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Hey guys! Sorry I havn't updated in a while. We went to disneyland paris saturday to tuesday, and yesterday I slept quite a lot!! Sorry for the cliffhanger on the last one. Please comment what you think.

Hiccup had been missing for four hours. He had gone to collect firewood, and was still not back. Fishlegs kept telling me that he had probably gone for a flight on Toothless, or had found some dragons, but I wasn't so sure. Something had happened to him, I knew it! And besides, Toothless was still in the stables. I had only walked into the woods a little way when I found Hiccup. He was lying face down by a small rock, and there was a pool of dark liquid around his head. Blood. I froze. How long had he been like this? I was too scared to move him. So I screamed my one and only hope to the Gods. 'Fishlegs!' He came running, with Toothless, Ruff and Tuff at his side. 'Oh Thor.' He said when he saw Hiccup. 'Twins, go set up a bed in the clubhouse and grab my medical stuff from my house. And don't touch anything else!' He yelled after them. Surprisingly, they did as told. Even the twins understood how dire the situation was. Fishlegs lifted Hiccup onto Toothless, and gently flew him to the clubhouse.

Two hours later

Fishlegs said that he had done everything possible. All we could do was wait for him to wake up. I sat there, kneeling beside his bed, holding his hand. Two tears escaped from my eyes. I wiped them away angrily. I just wanted Hiccup to wake up now.

Then suddenly, he sat up, panting heavily. He looked around wildly. I stared at him for a moment, not quite processing he was awake. Then it clicked. I stood up, and kissed him hard. I didn't care who saw, but thank Thor Hiccup was okay!

But is Hiccup really okay? I will probably update again today or tomorrow.

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