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This chapter will probably be a little boring but I promise that the good stuff will come after this. I have been trying to study for college, my mind is all over the place. Enjoy!!!

July 14 press conference

The day of the premiere was getting close and everyone was really busy doing press. Today was the first press conference with all the men of the movie. The conference went well, there were a lot of questions and laughs. Andy seemed a little concerned that day and Pierce noticed. After everything was over, he  invited Andy for a drink so they could talk.

"Is everything ok? You seemed a bit quiet today" Pierce asked

"I got a call from Marivi's lawyer yesterday, she agreed on the shared custody for my son" Andy answered but not sounding too excited

"That's suppose to be good, you should be thrilled"

"I am but Marivi called me herself this morning saying Andrés could come to the premiere. Both calls were a bit odd, she is up to something, I know it, I know her and I'm worried of what it could be" Andy rubbed his face frustrated

"Why?" Pierce asked

"Because I talked to Cher about her meeting my children at the premiere and letting our relationship be known at the after party. She said yes but with this, I'm afraid Marivi does something that could mess it all up" Andy said

Pierce chuckled "Both of us really think alike, I told Meryl about doing the same thing but after the premiere. We can wait, that way nobody thinks everything was fixed that way" Andy gave him a small laugh

"Good idea" Andy smiled "Pierce I don't want to put Cher in a position where she could be in a scandal. Everything she does is big news and the media take advantage of that. I don't want anything bad to happen to her"

"Believe me, I get it. You just have to play your cards right and be prepared for anything. It's going to be ok, everybody knows how tough she can be" Pierce said

"That's true, gosh I love her so much. I want to be with her more than anything" Andy said

"I can tell, I know exactly how you're feeling" Pierce said

"My children will be here tomorrow afternoon for to be ready for the premiere the next day, Let's hope everything goes well" Andy sighed taking the last drop of his drink

Pierce followed his action "It will, relax. Meryl will arrive tomorrow too, I'm dying to see her"

"I bet" Andy teased, they laughed and got up to go their hotel

July 15 press conference

The next days were the women's, turn for the press conference. The only man was Benny Anderson. They seemed excited to talk about the proyect and working together. It was a complete success, everyone had the time to talk. Though nobody at the table noticed Cher was a bit distracted the entire time. Pauly was behind the crowd of cameras and interviewers and did notice. She tried to get Cher's attention which sometimes worked and sometimes it didn't. At the end, Pauly walked to her yo check on her, seeing the worried face made Christine walk to her too.

"What's wrong?" Pauly asked, Cher shook her head

"Don't try to hide it, I was watching you and you were kind of out of it" Christine added

"Let's go somewhere else so we can talk" Pauly said, they went to a nearby cafe not far from where they were. They sat and ordered a snack

"Now, tell us what's going on" Christine said

"Andy wants me to meet his children and I'm really nervous about that. Not as an artist but the woman he loves. And that's not all, he suggested we let our relationship out during the after party tomorrow. I agreed to do it but it scares the shit out of me" Cher rambled

"Aaawww so sweet, you shouldn't be scared of that. Everything will turn out ok, I'm sure" Christine said

"Cheralina I know why your scared but I think can get through this. Everyone loves you and Andy's children will too. As for letting out your relationship, this will be nothing like when you were with Rob. Yes, there will be attention because come on, you're Cher" Cher rolled her eyes at that with a smile "but the attention won't be the same. After some time it will go away and everyone will move on. Or at least hope that they get bored and talk less about it" Pauly said

Cher giggled "You always know what to say to make me feel better. Thanks Pauly"

"That's what best friends are for" Pauly said shrugging her shoulders smiling, happy that Cher was more relaxed

"She's right, you and Andy love each other and as long as you have that, nothing and no one can take it away. I have said the same thing to Meryl you know. You both have a career like no other a two of the biggest fan base, they will love it. Sure there will be setbacks but the appreciation and respect you get is above it" Christine said

"Thank you both, I needed this confidence boost. I'm so glad to have talked about this" Cher said

"Glad we could help" they said in unison, they laughed and continued to talk about random topics until having to say goodbye.

Later that night, Andy called Cher to talk about their days, that he got the shared custody and say goodnight.

"Did your children settled in ok?" Cher asked

"Yes they're ok, I'm happy to have Andrés with me here" he said

"And I'm happy you got the shared custody and you're happy" she said

"we're steps away from finally being able to be free, we're in this together" Andy said

"I know, I'm so nervous about tomorrow" Cher said nervously

"You will do great, we still have the interview in the morning before the premiere. We can sneak out after it for a few minutes" he suggested playfully

Cher laughed "You're just horny"

"Maybe, but it's tempting isn't it? Come on, you know you want to" Andy said chuckling

"Possibly" Cher admitted "Ugh, I hate to get up early. I'm not a morning person"

"But it's worth it so I get to see you again" Andy said

"That's true, can't wait" Cher yawned "I'm getting tired, gonna head to bed"

"Sleep well sweetheart, I love you. Good night" Andy said

"Love you too, good night" That being said, they hung up and went to sleep. A big day waited for them tomorrow and they were ready for it.

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There Was Something in the Air- ChandyWhere stories live. Discover now