"
Ayato looks surprised .... I guess if I did tell him he didn't notice because at this comment he was stunned ; which caused me to be so nervous I thought I'd faint .....

"And I thought you cared about us , Eve." Azusa says in a sorrowful tone .....
"It's not that I don't care about you ....." I begin stuttering .....
"I just had to ." I say .... I can't explain ...
"For your best friend .." Ruki finishes ..
"What?" Reiji demands from Ruki an explanation ..

"The deal was her closest friend she had to leave back home in exchange for our lives ... so we made the deal to save each other ... if I didn't my brothers would be dead he had us before we could even think to put up a fight...."
"We know we have history with him .... but we had to ." Azusa adds

"Why do I have to find out about this now ?!" Reiji demands again .
"Pancake only found out last night , after she had a vision .. this friend of hers is supposed to set some sort of trap for us and kill her ... maybe it's part of the ritual .... maybe someone she loves is supposed to be the one to kill her." Ayato says ... which causes me to tremble..... I almost want to cry .... but I don't .... I have to stay strong ..... and be prepared for the worst ........

"We have to use me as bait .. and we have to do it tonight , we need to come up with a plan and the only way to draw him out is to put me out in the open .. I'll make a scene , make it look like I stormed out trying to run away so it looks believable .... and then I'll stop when I get somewhere we decide for me to stop I'll stop there and wait for someone to come after me ......"
I say .... there are so many holes in my plan though ......

"But what if that vision was lying to you , to make you think only you can draw this man out of hiding only so he can send your friend over to fetch you for him .. and then your vision will play out perfectly like he wants it to .. we'll both be dead and with your blood he'll rule the underworld ........" Ayato explains ....

"I understand there's a lot of holes in my plan ... a lot of negative possibilities but ..... I don't know what else we can do ....... Unless !-." I reach a realization causing all of them to be hooked as I hold up Subaru's knife ....

"I don't even know if my best friends still human ...... but if we can manage to kidnap him ! We could force information out of him! And we wouldn't even have to take a step near their trap!" I say almost excitedly ....... it seemed to set everyone on edge as they studied me .......

"You've changed ...." Laito suggests with a smile of amusement and pleasure as he studies me ....

"I don't know .... I feel like I haven't changed necessarily..... I just feel like my eyes are open now ....... and at first I didn't want them to be .... I was just afraid ..." I say quietly ..

"Well , either way , I love it." Laito says studying me from head to toe .....
"Right now , is not the time for this crap , Laito ." He looks surprisedly at me and if causes Ayato to laugh aloud at him ...
"She's right." Reiji says in a serious tone ...
"Now , whoever is going to kidnap this church boy , they can't go alone .. we don't know what could happen if they did." Reiji orders .
"I'll go." Ayato volunteers ...... he always does that..... but this time everyone gets the look on their face that lets you know their about to argue with him ... all alert and ready to protest .....

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