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Hey guys! I am so sorry I have not updated in forever. I had a dream last night where all of you amazing supporters were asking me to update. So here it is!

Two weeks later

The whole gang is sitting in the clubhouse, utterly bored. 'Guys, lets play truth or dare,' I say. Everyone moves into a circle, and I start. 'Fishlegs, truth or dare?' He hesitates before answering 'Dare.' 'I dare you to kiss your crush' I say, hiving him an  evil grin. He blushes bright red, then goes over to Heather and kisses her. Both of them pull away, blushing madly. As Fishlegs is sitting down, he asks'Hiccup, truth or dare?' 'Dare' he answers instantly. No way was he doing truth after last time. 'I dare you to eat some of Toothless' regurgitated fish!' I make a face, but Hiccup just shrugs and goes over to Toothless. 'Share bud?' I hear him ask. Toothless looks confused, but opens his mouth and and gives Hiccup some. He takes a bite, then another. 'How did you just do that?!' Snotlout asks. 'I've done it before, and it's really not that bad.' I feel revolted. I've kissed him. Gross. Hiccup asks Heather 'Truth or dare?' 'Truth' she answers. 'What was your relationship with your family as a child?' Its a good question. Heather never talks about her family. 'Well, my parents loved me, but my brother was a bit mental. He tortured me. He would steal my things, break my belongings, and was just generally horrible to me.' 'Oh Heather, how awful! What was his name?' She hesitates before answering me. 'Dagur.' There is a silence following this statement. I can see Hiccup is fuming. Heather's brother is the man who gave me some of the scars on my back.

'Anyway, it's getting late.' Fishlegs says. We all go our separate ways, but Hiccup grabs my arm and pulls me back into the clubhouse. 'What?' I ask him, eager to get to bed myself. 'Can I ask you something?' I nod, sitting down. 'Astrid, when Fishlegs was dressing your back, I noticed some older, smaller scars. Where are they from?' He asks me gently. I gape at him. This is not what I was expecting. But I am through with the lies, done with the secrets. I steel myself before answering. 'Some of them are training accidents. But the others are from my father. Up until I was 13, he would beat me. If he had a bad day, or if I was not top in training. Any reason really. He would get out this long cane with a spiked edge. If I even flinched, I would get no food for 2 days. He said he was training me to be a warrior.' Tears suddenly well up in my eyes at the memory of those awful evenings when I was waiting for him to come home, not knowing if it was a good day or a bad day. My mother would stay out of his way, and then come to where I lay crying, and silently dress my wounds. But she can't do that any more.

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