Black Knights

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The two princes stood beside one another as they watched the knights clashed sword. The head knight walked up to Minhyun to greet him while giving Baekho a sharp glare which went unnoticed by the other who was just concentrated on the knights. Oddly enough, he was quite eager to pick up a sword again after what he felt was a long break from actual sword fighting. He did, after all, preferred physical activities over just lounging around the whole day. Minhyun whispered something to the head knight who nodded and left for awhile.

"What do you think?" He asked Baekho, tapping the other's chin to remind him not to leave his mouth open like that. Baekho flinched at the touch but smiled after that.

"I can join them?" He asked enthusiastically. Minhyun nodded.

"Yeah but first, I'm not going to let you in with the coat on. Take it off," Minhyun said as he reached over to help Baekho to remove the coat but the other stepped away to do it himself. The leash was hidden under his shirt but it wasn't visible since he had a black shirt on. The collar just resembled a choker so Minhyun didn't see the need to remove it either.

"It's alright. I got it," he said and handed it to Minhyun once it was off instead. Minhyun stared at Baekho for awhile, wondering if the other was still afraid he would do something to him. He sighed a little but took the coat anyways. The head knight came back with two swords in his hands.

"Eh? That's my sword," Baekho said, eyes twinkling as he moved over to take it but the head knight moved it away from him.

"Giving him a weapon will be dangerous, sir," the head knight said with a serious tone. Minhyun took his own sword and adjusted the grip.

"It's fine. Just hand it to him," Minhyun said, motioning them to hurry up. The knight frowned but obeyed, placing the sword into Baekho's hand. The other smiled and thanked him which sort of made the knight confused that his enemy was being so naive. Baekho followed Minhyun who was already walking ahead to the training field.

"Wait. You're training too?"

"Just one round. We didn't have a fair fight that day," Minhyun replied and got into his fighting stance. Sword up and ready.

"But... but if I accidentally hurt you now..." He glanced nervously at the knights who were more or less glancing over at the two of them.

"Well then. You just have to let me win again, right?" Minhyun chuckled. "Don't worry about them. Come on."

"Without armor?"

"I wasn't wearing one the other time," Minhyun replied which made Baekho recall that Minhyun had indeed just step forward with a black turtleneck and as little to no armor then.

"You're so much braver than I remember," Baekho mumbled but lifted the sword up. He took a deep breath before going in for the first hit. The glow in his eyes changed. A fully rested Baekho was definitely far more faster and stronger but Minhyun was a cautious person to begin with so he managed to keep up with the swings that did make him take a few steps back more than he would like to.

"You're still holding back a lot, aren't you?" Minhyun said with a light pant. Baekho stopped for awhile and stepped back, breathing in.

"Um... shouldn't I?" He replied innocently which made Minhyun frown and attacked him with a quick swing. Baekho squeaked and parried the attack quickly. "Are you angry at me for doing that?"

"A little," Minhyun huffed and continuously pushed Baekho back this time. He didn't like being looked down upon but he also knew Baekho was probably just playing it safe since they were without armor and he was surrounded by Minhyun's people.

The two clashed for a few more minutes until Minhyun finally got close enough to disarm Baekho. He grabbed Baekho's wrist just as the other stumbled and pulled him close until they could both feel each other's heat emanating off their bodies.

"Two to zero," Minhyun said with a sly smirk. Baekho was of course surprised but just chuckled.

"You're definitely much more skillful than me," Baekho said and stiffened slightly when he noticed Minhyun wasn't moving away. They stood close to each other for awhile before Baekho made the first step away, slowly pulling his hand away from Minhyun's. He noticed Minhyun's expression darkened but said nothing as he picked up the sword.

"Well. I'm going to go continue with my work," Minhyun said, trying to sound less bitter than he felt. "Have fun with the knights." He lazily waved to Baekho and started walking away, leaving the male standing there alone. He handed his sword back to the head knight. "Feel free to go hard on him but don't kill or injure him too much."

The head knight nodded and walked over to Baekho as Minhyun left the training field. The look on the face of the knight made Baekho gulp. He knew the other was definitely not going to go easy on him but he tried to change his way of thinking. Maybe he could improve and actually win Minhyun once. He could take on people who used brute strength but trickery and skills were on a different page altogether.

"I don't like that the prince is so close to you," the head knight said honestly and wielded his own sword. Baekho shrugged, unsure why that was something the other had to worry about.

"He's not that close to me," he replied. "It just seems that way I think."

"He let you into his room yesterday, didn't he?" The knight was eyeing Baekho from head to toe, moving slowly. Baekho followed along, preparing himself for any attack.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"He doesn't let anyone else in except the maid."

"Oh." Baekho wasn't sure how to retort to that so he kept quiet which made the knight annoyed and advanced. The blow was hard and actually sent Baekho back a few steps.

"If you're this weak, you're not even worthy of standing beside the prince!"

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