I Would, My Friend

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I'm sorry if this is kind of short, I have writers block. Now more than ever with the stress of starting my second year of college tomorrow. I tried to finish this story before that but couldn't. I'm gonna do my best to try and finish before Monday. Enjoy Xx

Cher was really excited about the date, what would she wear?. Finally she decided on a purple tank top, a black pantsuit with golden laces and a matching jacket. Putting on a short black curly wig on, she finished with her makeup just in time to hear a knock on the door. She opened it instantly knowing it was Andy. He was drooling the second he saw her.

"Hey" Cher said in a shy smile

"You look amazing" Andy said, he took her hand and kissed it behind.

"Thank you, you too" Cher said, they heard a couple of chuckles. Turning to the side they saw Pierce smiling at them. Meryl came out moments later, kissing Pierce and the two walking toward Andy and Cher.

"Ready?" Meryl asked Cher

"Let's go" Cher answered

The two couples walked to Cher's car because it was bigger. The restaurant was a 20 minute drive from the hotel so it was kind of close. Arriving there, the place wasn't fully packed which was a good thing. It was a fancy restaurant near the beach. Both Meryl and Cher were enchanted by that, one of the things they had in common. Pierce made his way to the cashier, told him they had a reservation and a waiter guided them to their table. Pierce had chosen the perfect seats, outside away from the people but near the sea.

"Wow honey you really outdid yourself, I love this place" Meryl said to him as they all sat down

"I know, you're welcome" Pierce said

"It's really impressive man, thanks for doing this with us" Andy told him

"Yes thank you, the view is spectacular" Cher added

"All the best for our ladies" Pierce said looking lovingly at Meryl who smiled

"We only got tomorrow left here and only week and 3 days of shooting so lets enjoy each other while we can" Meryl said looking at each of them

"Aaawww don't remind me please, talking about that only downs the mood" Cher told her

"Ok sorry" Meryl said, a waiter came by and took each of the orders. They ate, talked and joked through the meal. Adding a bit of romance to the table, neither Andy to Cher or Pierce to Meryl could stop kissing them. Neither of the women let go of their hands on the men.

Meryl suddenly said "Cher I saw you talking with Benny and Bjorn in the break today. What was that about?"

"Ah yes, it's a little something for the fans after all this is over. They thought it was a brilliant idea" Cher told her

"Can you say what it is?" Pierce asked

"It's supposed to be a surprise so you have to promise to keep it a secret" the three nodded in agreement "Well I thought it would be fun to do an album of ABBA covers. But it will be after the premiere that I'm gonna start working on it."

"Oh that's a brilliant idea indeed, Cher and ABBA together already sounds fantastic in the movie" Pierce praised

"Of course, our song will be included but as a solo. Too bad you won't be singing it with me babe" Cher said to Andy

"It will be a hit nonetheless, like every album you've done" he said caressing her face, she smiled

"Well guys, does anyone want dessert?" Meryl asked

"Maybe later?" Pierce said seductively, Meryl laughed and kissed him

"It is getting late, we should head back" Andy said, everyone agreed and exited the hotel.

Once Meryl and Cher were left at their doors, they kissed the men goodnight. Only Meryl took Pierce by his collar and pulled him inside the room "Want to follow in their footsteps?" Cher asked, Andy raised his eyebrows and smirked in response. That was enough for Cher to do it, as the door closed, they ended cuddling in each others arms loving each other every minute. The next day was really crazy, getting everything packed to go back to London. Christine, Julie, Meryl and Cher had lunch together and talked about their double date. Andy and Cher had an unexpected but good love making session as farewell, in her hotel room this time. They were gonna see each other again but it still saddened them to be apart. They knew they had one week and 3 days left together so they were gonna make it their best.

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