Chapter 1

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(You're the character on the cover)
I was in the void on second, and then a portal opened up. I screamed for Gaster, but he didn't arrive in time. The last thing I saw before the portal closed was his sad, shocked face. He has to be alone in the void again.

I wake up and I'm in a house. Funny, it seems like the house we used to have on the surface with my little skelebros and dad. I'm wearing my favorite orange tee with a red hoodie, along with my black basketball shorts and blue fluffy slippers. I look around, and I see a short skeleton next to a tall one. I rub my eyes, and they focus better. Wait, is that Sans and Papyrus?

Papyrus shows no indication of knowing who I am, but Sans, he's tearing up. We run towards each other and embrace. "I-I'm so h-happy to finally s-see you g-guys again..." I manage to say through sobs. "m-me t-too, kiddo, m-me too." I let go of Sans and look at him with a smirk. "Don't kiddo me mister, I'm older than you." I then burst out into laughter and he does the same.

Papyrus then asks "WHO IS SHE SANS?" Sans looks at him and says "This is Y/N, our older sister. She disappeared before you could remember." He lied about my disappearance, he didn't want to have to explain the void to Papyrus.

Papyrus then exclaimed "IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU AGAIN, Y/N! I HOPE WE BECOME THE BEST OF SIBLINGS!" He pulls me into a tight hug, but doesn't have to pick me up since I'm pretty tall. Papyrus was about 7 feet, I was about 6, and poor Sans got the short end of the stick. He was only 5 feet. I joke "Height wise, looks like Sans got the short end of the stick!" You snicker, and Sans chuckled a little. Papyrus lets out a loud "NYEEEHHH!!???!!". Just like the old times.

We're all sitting on the couch, talking about, well, me. I explain a few things to them, like the fact that I look mostly human, except my nose, ribs, and pale, pale, skin. I don't have to breathe and can use magic. My magic is red. After a long chat, Papyrus calls all of their friends over to meet me.

I met Toriel, Asgore, Flowey, a human named Frisk, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Napstablook, Grillby, and Muffet. Well, technically, I only met Frisk for the first time, but none of them remembered me, so it was alright. After talking about yourself for a bit, you had to say bye. "It was nice to meat all of you, I hope we can ketchup another time, now I'm bone tired!" I say this while pulling out a hotdog with ketchup. Mainly Toriel, Frisk, Sans, and I laughed, but it was funny.

"Sis, ya wanna take my bed? I'll take the couch. Tibia honest, I'm probably not as tired as you." Papyrus let out an angry 'nyeh'. I said "I might feel worked down to the bone from coming up with all of these humerus puns, but I'm the older sister." We have a little pun war back and forth, which we tie, because we're both pretty punny. I win the argument and end up on the couch. Tomorrow's going to be an eventful day.

I wake up feeling quite refreshed. It takes me a few seconds to remember where I are, but I then remember that I'm at my little skelebros' house. Today we're supposed to go shopping to set up a room for me. I teleport to the kitchen, where Papyrus has already set the table. It's spaghetti! I remember how much he loved spaghetti as a baby bones, but I thought it was just a phase. He then sees you and says "GOOD MORNING Y/N! TAKE A SEAT!"

Sans teleports into the chair across from me with a flash of blue. He looks at me and says "I'm feeling pretty bone tired, how about you?" I reply "You've gotten punnier than before, baby bones." Papyrus nyehs in rage and angrily slams a heap of the spaghetti onto my plate. It doesn't look quite edible, but I'll do anything to make my little bros happy.

I expertly managed to eat around the inedible parts of the pasta and teleport the pieces of cardboard and other strange things into the garbage. We finish eating and Sans and I teleport with Papyrus to MTT Resort. We arrive in a flash of red and blue. We then look around for a bit before choosing out a few things for me.

We've bought my bed, furniture, and some nice clothes for when I need them. I always wear my signature outfit, and I already have a ton of the outfit anyway. Sans and I are teleporting things into the spare room (pretend it's between Sans and Papyrus' rooms) while Papyrus watches over the things we haven't teleported yet. We finally get the last box into my room and we teleport back to get Papyrus, only to see him talking to Mettaton.

Dumb calculator flirting with my little bro. You can see that Sans feels the same way about Mettaton. Papyrus, though, is blushing bright orange. Sans and I walk up to Mettaton and says short hellos, goodbyes and we take Papyrus home. When we get there, he starts whining. "WHY CAN'T I TALK TO METTATON!?! HE'S AMAZING!" Sans and I both look at him, both of our eyes on fire. We both say "Not on my watch." And go to our rooms.

Although I have more in common with Sans than Papyrus, I am very neat. I had gotten all of the empty boxes and put them in one corner, and neatly set up my room. I organized my wardrobe, which was mainly the same outfit like the one I'm wearing but with a few dresses and such. I soon dispose of the boxes and happily look around the clean room. I then decide to take a shower and then go to bed.

        I wake up and head downstairs to the couch. Sans is already there and shoots me a smug look. I say "I did a skele-ton of work yesterday and finished setting up my room WITHOUT your help." He grins at me again and we watch some tv. (Sorry for any overuse of puns)

       About an hour later, he asks "wanna go to grillby's?" I accept his offer and we teleport. He takes a seat at the bar, and I follow. I sit next to him. Grillby asks what I would like to order. I shoot Sans a grin and say "Mustard, please." Sans asks for a ketchup, and Grillby gets our orders.

      "Mustard is disgusting! Why on earth would you like something so... so... gross?" Sans says. He knows how much I love mustard. I glare at him. "Ya know, have you even tried mustard before? It's a lot better than ketchup. Ketchup is like drinking BLOOD." Our argument starts to get heated, and the rest of the customers were choosing sides. It was... interesting.

      After the excitement died down, Sans dares me to ask Grillby out. I'm a daredevil, so I accept it. "Hey Grillbz, wanna go out with me?" I say. Grillby's attention shifts toward me, and he says "Sorry Y/N, I think I'm too hot for you to handle." The rest of The bar starts cheering and someone shouts "THAT WAS A SOLID BURN!" Everyone in the bar then starts telling fire puns, while Grillby's flames indicate that he's getting annoyed.
    After about an hour of fire puns, Grillby kicked us out. We teleport home and onto the couch. I look at Sans, and we stay in silence for a second, but then we burst out in laughter. We had a lot of these laughter moments. After calming down, we just sit on the couch and chill while watching TV for a bit. Papyrus soon comes home from his sentry shift and him and I make some spaghetti together. I make sure it's edible this time.

       It's bedtime, and Sans fell asleep on the couch, so I carry him to his room and onto his bed. I plant a quick kiss on the top of his skull, and I then read Papyrus his favorite bedtime story, which is one starring him catching a human and freeing the underground. When he falls asleep, I kiss his skull and tuck him in. Papyrus was still such an adorable cinnamon roll.

     I start to head to my room for the night, but notice something odd. The front door was open! I head down the stairs quietly, and when I reach the bottom step, I look around. Nothing. I take a few steps forward, when I see someone -Frisk!?!- lunge at me with a knife.


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