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I am so confused. I woke up and this girl suddenly kissed me. I pull make, completely bemused. 'Sorry,' I say, 'but who are you?' I hear everyone gasp in shock. I suddenly see something black come bounding up to me. 'Hey Toothless! Hey bud! Good to see you too!' I laugh as he licks my face. 'You know that doesn't wash out!' I can now see that the whole gang is in the clubhouse, but I still have no idea who the blonde girl is. She finally makes eye contact with me and says quietly'I'm Astrid. Stop playing games. You are scaring me to Valhalla and back.' Why am I scaring her? 'Sorry,' I say. 'I am not playing games. I honestly don't have a clue who you are.' She looks so hurt that I feel bad, but all I know about her is that her name is Astrid. Astrid backs out the door, and runs away with a sob. I feel odd, like I should know her but I don't. It is like a piece if my memory is out of my reach. Snotlout comes closer and says to me'Do you really not know who Astrid is?' I shake my head, bewildered. Why should I know her?

All week the gang keeps trying to remind me who Astrid is, but nothing works. The twins try knocking me out again, Fishlegs tries to remind me of the times we spent together, and Snotlout is in a mood because Astrid kissed me. I am grateful for their efforts, though. The Astrid girl mostly stays in her hut, only appearing for meals. But now she comes out of her hut and approaches me. 'Hiccup, can you come with me please?' I wave to the gang, and follow her retreating shape, slightly confused. She drags me in front of my hut, where Toothless is waiting. My hut looks exactly like the one on Berk I share with my dad. She takes a deep breathe, then punches my arm, hard. 'Ow!' I say. Half a memory flickers in my mind. Suddenly I know what to say next, though I have no idea how I know. 'Is it always gonna be like this, or-' She suddenly grabs the front of my tunic and pulls me in for a short, sweet kiss. A rush of memories suddenly overflow my brain. Comforting a crying Astrid, practicing fighting against her, kissing her. There are so many moments with the two of us in I cannot process them all. But I get glimpses of a lot of love, a lot of hurt, and some hardship. But one phrase I hear myself say sticks with me. 'There will always be a Hiccup and an Astrid. Always.'

My heart and my head both feel whole again. She pulls away from the kiss, and I say 'because I could get used to it.' Astrid gasps then tears start streaming down her face. 'You remember!' She says, through her tears. I kiss her again. She is still crying when I pull away, so I cup her face with my hands, and wipe her tears away with my thumbs. I lean forwards so our foreheads touch, and say quietly 'And nothing will ever make me forget again. There will always be a Hiccup and an Astrid. Always.'

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