Softly Strumming Your Guitar

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It was finally the day Marivi would leave Croatia. Andy wasn't going to show it but he was glad. Marivi would leave that afternoon and he would finally spend some free time with Cher. When Andy woke up, he felt a weight in his body. Marivi had his arm around him and kissing on his shoulder.

"Good morning" Marivi said caressing him

"Hey, I have to get ready to go on set" Andy said sitting up

"Seriously? Andy all I wanted here was to spend time with you in this beautiful place but you keep pushing me away" she growled

"I spend time with you yesterday and the day before I took you to the set, don't tell me I don't give you attention" Andy argued

"I meant real attention, we haven't been intimate in months and I wanted to fix things between us. You keep rejecting me and that hurts, are you doing it on purpose?" Marivi said

Andy got up and turned to look at her "For goodness sake Marivi, you were the one who wanted to come to work with me. That's what I came here to do and I finish tired. Don't blame it all on me because I told you to stay and you didn't listen" he said


"I don't have time for this, I need to get to work" he interrupted and practically ran to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. He didn't want to fight but he couldn't tell her anything now. Andy took a shower and got dressed in the bathroom. He went out and found his wife dressed "What are you doing?"

"Why don't I come to work with you again? That way I can say goodbye to everyone else too" she suggested

Andy got annoyed but also angry, thinking as well he couldn't do that to Cher again "No, we are really busy today since we are behind shooting" he told her "and if you show up, you and me are gonna have a problem" Marivi was about to say something but he grabbed his things and went out the door slamming it. Marivi had no choice but to start packing her things.

The fight put Andy in a bad mood but seeing Cher would make it better. He wanted to do something special for her tonight. Andy wanted her to feel loved, she deserved to be treated like a queen after the three days he put her through. He got to the set and informed Judy that Marivi would be leaving that afternoon. Judy wanted to give him a roommate but after a brief debate, Andy convinced her not to. He wanted the room to himself so he would have some privacy with Cher. Half of the cast were there already, the other half which included  Cher didn't have to be there until later. Bjorn, Benny and Ol wanted to go over the song with Meryl and Amanda again. Andy went to see Pierce to his trailer for some advice on what he could do tonight. He told Pierce about the fight that morning and he was tired of being a secret with Cher.

"I understand you trust me, I want the same with Meryl but it would be a mess if everything gets out now" Pierce told Andy

"I know, still it's so far away and I don't want to be an asshole with Marivi. She is an amazing woman and mother but I don't love her anymore. The two of us have been distant for months, not only after filming started" Andy said

"Sometimes we all have to make selfish sacrifices to be happy, I get it" Pierce said sounding a big nostalgic

"I fell in love with Cher and she is the one I want to be with now. Tonight I want to do something special for her, to make up these three days. Any suggestions?" Andy said

"I know a few discreet restaurants you can take her" Pierce said

"No, I want to do something more personal" Andy said

Pierce thought for a minute "I know the perfect gesture" Andy's eyes lit up and they started plotting.

Cher and Andy didn't see each other so much that day. Apart that Cher didn't go all morning. She was discussing her wardrobe for Super Trouper with Judy. Andy had already gone out which it disappointed her. He went to leave Marivi at the airport and prepare everything for that night. She got to spent time with her friends though. They were trying to cheer her up from not seeing him. Meryl was telling her all her plans with Pierce but it only made her a bit jealous.

"Oh come on Cher, I don't like to see you like this" Meryl said

"I miss him Meryl, we haven't seen each other much today" Cher said

"Well you will get to see him tonight" Pierce said walking to them

"How would you know that?" Cher questioned

"We talked this morning, Marivi left and he wants to spend the night with you" Pierce said "and I with you" he said seductively to Meryl making her giggle and cause Christine and Julie to roll their eyes

Cher finally smiled "His room is three doors down from yours, do it!!!" Meryl said excited "And it's a date Brosnan" she said to Pierce smiling

"I'll go" Cher said

"See you around ladies" Pierce said and walked out getting his phone out to text Andy

Both Cher and Andy were really nervous about that night. She spent all day in the clouds thinking about what's to come. The girls were even making fun of her but she didn't care. Andy got to his room, with no time to waste he filled the room with electric candles. He spread roses across his bed and ordered some fruit from room service. Cher didn't drink so he asked for a non alcoholic cocktail with a specific drink for her. He didn't say for who though, not wanting anyone to find out. He was excited, with everything almost finished he went to take a shower and get dressed.

Cher being nervous was an understatement. She didn't know what to wear, her stomach was flipping. After getting back from the set, she took a shower, did her makeup and went through her clothes. She decided on a short sleeved loose grey sparkly mini dress. Cher couldn't wait to be in Andy's arms and he couldn't wait to hold her. Everything was set, she sneaked out the door and laughed as the door next to her opened.

"Now where do you think you're going?" She asked playfully

"I could ask the same thing" Meryl said with a playful look

"You already know" Cher said walking with her

"You know too" Meryl said "here's my stop" she said now in front of Pierce's door.

"Have fun, and keep it down" Cher whispered and smirked

Meryl gave a small laugh "I could say the same for you" she replied, with kiss on the cheek they went their separate ways. As Cher was getting closer to Andy's room, her nerves crept up. This was gonna be one hell of a night but she was gonna feel so loved and that made her happy.

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