Shadow Goes Missing and Vio had Multiple Husbands

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"Vi, I'm bored," Shadow said, jumping onto the bed next to Vio, who was, of course, reading. It came out more as a whine, and made him see a bit more childish than he really was, but he didn't care because he was so bored and the best thing to do when he was bored was to bother Vio.

It was the same old song and dance they did once every three days. "Vi, let's go do something!" Shadow would say. "Once I finish this page," Vio would respond, but the page turned into two pages, turned into a chapter, turned into the whole book and finally, once his blond lover placed it down and was ready to turn his attention to Shadow, Shadow had already found something to do and had disappeared. Today was the same.

"Let me finish this page," Vio responded.

"You always say that but what you really mean is 'shut up, my dearest husband and let me read my book and ignore you, because the truth is, the guy on the front cover is much more handsome than you, and I'd rather spend my time thinking about having sex with my book than loving you.'"

"I have literally never said or thought that," Vio said, looking up at him. "I would never say or think that. Just let me finish this page and we can..." He tried to think of something the two of them could do. "Do stuff."

"Please tell me you're 'stuff' I can do."

No, I'm Vio. "Sure, just let me finish this b—page."

"Alright, love." He leaned over and pecked him on the cheek before leaving to do stuff that he was sad to say wasn't Vio.

Hours passed—the page did turn into the book. Vio was ashamed to admit it, but the book became the whole trilogy. He finally placed it down and got up, stretching. It was dark outside, that he could see from the lack of sunlight filtering in through the window. Shadow probably got sick of waiting, but he had to find his husband at some point.

Except he wasn't in their bedroom.

Vio stretched and slowly made his way to the living room. Shadow wasn't there, either, but the only straight guy was there.

"Green, have you seen Shadow anywhere? I can't really find him."

"Oh, I'm not Green, I'm Red, Vio! Blue switched our tunics!" He looked a bit closer—the tunic was a bit too long for him, Green was taller than Red.

"Red, have you seen Shadow anywhere?"

"Uh, yeah, actually, he was hanging out with Blue, laughing a lot." Red frowned. "Maybe he was the one who switched our tunics. Hey, if you find Green, can you tell him I want my tunic back?"

"Sure, Red—if you find Shadow, can you tell him I finished my book and am looking for him?"

Red blinked. "You were finishing a single book? Shadow was complaining about how he had to wait for at least three hours to do stuff with you—because he was waiting for you. After those three hours, he got really annoyed. I thought you were doing something important!"

"It was important!" Vio flushed, knowing it was not.

"Okay, I'll tell him."

"Great, thanks, Green."

"It's Red."

"Whatever you say, Green." He left without another word. Where could Blue be? He checked the first possible place—Blue's bedroom.

Vio x Shadow ONE SHOTS (Pt. 2)Where stories live. Discover now