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I felt a strong pair of arms slide around my waist and hold me close. I jumped, but then relaxed as I realised it was only Hiccup. I felt him sit down next to me with an arm still around my waist. He pulled me close as I let myself melt into his embrace. 'Wanna talk about  it?'  He whispered softly into my hair. I shook my head, and finally let myself cry from the grief and the pain. It became those animal-like sounds tearing themselves from my throat. Hiccup just held me and gently stroked me hair, until I finally stopped crying. He pulled me against him and just said 'Tell me.' So I told him. I told him about how the grief had been tearing me apart from the inside. How I was going to miss he so much. Why, why, WHY did it have to be while I was on the Edge? Why had dad not told me mum had Odin's scourge? Mum had had it for over two months, and he had not thought to mention it to me? I wanted to be with her in her last dying moments. She had always been there for me after dads beatings, so why could I not be there for her in her final moments?

I sat there, wallowing in my self-pity and grief, when I became aware that I could have talked to Hiccup. After all, he had grown up without a mum, and he had turned out fine. I finally realised what he had been going through when Stoick was in a coma. 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you.' I half whisper, not brave enough to convey any emotion. I hate him seeing me like this, all vulnerable and frail. I pride myself on being strong. I never let anyone see me like this, except mum, and now she's...
A new wave of tears come, and Hiccup immediately pulls me close. After I've regained control, I say' I'm sorry you have to see me like this.' 'Don't apologise' he says, wiping my tears away. 'Everyone cries sometimes. There is nothing to be sorry about.' He says it almost sternly, like he is telling me off. But then I see the smile in his eyes, and I can't help smiling back.'come on.' Hiccup says, standing up.' We need to get ready for Snotlout's sleepover.' I gasp as I remember. Oh my Thor,the sleepover! I completely forgot! He holds out his hand, and I take it. I allow Hiccup to lead me into a clearing, with Toothless waiting. I get on behind him, and loop my arms around his waist. 'Thank you' I murmer softly. 'For always knowing exactly what to say' He doesn't respond straight away, then turns around and kisses my cheek. 'Anytime' he says, smiling.

Thank you guys soooo much for reading this. It really means a lot to me. I highly recommend PassionWriterHJH 7LetterShips they are awesome!

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