Black Library

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To Baekho's surprise, the next place Minhyun brought him to was in fact the library. The doors to it were on a much grander scale and so were the towering bookshelves. Countless books filled each shelf, each seemed to shine in their own light. Minhyun loved this place. It felt homely to him and of course, the arrangement of the books were pleasing to his eyes as well. He closed the door behind him when Baekho walked towards the books, entranced in his own way. He had barely been into libraries so the scale of this one really startled him. He found himself sliding his fingers across the books as he glanced at their titles. Baekho hadn't even notice Minhyun removing the cuffs and letting go of the leash as he walked around by himself.

"I need you to stay here for the day while I finish some work. Is that alright with you? Oh and those are your new shoes over there," Minhyun spoke after a minute of staring at the other. He was somehow managing his calm look even though he really wanted to ask Baekho what he thought of the library. Baekho turned to Minhyun, seemingly dazzled for awhile before he broke into a smile. One that seemed to struck Minhyun in the chest. Minhyun held back any sudden urges that surfaced and held the doorknob to help himself stay where he was. He hadn't seen the other smile much so this felt too different. Too warm. Too soft. Especially in those clothes that seemed to fit him so well, giving him a real prince like feeling.

"Sure. I'm sure I won't get as bored as I was in that room. Not that the room was bad or anything," Baekho replied, wondering if he could actually get into the mood to read. Maybe since everything seemed to call out to him in here. He didn't even know he had smiled as he turned back to face the books.

"G-good," Minhyun accidentally stuttered but stopped himself from saying another word for a short while. He breathed in and pulled himself together. "I'll have the maid bring food for you. If you need anything, ring the bell over there. Also, try not to let other people apart from the maid that's been assigned to you, see you and hide the leash."

"But you can just take it off," Baekho huffed and pouted a little as he found a book that interested him. He pulled it out and turned around, twirling the leash between his fingers. He was gradually getting used to it being there.

"Huh. No," Minhyun replied before opening the door, still keeping his eyes on Baekho. "I'll be back."

"Mmm..." Baekho waved, sort of forgetting that he wasn't supposed to be so cooperative but it was probably because he felt much more comfortable after the shower and change of clothes too. "See ya."

Minhyun threw a smirk his way before closing the door behind him and making sure to lock it with the key he had. He breathed in and out, trying to calm his heart that seemed to be trying to murder him right now. He shook his head, trying to convince himself that the other was just trying to earn his trust by being friendly.

Once he was calm and collected enough, he headed to find the country's advisor who he knew would be in one of the study rooms. For the first time in a long while, he was looking forward for his work to be over. The advisor was a pretty old man with a thick lock of white hair combed neatly to the back. He also had moustache and beard covering most of his face but had the look of a wise man.

"I heard about the white tiger kingdom, young master. Do you plan on leaving it alone?"

"As long as they don't come begging for their prince back, I say we leave them alone."

"Prince? Is that who your recent prisoner is? The prince of the White Tiger kingdom?"

"Yes. He told me himself earlier today. The third prince, to be exact, which means they still have two older ones." Minhyun tapped his finger against the map that was laid out on the table as he looked at the advisor who seemed to be in deep thought after their little conversation. "Oh, please don't tell my family about him. I would very much prefer him to be a secret between us."

"But what about the guards and maids that have already seen him? Surely word will get out."

"I know. I've already settled things with the maids. The knights are still... they still think we should take over the white tiger kingdom so I hope you as the advisor could probably talk them out of it?"

"If that's what you wish. Though I must ask, why are you so keen on not taking over the white tiger kingdom for yourself? You already have plenty of victories under your belt."

Minhyun sighed and leaned against the table. "I'm just.... tired of all this honestly. War. Fear. It's endless and it does nothing but boost egos and hurt people. Also, it's just a deal I made with the prince so I would like to keep it clean between us. As long as he's here, I won't lay a finger on his kingdom unless they come here."

The advisor smiled warmly and nodded. "I understand. I'll see to it that the knights shall stop their foolish thoughts. Could I meet the prince myself?"

Minhyun felt skeptical about that request. He didn't feel like he wanted other people to lay eyes on Baekho for some unknown protective reasons. He clenched his fist. "I'm sorry. I don't really want him to meet other people." The advisor didn't seem to think much about what Minhyun said but nodded.

"I understand."

"Thank you. So... I would actually like to ask you if there's any way to stop this war my father had brewed." The advisor seemed baffled for a moment but gave it some serious thought.

"Always so straight to the point, young master," the advisor chuckled but went back to his serious tone after awhile. "Yes. But first, you need to be king yourself. That is the most surefire way of putting an end to this."

"Seri-" Minhyun was cut off by the sudden opening of the study room door. The both of them weren't expecting any visitors. The maid that Minhyun had assigned to Baekho walked in in a hurry. She bowed to Minhyun who motioned her to stand up straight.

"Sir... Um... I wasn't sure if this is of a big deal of any kind but I thought I should tell you."

"Speak up."

"Prince Ren is in the library with the prisoner."

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