Hotel Emerald (Pt. 2)

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"Well guys, it looks like we gotta do it, our readers demanded it." Blue sighed.

"Yay!" The others said.

"Ganondorf won't be lonely anymore!!" Red said.

"Letsa go!" Shadow said and pointed his right hand to a rather large tree. When they got to the tree, they noticed something peculiar about it. This wasn't no ordinary tree, it was the Great Deku Tree!

"Great Deku Tree!" Green said with glee. "I though you died!"

"Well my friends, the author just needed a tree from the Zelda kingdom and not one from the Mario kingdom so she wouldn't get her pants sued off by edgy, twelve year old Mario fans." The wise tree expositioned. (Idc if it's technically not a word, deal with it).

"Coo." Blue said.

"Have you seen the princess?" Vio said.

"Who cares where she is?" The Great Deku Tree responded.

"Good point, ok bye." Blue said and started to walk off.

"Blueee." Red said. "This is in no way how to treat the Great Deku Tree!"

"What does it matter? He probably won't even appear in later chapters."

"I might!" The Tree said, offendedly. "I hope..." The Great Deku Tree started to cry.

"Oof." Blue murmured. "Now I feel bad..."

"Good." Red said.

"Boys!" Emerald called from the top of the Deku Tree. "Aren't you going to come and save me??! I'm not getting any younger!!"

"Ehhh on second thought, no I don't. Emerald is an ass." Blue said.

"Do a flip bitch!" Shadow shouted at her. She scoffed.

"This is in no way how to treat a princess!"

"And you wonder why you're still a princess." Green said and assumed the position of a cocky cheerleader who's boyfriend is the star quarterback.

"Ugh! You're so inconsiderable!" Emerald said.

"I bet that's the longest word you know!" Vio said.

"Wanna bet?!" Emerald challenged.


"Sesquipedalian." Emerald tested.

"Floccinaucinihilipilification." Vio tested back.

"VIO, VIO, VIO, VIO, VIO!" All the others started the chant.



"I..uh..erm...pass..?" Emerald squeaked.

"YAY!" The others cheered. "VIO, VIO, VIO, VIO!" The chant began again.

"Can it!" Emerald said, clearly embarrassed. "How did you beat me?!"

"Because I'm not a stuck-up brat." Vio smirked.

"Ohhhhh!" The collective of hylians said.

"EpiC." Shadow said. "Good job babe!"

"Guys I'm still here y'know." The Great Deku Tree said.

"YALL SUCK!" Emerald screeched, her face beamed of a bright red.

"Hi guys!" Ganondorf said, magically materializing out of thin air. "Y'all don't mind if I.." He grabbed Emerald and ran off in a random direction, howling with laughter.

"I...uh?" Red said, clearly bamboozled.

"Welp, looks like we have to follow them." Vio sighed.

"Aghhhh!" Blue groaned.

"Letsa goo!" Green shouted again.

"Here we go again.." Blue said, unamused.

Vio x Shadow ONE SHOTS (Pt. 2)Where stories live. Discover now