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As promised, here is a chapter of this book. Please comment one shot ideas ASAP!!

At the sleepover

'Guys let's play truth or dare!' The twins said simultaneously. Snotlout looked a bit wary, but who could blame him? We were all a bit scared of Hiccup after his outburst. But maybe truth or dare could be a bit less eventful this time. We sat in a circle, and Tuff said 'I dare all the girls to wear their hair down for the rest of the game.' I gave him an evil glare while untying my braid. I let my hair fall in glossy waves down my back, almost reaching my waist. I heard Hiccup gasp next to me. He has never seen me with my hair down before. I glance over at Ruff, who has undone her braids and her hair is in three thick clumps. I honestly can't tell the difference between her hair when it's up or down. I hate wearing my hair down, so I needed REVENGE on the boys. I smiled smugly and said 'I dare all the boys to swap dragons for the day!' They all groaned, and immediately started complaining, but it was too funny to see Snotlout and Fishlegs arguing over Toothless. In the end, Hiccup got Hookfang, Snotlout got Belch, Fishlegs got Toothless and Tuff got Meatlug. No one was very happy, but oh well!

We did another few rounds, and then everyone started to get really tired. I snuggled into Hiccup, and we were soon fast asleep. Before long, I woke up. A huge storm is raging outside. Perfect. I hate storms. I can feel myself shaking, and when another huge clap of thunder sounds, I can't stop myself from letting out a small shriek. Please don't have woken Hiccup up. Please don't have woken Hiccup up. I pray silently. But I feel Hiccup stir next to me, and look at him to see his emerald-green eyes focus on my face. 'Whattsa matter?' He mumbles, still half asleep. 'It-it doesn't matter. Go back to sleep.' My tone is sharper than I intended, and I have to fight to keep my voice level. Fully awake now, Hiccup sits up and says 'Don't tell me it's nothing. I care, and you tell me stuff. It's part of the deal.' 'You are so stubborn.' I mutter under my breath. 'Okay, fine. I hate storms, and this is a really big one!' I let out a whimper as lightning flashes outside. Hiccup gasps. 'Of course! How could I forget? Come here.' He says, shifting over to make space for me. I gladly nestle into him, and when the thunder sounds again, it is his arms that tighten around me, and his voice that reassures me. With the knowledge that Hiccup will protect me, I am finally able to fall asleep.

Sorry this took so long! I have been really busy lately. Please comment one-shot ideas.

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