One of Us

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Well I have run out of lyrics from the song "Fernando" so as we are getting closer to the end of this story, I'm gonna use titles of other songs from the Mamma Mia movies or ABBA in general. Long chapter, enjoy this one!!!

4 months have passed since the final day of filming the movie. Cher was keeping herself busy preparing her new ABBA cover album. She sometimes spaced out or looked at her ring, thinking about Andy. Pierce has been divorced for two weeks now. Andy was still married and fighting with Marivi about a lot of things, one of them being Andrés. Pierce was still fighting to see his son and for some other properties they shared with his wife. He did not have it easy because his divorce got public, unlike Andy's. That meant for him that he could not be seen making the wrong move or it could jeopardize his case. A similar thing went for Andy but was still kept hidden so they wouldn't draw suspiciouns. Meryl recently divorced Don, luckily they ended up in good terms. In all this, no one but them ever noticed all the chaos and cases were connected to each other. Cher was watching the news on Pierce being announced when she rushed to pick up the phone and called Meryl to tell her. They have been checking on each other like promised. Cher was with Georganne and Pauly who were shocked at the news on tv. Although Pauly already knew it was gonna happen anyway.

"Did you see the news?" Cher asked once the call was answered

"Yes, I'm making my way to my house in Pasadena as we speak" Meryl said

"Screw Pasadena, your gonna be an hour away, get your butt to my house" Cher told her

Meryl chuckled "Fine, I'll be there soon"

Cher hung up and saw Pauly staring at her "What?" She asked

"Great, now I'm gonna have to deal with two sulking women in the same roof" Pauly joked, Georganne looked slightly confused

Cher threw a cushion at her laughing "shut up, no you're not" she said then dialled another number, the called was answered on the third ring "Hey Pierce, I know you must be going through a lot right now. I just saw it on the news"

"Yeah everything is a mess, I'm seriously miserable" Pierce said sadly

"I know the feeling" Cher sighed

"I know, Andy has been through a lot too" Pierce told her

"How would you know that?" Cher asked curious, making Gigi and Pauly look at her.

"We've talked, he really misses you" Pierce said looking at Andy

Cher felt a lump in her throat, feeling the urge to cry but held it in "Listen, I'm doing you a favor to make you feel better. Meryl will be coming over in 30 minutes" she said

"I'll be there" Pierce answered, Andy was by his side silently begging to tag along which Pierce nodded in agreement. This made Andy smile, he hadn't seen Cher in so long and was desperate to be with her.

"Great, see you then" Cher said and hung up

"Are you seriously going to set them up? Cher this is dangerous for everybody. Pierce's divorce got public but Meryl's didn't and if it does-" Pauly argued, Georganne's eyes widened

"Relax, it won't. I can at least make her happy by doing this. For the both of us" Cher told

"Hold it!!! Did I miss something?? Meryl got divorced?? And what does Pierce have to do with anything?" Gigi exclaimed

"You really don't see the connection here?"

Gigi thought for a moment until she finally caught up "No way!!"

"You have no idea the extend of what you missed during filming" Pauly blurted out, Cher threw another cushion at her. This left Gigi more puzzled which led the others to explain everything but leaving out Cher's part.

About 30 minutes later, Meryl got to Cher's house being greeted by all of the three present women. She hugged Cher last "How you've been?" Cher asked

"Same as you I assume" Meryl sighed, Cher gave her a sad smile 

"Im a bit lost here" Gigi whispered to Pauly

"Don't ask, it's better to stay lost for now" Pauly told her

"Have you heard anything?" Meryl asked Cher while leaving her suitcase by the door.

"Not much, I'm sorry" she said, Cher sighed and Meryl squeezed her hands. At that moment the doorbell rang

"Well Mary Louise, thankfully I have a very punctual neighbor who is dying to see you" Cher said smirking, Meryl's eyes widened. She gestured Pauly to open the door and as soon as it did, Pierce appeared with his dashing smile.

"Pierce!!!" Meryl exclaimed and they immediately hugged, he kissed her on the head then on the lips "I've been so worried"

"I know, I have been fighting so hard but without you to give me strength" Pierce said pressing his nose against Meryl's, he turned to Cher "Thank you for doing this, I know it's a risk"

"No problem, anything to make my friend happy" Cher said a bit bummed out

"I wish you could be as happy as I am right now" Meryl said hugging Pierce, Cher shrugged

"Am I the only one that doesn't know what that means?" Georganne said

"Yes stupid, you are" Cher said rolling her eyes

"Well I think it's time for her to find out and for me to repay this favor" Pierce smirked, Cher froze surprised and Gigi still looked puzzled "Hey Andy!!" He called

Cher froze but as soon as Andy came to through the door her expression was priceless, he smiled wide "Oh my God!!!" She exclaimed and ran right to him making him tumble. He instantly wrapped her in his arms, brushing her hair with his fingers. Taking in her scent, joining his forehead with hers and smiling at each other. That much needed contact was finally made.

"Are you waiting for permission? Kiss already geez!!!" Meryl teased interrupting their moment, she was holding on to Pierce while looking proudly at the moment. Cher and Andy giggled before sharing the most wanted passionate kiss. Gigi's jaw drops as she witnesses the moment, her reaction made Pauly laugh. Pierce and Meryl couldn't stop smiling, they too shared a kiss.

When Andy and Cher broke the kiss, they locked eyes "I can't believe you're here, finally. Not knowing about you was driving me crazy. I didn't know how you were or what was going on. I wanted to be by your side if you needed me. The distance was killing me" she told him

Andy kissed her hand with the ring on and said "Me too, I was desperate to contact you but I couldn't. Marivi is making our divorce process difficult but I needed to see you. To tell you I love you and that I will fulfill my promise to you. I will come back to you as a free man"

Cher kissed his lips again "I know you will, I have complete faith in you, in us. Just come back to me" she said, caressing his face as to proof he was really there.

"I will, promise" he said

They hugged and kissed one more time before Pierce said "We can't stay much longer, specially Andy. We just wanted to see our girls" he held Meryl close, kissing her head then her lips "I love you"

Meryl nodded "I know, me too" Pierce walked to the door and opened it.

Andy and Cher had their bodies pressed against each other "I love you" he said

"I love you too" Cher said, her voice cracking. Their bodies slowly parting and their hands letting go as Andy walked out the door. Tears were rolling down their faces.

When they disappeared, Cher and Meryl leaned against each other still emotional "I know it's hard but it will get better before we know it" Meryl assured

"I hope you're right" Cher said sadly

Pauly came closer giving Cher a side hug "It will" she looked at Georganne who was still speechless "lets get to the couch, we owe Gigi an explanation or else she's gonna explode" she said

Cher did hope Meryl was right and things got better. She just wanted her and Andy to be together. Everything at the moment was uncertain. Now, what was keeping them strong was their love for each other.

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There Was Something in the Air- ChandyWhere stories live. Discover now