We were young and full of Life

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I'm back!!! I'll try and update more often. This is more difficult than what I thought it would be. Enjoy!!!

The next morning Cher woke up by the sunlight in her eyes. She felt lighter which could only mean one thing. Turning around she saw the empty space by her side. Andy was gone, that saddened her. They had a wonderful evening yesterday. They cooked together, they talked, they joked and made love one more time. Cher smiled at the memory and what Andy made her feel. She thought she would never feel so loved again but the chance came unexpectedly.

Cher got out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. Of course, she was going to work so she didn't have to overdo herself. Nonetheless, Cher put on her best casual look. It felt right, she was going to work but she also wanted to look good for her man. Cher went down to make herself some breakfast before calling her driver. She was surprised to find a covered plate on the kitchen counter. When Cher got closer, she saw a note and smile when recognizing the handwriting.

Good morning beautiful,

You looked so peaceful sleeping, I didn't want to disturb you. I had to go early to my hotel and change my clothes. Being with you yesterday was the best time ever. I'm hoping we get to do it again and again. I made you breakfast, all you have to do is heat it up. See you on set, I love you.


Cher's smile grew, she pressed the note against her chest and sighed happily. This man was truly wonderful, she couldn't ask for anyone better. She uncovered the plate to reveal 2 pancakes with scrambled eggs on the side. She heat it up and ate it, Andy was a box full of surprises. Cher finished, washed the dishes and called her driver to get to the set. On the way, her only thought on her mind was seeing Andy. She wanted to thank him for the breakfast and the note. When Cher arrived on set, she looked for Andy but didn't see him. She went to her trailer to out her things away. Once out, the first people she saw were Christine and Julie.

"Hey Cher!!" Julie called getting closer with Christine following

Cher turned to them smiling but truthfully she wanted to get out of there and look for Andy "Hi girls" she greeted

"Did you just got here?" Julie asked

"Yeah so I better get to Ol for instructions" she said and started walking away but Christine and Julie went after her

"Listen, we are guessing you worked things up with Andy. Am I wrong?" Christine said

"What makes you say that?" Cher answered nervously

"Oh come on, he came on set in a very good mood. We know the drill very well Cher so spill the tea" Christine said excitedly

"Did something happen between you two?" Julie asked wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

Cher stopped before reaching the set and looked at each of them smirking "The better question would be, what didn't happen?" Cher said. The women gasped in shock and the three of them started squealing from the excitement and jumping while holding hands like teenagers "Ok ok, keep it down you two" she laughed

"So he was good?" Julie asked playfully

"He was so good!!" Cher stated excited, they all laughed again

"Tell us everything!!!" Christine said

Cher smiled, paused for suspense then said "I don't kiss and tell darlings" she giggled, turned around and walked to the set leaving Julie and Christine whining in disappointment which amused her.

Stepping into the set, Cher's eyes scanned the room for Andy. As soon as she spotted him, she didn't like at all the sight in front of her. Andy was talking to Pierce and Amanda, laughing and joking around. He had his arm around Amanda's waist and hers was around his shoulder. They were laughing and pretty closer for what it seemed. Cher's blood boiled, her body starting to heat up. Was she jealous? Maybe. She faked a smile and walked towards them.

"Hello" she said neutrally approaching "can I join in on the funny conversation?"

"Of course Cher, you are always welcome anywhere anytime" Pierce said

Cher greeted each of them with a hug and kiss on the cheek. When it came to Amanda, she hugged her and moved her away from Andy without driving suspicions. She finally reached Andy and stood in between him and Amanda. Pierce noticed her behavior and gave Andy a look. He recognized that mood change.

"We were talking about wardrobe malfunctions, we all have been through it" Amanda said

"Don't I know it, it has happened to me a million times over the years" Cher said laughing

"I was telling Andy that it was good that Judy gave him suits yo wear. It has less trouble and he looks really handsome in them, don't you think?" The young woman said

Cher's eyes burned but she played along "I agree. Amanda if I didn't know you any better, I'd say you were flirting. He is a taken man young lady" she playfully said, Andy had a surprised expression on her face. He didn't expect her to say that, they both knew she referred to herself.

Amanda giggled "I know but I am too and our respective partners know our work. Besides, Andy's wife might be used to the compliments he gets from women. She is pretty lucky to have him" she said, those words were like a punch in the face for Cher.

"Amanda darling, why don't you come with me to get a snack? I'm a bit hungry" Pierce said. She agreed and they walked off

Cher quickly walked in the other direction without saying anything. Andy knew she was upset so he followed her. Cher hid behind a part of the set where she made sure no one past by. She couldn't let anyone see her in that state. She was sad, angry, guilty, jealous and aching heart.

Andy came behind her and she turned startled "Don't touch me" she whispered moving away

"Cher what got into you out there?" He asked

"Me? You were the one all over Amanda. With your arm around her and her calling you handsome" she argued getting her back to him. Andy's mind went to a stop them he suddenly smiled

"So that's what going on with you, you're jealous" he teased and got closer to her

"I am not, you can do whatever you want. I'm just saying that you a sick man if you are going after a young woman like her. You are not as young anymore Andy, come on. I thought you were better than that" she angrily said

He chuckled, amused by her attitude. He came even closer and embraced her. She didn't move and kept stiff "I am, there is no other woman I rather be with than you"

Cher sighed and turned around in his arms to look at him "She was right about something though. You are a taken man but not by me" she said sadly

Andy caressed Cher's face "You may not officially have me in that sense but you do have my heart. Nothing is going to change that. We may not be able to be together as we want to yet but I promise you that it will happen. I love you Cher, and always will choose you over any other in the world"

"As much as I don't like that you are married, you will always have my heart. There is no other man I rather be with either. I'm keeping faith that we will be together the way we want to. I love you" Cher said and leaned in to kiss him, he returned the kiss and they wrapped their arms around each other.

They parted and gazed at each other for a moment, smiling "We better head back before people start looking for us" Andy said

Cher gave him a quick kiss and agreed. Ol and Alexander were indeed looking for them. They were going to rehearse their song with their costumes. They got ready and into position. Cher was up the stairs about to start, Ol was giving her instructions when she got an idea.

Cher pulled Ol closer and said "Hey Ol, can I do something at the end of the song? The fans will go crazy, Don't tell this to Andy please"

Ol gave her a questioning look but realized where she was headed "Sure, you can do what you like. I'm positive the fans will love it" he said

"Thank you" she said. Ol went back down, the music started and with that rehearsal.

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There Was Something in the Air- ChandyWhere stories live. Discover now