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Here is the update, at long last!

The whole gang is overjoyed that Hiccup can remember me. Except Snotlout. I think he was hoping I might become available, or might confess my undying love for him in the midst of my grief. Not a chance Snotty, not a chance. I can't seem to stop smiling. The whole gang knows we are together now, but I honestly don't mind. Although I did overhear Snotlout telling the twins that 'Hiccup clearly has a gambling problem, and Astrid is trying to help him conceal it.' I kid you not, those were his actual words. But I think it's better this way. If things couldn't get any better, Hiccup got a letter from Stoick telling him that Alvin had been jailed for ten years and Freda was being sent away. I was overjoyed at this news, and Hiccup hugged me tight, telling me everything was going to be okay after all. Of course, Stoick had seen the way Hiccup and I were together. Trust Stoick to put two and two together and make grand-babies! Though there was a warning for me saying that if I ever hurt Hiccup, there would be a huge consequence. I couldn't really tell if he was joking or not. I really hope he was, but I wrote a letter back saying that he need not have any concerns about me hurting Hiccup, because I had no intention to for many years to come.

Sorry it is so late. I will update again soon. Please comment what you think and vote.

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