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Whooooo! I am on a roll!

I stare at Astrid's back in horror. It is a mess of dried blood and cuts. She has about 10 very long and deep cuts criss-crossing her back, and most of them look infected, due to the greenish tinge of them. 'Oh Astrid' I murmer. 'What did they do to you?' I have to look away as Fishlegs cleans the wounds. It is too painful for me to watch the girl I love in so much pain. When he is done, he walks out the door to wash his hands, and I am alone with Astrid. She gingerly tries to stand up, but I pull on her onto my lap and hold her tight. She melts into me, and then lets herself cry from the shock and the pain. I just hug her, stroking her hair and gently kissing her. Only when she finally stops shaking do I let her go back to her own hut. I sit there for a while, my hands shaking with supressed rage. I cannot believe that Dagur would hurt her so much. He probably did it to target me individually. Well, it worked, I think bitterly. It hurts me so much to see Astrid in pain, knowing there is nothing I can do about it. I will not let her out of my site from now on. I can't lose her again, I just can't. When I get my hands on Dagur... He'll be sorry he ever touched my girlfriend.

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