There Was Something in the air

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I think I had to upload this again for it to be right. I thought of the story being up in the summer after my college finals but I couldn't help myself so I started it now. I hope you enjoy this second chapter Xx

The next day Andy got to the set first since he was doing his first scenes with Amanda Seyfried. He received a warm welcome both from the junior and legacy cast. Andy instantly bonded with Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgard. A while later he was chatting with Pierce and Colin when his eyes diverted upward. His heart started racing, he couldn't explain why. Andy wasn't even listening to Pierce and Colin anymore. It was just her and only her. An angel had just walked in and gotten everybody's attention, specially his.

When Cher walked into the set, every single person there felt her presence. The entire cast made her feel welcome, all undoubtedly on cloud nine. Judy calmed down the crowd and instructed them to get Cher some space. As she kept moving forward and looking around, her eyes caught his staring. He gave her a small smile, that made her shiver, she smiled back at him shyly.

Pierce noticed Andy was awfully quiet and grinned once he saw who he was looking at "Don't just stand there, go talk to her" his voice brought Andy out of his trance.

"I will" he replied and went in Cher's direction

Cher saw Andy coming her way and felt her hands shaking, when he was withing hearing he spoke "Hi, I'm Andy, I play Fernando" he said in his deep voice.

The sound of it had send Cher to the clouds, she was hypnotized by it, when Cher realised she was quiet, she blushed lightly "Cher, well you already knew that" she said nervously  "I'll be playing Ruby, you already knew that too didn't you" she looked away shyly, her cheeks turning pink "control yourself, you idiot" she thought to herself

"Are you ok?" Andy said and unconsciously took her hand. They both felt electricity coursing through their veins. That made Cher look at their hands. She panicked on feeling her palms sweating. An inexplicable sensation in her stomach was starting up.

"Excuse me" she said taking her hand off his and running off to a corner of the set where nobody could see her. Andy was left stunned, he didn't know what happened. Did he do something wrong? He got concerned and followed her to where she went.

Once Andy stood in front of her, he carefully spoke "Are you ok? I'm sorry if I did something wrong, I didn't mean to be disrespectful I-" he was cut off by Cher connecting their lips. He was caught off guard for a minute but as soon as Andy felt her soft lips, he felt in heaven. Having Andy's sweet lips on hers was the most electrifying thing she ever experienced.

Cher panicked again when she felt him kiss back so she pulled away "Oh my God I'm so sorry, first day and I'm already acting like an idiot. I have to go" she said and ran off leaving Andy in a state of shock.

Most of the day Cher and Andy spent it separately learning the choreography for their song. Neither of them crossed paths after what happened. Cher's head was still spinning, she couldn't explain what she was feeling or if they were certain feelings.

A while later Cher was chatting with with Christine Baranski and Julie Walters. From the corner of her eyes she could see Andy only a few feet away practicing his lines. How was it possible that Cher could be feeling so many things without even knowing him that much?

Christine saw her and sensed the strange atmosphere, she decided to mess with it a little and see what happened "Wow this tension is thick, did you two make out or something?"

This made Cher's eyes widen and turned to her "what? What are you talking about?" she said nervously

"You and Andy are suppose to work together and yet you haven't been near each other all day" Christine remarked

"We have to learn the stuff before we can put it together darling" Cher looked away and saw the perfect opportunity to get out of the conversation "I haven't met my onscreen granddaughter, I'm gonna go say hi to Amanda" without saying anything else she walked away. Cher briefly talked to the girl until she walked away which was kind of awkward but she ignored it.

Andy was trying to concentrate on the script in his hand but he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss with Cher. It really took him but surprise but what really surprised him was that he kissed back. Andy had never done something like that before. He was married and had kids, he couldn't possibly have feelings for another woman. The thing is, it wasn't any woman, it was Cher. She was one of the most legendary artist in the world. Her iconic talent presided her and she was stunningly beautiful. Andy shaked those thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on his script.

At the end of the day, Cher got to the house she had in London. She had that house for many years since she lived there for a year. That way she didn't had to pay for a hotel unlike her other co stars. Pauly wasn't going to arrive yet so Cher took the time to freshen up and relax. Once she sat in bed, she took her phone and dialed Meryl's number. Cher had told her she would call once she'd finished on set. Pauly might be her best friend in every way but Meryl was always her second best to talk to when Pauly wasn't with her.

The call was answered almost immediately "Hello, about time you called" Meryl said on the other side, Cher chuckled "So how was your first day?"

"It was good, the cast was very welcoming" she plainly said

"Oook so what happened that went wrong?" Meryl said, Cher froze. Meryl knew her all too well and knew something was up, should she tell her?

"Nothing" she quickly responded

"Cher you're a terrible liar, if nothing happened then you would've tell me every detail of your first day on set" Meryl said smiling to herself

"Damn you're good" Cher said

"So what happened?" Meryl said

"I might have kissed Andy Garcia when we met" Cher told her nervously

"What?!!!" Meryl exclaimed "Why? Do you have feelings for him?"

"I don't know!!! I don't know what came over me. I was nervous as he was getting closer. I kept rambling and when he took my hand I panicked and ran away. He followed me since he thought he did something wrong but no and that's when I kissed him" she told

"Cher you are 70 years old-"

"I know, my reputation for hooking with younger man than me persists me. Great" Cher interrupted sarcastically while letting herself fall on the bed.

"No it doesn't and you are not a hooker. Listen, please try not to let the situation get out of control or you will get hurt" Meryl said

"You mean, don't fall for him" Cher said

"Cherilyn he's married" Meryl sighed "just be careful ok and if anybody asks-"

"I know!!! I'm not even going to tell Pauly, she's going to go crazy and tell me to get away from him. I'm not even sure what I feel about him, if I feel something about him" Cher said desperately

"Follow your heart honey but do things right and again be careful. Call me tomorrow ok?" Meryl said

"Ok, talk to you tomorrow" with that they hung up and Cher ended up looking at the ceiling. She didn't know what was going to happen tomorrow but she was terrified. Cher didn't know what she felt for Andy but it was something alright. Maybe she really was falling for him. Her fear was that Andy was married and she didn't want to get in between. Cher hated being that kind of woman. She was seriously in mayor trouble if something happened.

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There Was Something in the Air- ChandyWhere stories live. Discover now