Green Ramblings

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When he opened the door to the room to wake his friends up, he found it rather difficult when they were curled up do cutey together. Aron braced himself and stared for a little longer before pulling himself together. He poked Minhyun first since he knew how easy it was to wake him up. Minhyun stirred and glanced at Aron. He blinked and turned back to Baekho before sitting up in a jolt.

"Aron! You... You saw that, didn't you?" Minhyun asked in a panic. Aron chuckled and nodded.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Oh gosh..." He covered his face in embarrassment. "You should have given us two beds..." Aron laughed at his friend's reaction. This was funny.

"I already knew Baekho liked you, man. He was telling me how he would confess to you too if he won you. And I guess he did?" Minhyun's face turned redder and he whined through his hands. "Still, you should introduce us officially and all."


"Oh. I've been meaning to ask you. During your time in that fake room, did you have a nightmare at all?" Aron asked in a more serious tone. Minhyun peeked from behind his hands and shook his head.


"I think I know why you have nightmares every night," Aron replied.

"Really?" He moved his hands away and scooted closer to hear Aron's answer.

"Yep. It seems there's a device installed somewhere in your room that gives your mind negative feedback when you're asleep. Haven't you slept somewhere else in the palace before? I'm pretty sure you don't have dreams or even if you do, they're probably not always nightmares." Minhyun thought about it. He had slept in the study room before and also the library.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that my nightmares were created by some device?" Minhyun was baffled at what Aron told him. Aron nodded enthusiastically.

"Baekho told me he started having nightmares too when he slept with you and if the technology in your palace is enough to even create a machine that can give you fake memories, I don't see why they can't create one that can make you experience nightmares," Aron explained, starting his rambling. "And I did some sneaking around myself. I would say the device is most likely below your room. I checked the construction blueprints before your rooms were installed and your room happened to be two levels joined together but when we actually look at your room, it still has the height of on-"

"I'll stop you there, Aron. You're confusing me... You're telling me that my room was deliberately made to give me nightmares?"

"That's the gist of it," Aron said with a shrug.

"You sure did a lot of snooping."

"Well, it didn't make sense to me for you to keep having nightmares and also Baekho. Sure, we do get them but surely not every night so it must've had something to do with the brain waveleng-"

"Aron, please," Minhyun said to stop his friend from going on another rambling. "Explain it in a way that I can understand you."

"Oops. Sorry. Anyways, I was just trying to say... Maybe.... Your parents were trying to break you down mentally. This is just my guess but final rambling, I checked your health records as well as from when your mother was pregnant with you."

"You did what?!" Minhyun yelled slightly but Aron brushed him off.

"Just listen! She was taking all sorts of herbal medicine that was said to give an easy abortion without actually doing the procedure."

"So you're saying my mother tried to kill me even before I was born?"

"Yes. I don't know the exact reason why she wanted to do that though. I do have a guess but it would be pretty farfetched."

"You're... I don't know whether I should call you an asshole for sneaking around the palace and digging things up or call you smart for piecing all these things together," Minhyun huffed and shook Baekho so he would wake up.

"Hey... I just wanted to know the truth. Why your parents treat you like this and all... The medicine your mother took from her pregnancy days is probably what made your body so weak now." Minhyun didn't know how to feel honestly. His sister had already tried to kill him a couple of times physically but to hear that his mother had as well. What about his father? How many times would that make?

"Honestly... why am I even still alive?" Minhyun asked absent mindedly.

"So that I can love you," Baekho mumbled a sleepy reply, thinking Minhyun was talking to him but froze as he was rubbing his eyes since he saw Aron there. "Uh... forget what I said?" He turned red all the way to his ears and Aron went on a laughing fit again. Minhyun turned red too.

"Yah! You idiot! Why would you say something so cheesy the moment you wake up?" Minhyun scolded him.

"I'm so sorry," he fake bawled and hid his face.

"Geez. You two are just too cute."

"Ugh... anyways, Aron. Since you wanted an introduction earlier." Minhyun held Baekho's hand and pulled it away from his face. "Meet my embrassing idiot of a boyfriend, Baekho."

Baekho swore he could just melt into a puddle and disappear now. "Embarrassing and idiot weren't necessary but I'll accept that since you called me your boyfriend." He was still really red and Aron let out a relieved sigh that he didn't die from laughing so much. 

"And it's good to officially meet, Baekho," Aron said and Baekho sat up after he got over his embarrassment, grinning while nodding.


"I'm hungry. Can we go eat now?" Minhyun interrupted before they could start some stupid conversation or start teasing one another.

"Right. Follow me please," Aron said and motioned for them to get up. Baekho got up first with slight difficulty and helped Minhyun up even though the other was already feeling better since he wasn't exposed to the air outside. The two followed Aron to the dining hall to have their dinner.

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