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I have exams next week, so I will not get a chance to update until the weekend. We might be going away and there is a long car trip involved, so will probably write then. Anyway, here you go!

The journey back home doesn't take as long as I thought it would. As soon as we land on the Edge, Fishlegs is running to get his medical supplies. I half-carry Astrid into my house, where I lie her down on the couch. She tries to hide it, but I can see her wince in pain. Sitting down next to her, I hold her tight, with my lips pressed to her forehead. When Fishlegs walks back in, I pull back and allow him to dress her wounds. 'Okay Astrid,' I say, gently but firmly. 'Tell me what happened.'

Shoutout to harrypanther they are such an amazing author. I am slowly working my way through their books. My favourite is behind the mask. It really is an amazing book. Thanks for reading!

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