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Cher poured her heart out to her best friend. She told Pauly everything, how she felt about Andy, how Andy felt about her, the events that happened in her absence. Pauly couldn't believe her ears, Cher was doing things she'd never thought she would see her do.

"Cher this is so unlike you, Andy is a married man for goodness sake. You two are having an affair and it's wrong" Pauly scolded

"I know!!! You don't have to tell me. I'm already getting enough scolding from Meryl" Cher said

"Meryl? So she knows?" Pauly asked, Cher nodded. Pauly was saddened by this, even more when she remembered "Wait a minute, at the party we went on the first days on set. Christine Baranski and Julie Walters were with you when you were crying outside. You were crying because of Andy, right? they knew that"

"Yes" Cher said, this hit Pauly harder

"I don't know what upsets me more, that I think that what you are doing is wrong or the fact that I was the last one to know. And the way that I found out makes me feel betrayed Cher. I thought you trusted me, Jesus" Pauly said frustrated

"I do but I knew you were going to talk me out of seeing Andy and I can't help what I feel for him Pauly. I love him and we always tell each other to follow our hearts. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you but I knew you were going to be against this. He makes me feel a way no one has ever made me feel. Not even Rob all those years ago. I'm aware that he's married but he promised to fix it as soon as the movie is over. Please Pauly, I need my best friend with me on this." Cher pleaded

Pauly sighed "I still think you two are making a mistake but also can see that you really love him. Andy must love you too for him to do these insane things to be with you. I'm still not ok with this affair between you" she paused when she saw Cher frown " but I'm not gonna say anything and you as always can do whatever you want. I'll be by your side even if I don't like the way you two are handling this. You are crazy but you are also my best friend and I love you" she said and hugged Cher

"Thank you, you're the best" Cher said in the hug

"I know" Pauly replied pulling away "Now wait until I tell you the things I've been through at home" she said, they laughed and started catching up.

For two days Cher had to find different ways to make up to Pauly for what she did. Andy apologized for what he put her through but Pauly was still not so keen of the situation. He wasn't a bad guy, they get along really well, it's just difficult to get use to the secrecy. The day to shoot the official scene for the long lost couple came and everything seemed perfect. All the cast and crew were excited, Andy and Cher were ready to put their hearts into the moment. The set was full of people, more than usual. Pierce had brought her mother and some of the others brought relatives too. Judy also brought to the set one of her siblings. There was not a soul who didn't want to miss this moment.

When the music started everyone held their breath. Cher started to sing and the crowd was enchanted. She didn't take her eyes of Andy, she was extremely nervous but with him there, she was ok. Andy was taken by her elegance and beauty. They sang in tune and dance in sync without taking their eyes off of each other. Every second they got closer, sparks fly in the air. Chills were running through their bodies. To anybody would have been the jitters of the moment but to them was the longing they felt to be in the others embrace. Andy's touch was so calming to Cher, she was concentrated on him only. The end of the song was near and they were finally close. Cher was the one to lean in and connect her lips to his. Hearing the fireworks sound in the background. She couldn't wait any longer and took him in her arms and he did her and kissed passionately. His tongue entered her mouth and Andy tasted her lips. It was a kiss they waited for two day but for them it felt like forever. The crowd clapped around them, this made them aware of their surrounding and parted. Cher looked at Andy in the eyes and gave a small smile. He smiled back and kissed the back of her hand, she blushed. They both turned to the crowd and took a bow.

"I'm gonna go greet the guys and meet me at my trailer in 20 minutes" Andy whispered in her ear, she nodded and went to where Pauly, Christine and Julie were.

They all were telling her how amazing and magical it was. Christine teased her about Andy and they laughed. Pauly was still a little on edge but she was happy that Cher felt happy. She took a few pictures with the extra people that were there. Then Judy came to her to congratulate her.

"Thank you" Cher said

"You know, Meryl was on the set" Judy told her

"Oh really?" Cher said letting out a nervous breath "I'm so happy I didn't know, I was really nervous and it would have made me more nervous" she teased

"Well she thought you were amazing as we all did. Listen, I already talked to most people, we are having a welcome party for Meryl tonight. You must come please" Judy said

"Of course, count me in. Send the details to my assistant Jen and I'll let Paulette know. Excuse me" Cher said, rushed to Pauly to tell her about the party and to go home and pick out their outfits.

"Are you staying?" Pauly asked

"I'm gonna go see Andy in his trailer" Cher whispered

Pauly rolled her eyes "Fine, I really hope you don't get caught" she sputtered, Cher looked at her annoyed but made her way to meet her lover.

When Cher entered the trailer and closed the door behind her. She was received with two strong arms wrapping around her. Cher inhaled Andy's scent happily, caressing his strong arms while he kissed her on the cheek.

"You stole the show and were extremely beautiful doing it" he said with his head on her shoulder

"You were also wonderful" she said, they sat on the couch with her on his lap. Cher wrapped her arms around Andy's neck and kissed him with all force. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her against his body. Andy desperately went down her neck and sucked it.

"Whoa easy tiger" she giggled and backed away "You're gonna leave a mark"

"I want you, bad" he said kissing her

"Me too" Cher said in the kiss "But I have to go get ready for Meryl's welcome party tonight" she stood up but before she could walk away, Andy pulled her to him. She giggle when Andy swayed her side to side.

He kissed her again and said "See you there then" she nodded

Cher got home and she and Pauly got ready. Later the two arrived at the reserved restaurant where almost everyone was already there. She saw the young cast, Amanda, Dominic, Colin, Stellan, Pierce, Andy, Christine, Julie, Benny and Bjorn, Julie, Alexander and Ol. She and Pauly greeted everyone and sat at the table. She started talking with Christine and Julie when a couple of minutes later Meryl entered the room. They all cheered for her and the three women stood up, ran towards her and group hugged.

"We are so glad you are finally here" Christine said excited

"Yes!! Mamma Mia is not the same without you" Julie said

"I know girls, I'm happy to be here" Meryl said, she turned to Cher "We have a lot to catch up on"

Cher gave her a playful look "We do" she chuckled

"Come on, let's go join the party" Meryl said and they went to sit at the table.

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There Was Something in the Air- ChandyWhere stories live. Discover now