Black Nightmare

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A/N : Sorry for the sudden change of usermame! But its been in my mind for awhile now


Minhyun stared at the ceiling of his room, finding it difficult to fall asleep. After their little talk and dinner, Baekho had awkwardly retreated to the shower and they went straight to bed without talking except for goodnight. It wasn't that he didn't want to respond to Baekho's sudden confession but he wasn't sure if he was ready for it either. He kept telling himself that being a prince and having such a relationship would be a hindrance although it was getting harder to delay it any longer. It was no lie that they've been doing things together after all. Kissing. Touching.

He wasn't sure when it happened but he had drifted off to sleep.

He opened his eyes and sat up abruptly, shocked to see his unfamiliar surroundings. He was in a tub that had no water. He looked around what seemed like a very rundown bathroom. The walls were the scariest part by far. They were filled with numerous scribbles. Minhyun pushed himself up and noticed the sink and mirror against one of the walls. There were no door oddly enough. He could tell it was a dream but this one felt oddly vivid.

He touched the wall and tried to make the words out but most of them were unreadable so he gave up, looking around the room to try to figure out what was going on. His dreams were usually worse than this.

Then it started. It was like an earthquake shaking the room but not even attempting to break anything. Minhyun stumbled, catching hold of the tub for balance. A loud booming voice startled him.

"You'll never end up with him!"

"All this happiness is just a dream."

"You can never be happy."

"You're worthless."

Minhyun felt his breathing tightened. His chest contracting painfully as he tried to push the voice out from his head. It's every word sending pain all over his mind and body.

"Stop! That's not true."

"He doesn't love you. He will just leave you like everyone else."

"He wouldn't."

"He's also a prince. You think just locking him in the palace makes him yours?"

Minhyun let go of the tub and covered his ears, letting his body slide into a corner to hide from the voice. It was booming and menacing. It made him scared. He didn't want to believe a single word it said but he couldn't deny any of it either.

"Go away!" He yelled, feeling tears trail down his face. He sobbed and heard glass breaking, thinking it was just the shaking that did it.


Minhyun felt his heart clench. It was his voice. He looked up and started finding for the source.

"Please don't go," Minhyun heard himself say painfully. The loud voice stopped and so did the shaking. He sniffed and wiped his eyes. He felt so much pain and sorrow. Loneliness.

"Minhyun!" The other voice called out again.

"No... You're not real," Minhyun mumbled to himself. "This is just a dream! You'll leave me... You'll leave."

"See? You're distancing yourself from him," the voice came back but in a sharper lower tone. It felt so close to him that Minhyun almost lashed out at it but he was the only one there.

"Stop it! Let me out!" He didn't know his nightmare could be this torturous. Most of them were quicker and less stimulating. He got up and looked into the bathtub that was steadily filling up with water. He knew he had to force himself to wake up before his own dream could break him.

The wall started booming again, visible cracks started appearing. He glanced at the broken mirror. He could see himself although he didn't look like how he usually did. The reflection disappeared when the mirror unhinged itself from the wall, crashing onto the floor.

"Wake up!"

"Baekho..." The wall crumbled and Minhyun saw a hand pierced the hole on the wall. It pulled back and again, another loud thump. "I need to wake up. That's right."

He took a deep breath and let himself fall into the water. He felt the liquid envelop him but it didn't feel cold. It didn't feel like anything.

"Minhyun! Wake up!" His eyes opened widely this time, staring into a pair of worried eyes. He breathed in deeply, touching his chest. The air hurt his lungs and throat, making him choke on nothing. "I'm going to get you some water. Wait-"

Minhyun grabbed Baekho and pulled him into a hug. Baekho was stunned but returned the hug, gently patting his back. "Hey, it's alright. I'm here. You're safe with me."

"You won't leave?" Minhyun asked weakly and held him tightly. 

"Well, except to take water for you."


"Just joking! I'm not leaving." Minhyun let him go slowly and Baekho just followed his movements. "Sure you're alright?" Minhyun nodded and regulated his breathing.

"Yeah... just a nightmare."

"You haven't had one in awhile. Want to talk about it?"

Minhyun noticed that what Baekho had said was true. It had been awhile since he had a nightmare. Ever since Baekho was around, he has had it lesser. "No. I don't think I want to talk about it..."

"That's okay. Still want the water then?"

"Yes, please. Sorry... for hugging you out of the blue."

"It's okay. As long as it makes you feel better." Baekho smiled warmly and slowly got up this time to get the water. Minhyun kept his eye on the other, watching his back as he poured a glass of water and brought it back to him. He sipped it slowly, relieving the sting in his throat. Baekho took the glass back once he was done and rinsed it before putting it back at its spot. He sat down beside Minhyun and smiled again, looking less worried.

"You... won't leave... right?" Minhyun asked softly, placing his hand on Baekho's. Baekho twirled a few of his fingers around Minhyun's.

"Did you dream that I left?" He chuckled and Minhyun frowned, giving him a light punch. "Sorry, sorry. No, I'm not going anywhere. Where would I even want to go when you're here?"

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