There's no regrets

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHER!!! I can't believe she is 73 years old. I don't see them anywhere on that body. I love her so much and hope our baby girl had a great day. I'm going to make this chapter special for her. Enjoy!!!

Pauly had tried to get Cher to tell her what was she crying about but she wouldn't say. Pauly suspected something but Cher would deny it. Pauly didn't want to pressure her best friend so she left the subject alone. A few days after the gathering, Pauly left to take care of some things at home. For the rest of the week and the three days that followed, Cher kept her distance from Andy. He had more scenes to shoot than her so it was not that difficult. They spent time together when neither of them was shooting but with other people around them. They were getting to know each other but not the way they expected it. Andy knew he needed to give Cher time but it was getting frustrating. They didn't have time alone, Cher was always around Christine, Julie or Amanda. She and the young woman cleared up a misunderstanding that happened the first day so it was all good. Andy didn't mind at first. It gave him time with the guys and it was fine.

The problem was that every time they rehearsed together, their feelings for each other grew. Every time Cher looked at Andy she almost melted in his arms. It was hard for her too, Andy made her feel anxious. Not in a bad way but she had to pull herself together at times as to not kiss him in front of everybody. They wanted each other, the tension was almost unbearable. Whenever Ol yelled 'cut', Cher ran to her trailer, locked herself in and cried. Luckily Christine and Julie prevented Andy from following her but she didn't know that. He was crazy about her, there was no doubt any more. The problem was that she ran from his and made him wonder if she had second thoughts about them and that terrified him. The fact that it did made him realize how deeply in love Andy was.

Cher would fall on the couch of her trailer, take a deep breath and let the tears fall. It was getting really hard trying to do the right thing and stay away from him. For the entire week she had a constant battle between her heart and her head. One was telling her the reality of the situation. He was a married man, he still had one kid that depended on him and that if everything gets out the wrong way, it could end both her career and Andy's. On the other hand, her heart was telling her a different thing. Cher wanted Andy, she was falling in love with him fast. Every day that past by she was sure of it. Even of they were not alone, she loved to hear him talk. The sound of his voice made her ears buzz. Every time he looked at her in rehearsal made her heart go faster than the speed of light. When people were around, he always tried to make conversation and make her laugh. It worked every time of course, he was a natural charmer. She loved his personality, she loved his smile, she loved everything about him. Whenever Cher felt shy on rehearsals, he was always there with her. It was a bit hard for her to practice her lines. Because of her dyslexia, it was sometimes difficult to read the script by herself. Pauly would always help her with that whenever she did a movie but this time she was alone. Cher would always practice her lines with Amanda. The young woman would try to help her but she had to read her own lines. Andy would pass by and help Cher with her lines. Amanda thought it was very sweet of him, of course so did Cher. Those were the little things that made her go crazy about him even more.

It had been a week and three days, Cher and Andy have tried really hard to give each other time. Andy was desperate to talk to Cher, he couldn't hold back any longer. His marriage to Marivi was slowly falling apart even if she was in denial. Andy's heart was in another place but he was still there just for the sake of his youngest. He knew Cher felt the same way he did for her, Andy just had to make sure Cher followed her heart.

They had just finished rehearsal for the day and Cher was about to walk away but Andy grabbed her arm "Cher can we talk in private please? I think it's time we did" He asked, Cher's heart started pounding in her chest. She knew she couldn't escape any longer.

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