Another Starry Night Like This

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Lovelies I'm running out of lyrics of the song for titles so soon they won't be from it.

The night progressed with a lot of chat and laughter. It was wonderful to have Meryl finally join the cast. Judy had just announced that they had three days off before reuniting in Croatia. Everyone cheered and the music started. The young cast were the first ones to the dance floor.

"You know Meryl, Pierce hasn't taken his eyes off of you all night" Christine said to her friend. The four women along with Pauly were at their own table.

"Shut up, you think I haven't noticed?" Meryl said glancing at Pierce then back to the girls

"You think he still has feelings for you?" Julie asked her

"Jules, what happened between us 10 years ago was good but it wasn't right. We were and are both married so it had to end" Meryl said

"You mean, you had to end it" Christine remarked, Meryl's eyes fixed at the table "I heard that his marriage has been through its ups and downs since then"

"Well what does it matter?" Meryl said

"Meryl, you and Don rarely see each other anymore and you barely talk about him. If Pierce's marriage is practically over and yours is falling apart this means something, you know I'm right" Cher says

"You guys are crazy, it doesn't mean a thing. Things change in 10 years" Meryl argued "But lets not forget your story with Andy Cher, you two are moving pretty fast" she teased

"Yes I know, he's perfect" Cher said putting dreamy eyes making the girls giggle "but we are not talking about me, we're talking about Meryl" she tried to change the subject but failed

"Come on Cher, tell us about you and Andy. We all want to hear the juicy details" Christine said laughing

"What can I tell you that you don't already know girls?? We're in love" Cher said, they all awed. Cher sensed eyes on her and when she looked up, Andy was staring at her smiling. She smiled back shyly before turning her attention back to the others.

"Why don't you tell them how I caught you two in the house" Pauly said leaving the group wide eyed

"What?!!" Meryl exclaimed

"Oh my God, it was so embarrassing" Cher laughed

The group leaned in to listen to the story. A while later they kept chatting and joking while watching the rest of the cast dance. Then they see Pierce and Andy walking to their table.

"Would any of you ladies like to dance?" Pierce asked them

Cher stood up excited "I already have a dance partner Pierce, sorry" she said accepting Andy's hand, they chuckle and took off.

"Christine and I are too tired to dance so we are keeping Paulette company" Julie before glancing at Meryl

"I guess you know what that means" Pierce said to Meryl as he stretched his hand

Meryl bit her lip nervously but took the risk "Ok fine" she said and they went off

On the dance floor, Cher saw Pierce and Meryl dancing so she smiled.

"Mission accomplished I see" Andy said

"Yep" she said looking happy into his eyes

"I can't wait for Croatia, it's the ultimate romantic destination. It's perfect for us because I want to treat you like the queen you are" he said to her

"I can't wait either, being in such a paradise with you is a complete dream" Cher said "What sucks is that for three days I will be here alone until then and you are going to be-"

Andy stopped her, he didn't want to hear her say it "Missing you, thinking of you until I can have you in my arms again. Loving each other no matter what happens" Cher rested her head on his chin and he kissed her on the head. They kept each other close as they danced through the night. The party kept on going with everybody having fun, mingling and joking. Soon they all left to their respective hotels to pack their bags.

Cher and Andy were really bummed about the separation but they knew they would be together soon. Cher got home really sad but Pauly quickly comforted her. Andy on the other hand had a pretty rough night. He got a call from Marivi and they argued again. Marivi was mad because Andy wasn't picking up his phone, he excuse himself saying he was working. Marivi argued that their son Andrés was having trouble in school and she didn't know what to do. Andrés was in high school but was struggling because he wanted to work as an actor like his dad. Andy wasn't in very good mood so the fight worsened it. When the call ended, Andy thought about calling Cher but he assumed she would be sleeping. Andy disliked the thought of going home and away from the woman he really loved. He couldn't wait to see and be with Cher in Croatia.

When Andy got to his house in New York, the first thing he did was talk to his son. Both father and son came to an agreement and everything was resolved. Marivi wasn't home yet so he took the chance to relax before seeing his wife. He sat in his studio trying to work some things out. He couldn't concentrate, his mind was always thinking about Cher. Their love gave him peace, he believed they could be together. Moments later Marivi came into the room. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. He froze to the touch, it was familiar yet so different from Cher's.

"Hey" She said "How was the trip back?"

"It was good, listen I talked to Andrés. He will be ok" Andy told her

"That's great news" Marivi said before kissing him on the cheek again then trying to reach his lips "I have missed you" she said in between kisses

"Marivi, I'm trying to work please" Andy said moving away, the truth was he didn't want her close.

"Andy come on, I'm sorry about the fight. It won't happen again, I was just frustrated because I was rushed up with work. Plus the thing with Andrés and you weren't here to help me. I was out of control, I'm sorry" Marivi said kissing his lips, Andy didn't know how to react. He was angry at Marivi but he felt guilty because she loved him. Marivi loved him and he loved another woman.

Andy looked at her "Ok well I'm sorry too, why don't you let me finish this. Go make lunch while I call the others and confirm that they're coming" he said kissing her hand, she nodded and walked away. Andy groaned in frustration, he didn't know what to do. He had a woman who was trying her best to save their marriage but his heart belonged to Cher. Andy was also worried about Andrés, he asked himself if his son could handle a separation.

At lunch time, Andy's other children came to lunch. They caught up with each other and had a nice time. When it came to bedtime, Marivi made a move on Andy. He refused saying he was really tired but Andy couldn't just be with her anymore. He felt like if he was cheating on Cher and not the other way around. The next days were fine, calm, they didn't argue. Although, Marivi sensed that Andy was distracted and distance. Not rude but she wanted to be with her husband. One the last day, Andy was preparing his suitcase. He was surprised when he saw Marivi making one as well.

"What are you doing?" Andy asked

"I'm going with you to Croatia, isn't it fun?" Marivi said

"Why didn't you tell me?" Andy asked again

"I wanted to surprise you, you should be happy" she argued

"Marivi I'm gonna be working, you will get bored" Andy said

Marivi got closer to him "Honey we have been through some hard times. I want to make things right between us.  What better way than in Croatia, it's beautiful there"

"Marivi don't do it" Andy told her, he was getting frustrated

"The flight is already booked and it's not gonna be the entire week. I will only be there three days" Marivi insisted

Andy sighed "We better go or we'll be late" he said, Marivi smiled and continued packing. Andy was furious inside, he could only imagine the look on Cher's face when she sees him arriving with his wife to the set. Sadly, he couldn't do anything about it. The last thing Andy ever wanted to do was hurt her. These three days were going to be miserable for him and for Cher.

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