Chapter 8

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    We get home, and we all sit on the couch. I chug my mustard and use my telekinesis to get another from the fridge. I chug that one too. I keep going until I had 5 bottles. I try to get another. Sans stops me. I try harder, but I'm too drunk to do anything properly. I then lay on the couch with my head in Papyrus' lap and my feet on Sans' shoulder.

    Sans uses this moment to his advantage. "So, sis, wanna tell us about that deal?" I hiccup. I can't talk properly. "Chara... every week...reset...protect" Sans tried to piece everything together. He starts to say something, but I'm knocked out.

   I wake up in the morning, and I walk to the fridge. I grab 3 bottles of mustard and chug them. Sans is watching me. I know Papyrus is on sentry duty. I go for another bottle. Sans doesn't let me. I keep doing this for the next few days, and if it's not Sans, it's Papyrus trying to stop me.

    I spend most of my time drunk now. It's easier to cope with things this way. You just drink, and then... you forget. When I begin remembering, I drink again. Sans is starting to think something's wrong. I don't have any brain cells to kill, and besides, it's not alcohol, it's a condiment, so it shouldn't hurt too much.

     I decide to finally go in for my training with Alphys. "Y-Y/N, y-you were supposed t-to come a week ago!" I reply "Sorry Alphys..." She teaches me about war, for some reason. I just shrug it off. She told me to remember that in war, the people you kill are just numbers.

    I'm getting tired of it all. The training, the drinking... everything. I don't know what to do with myself. Soon Chara comes. "FINALLY! KILL ME ALREADY!" She looks at me, and starts stabbing me. It takes 20 times, but I die.

The world resets again. I'm back. I'm back on the couch, with a bunch of empty mustard bottles on the table. 'Wow,' I think to myself. 'I drink A LOT.' I then notice Sans on the couch next to me.

I throw away the empty mustard bottles and grab another. I start drinking it slowly. I look at Sans. "What?"
"it happened again, sis. I wanna know why." He's talking about the reset. My vision turns blue. "no running away this time, i'm bone tired of this." He points a bone at me. I grin. "You finally mustard the courage to threaten me, huh? I gotta try harder to ketchup to you." He glares at me. I know I can't pun my way out of this.

I pick up my mustard and take a few more sips. Luckily, I get a call from Alphys. "Y-Y/N, it's time f-for your t-training!" Unluckily, Sans takes the phone. "Y/N can't make it today. She's... busy."

I sigh. "I'm tired of this, Baby Bones. It's not like it's majorly resetting anything." He glares at me. "It's still a reset. Frisk, Paps, and I are worried about you. You told us something about Chara coming every week and resetting. Then you said something about protecting us. What does that mean?" My eyes widen. I shouldn't have drank so much mustard.

There's no point in trying to hide it any longer. "It's just what it sounds like. I'm letting Chara kill me every week to keep you guys safe. Chara won't kill anyone else this way."

His eye sockets widen. "so that's what's going on..." he mutters. Blue tears start falling down his skull. Papyrus walks in the door, coming back from sentry duty. I tell him everything, and orange tears form in his eye sockets. He pulls Sans and I into a bear hug. "This is how it had to be." I say, hugging back.

It's been a few days since I've told Sans and Papyrus about the deal. I've been drinking less, which I guess is good. One day, I went to training. Alphys hadn't noticed my arrival, but something caught my attention. She was talking to Asgore. She said "Y-your highness, I-if I can successfully control Y/N, h-how will it b-benefit you?"

Asgore looked at her. "Simple, child. I will have her kill Frisk and use her soul to cross the barrier. Then we will declare war on the humans." He looks around. "She should be arriving soon. I will leave you to your work."

I quickly teleport back home, my breath uneven. I whip out my phone and text Alphys that I can't make it today. I curl up into a ball with my back against the door, and my face is soon covered in a film of red tears.

Sans runs up to me from the couch. "sis, aren't you s'posed to be traini-are you okay?" I look up at him. "No," I say, and my eye starts glowing yellow. His eye sockets widen. "Oh shoot," I say, while running to the bathroom.

My eye only glows yellow in rare circumstances. And if my eye is glowing yellow, my whole body will have changed. This only is supposed to happen when a different core trait starts to completely take over determination, which hasn't happened before. It's also supposed to make me stronger than my original form. I slowly turn around to face the bathroom mirror.

I have black hair now, and my eyes are now eye sockets. After getting my eye to calm down, I realize that I have yellow pinpricks in my sockets. I have a black hoodie with a white shirt, and I have yellow shorts with a red stripe along the side. My slippers are also red. I decide to pull out my soul. That's also when Sans walks in and watches me pass out.

(This is what your soul looked like)    I wake up, and find myself in Alphys' lab

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(This is what your soul looked like)
I wake up, and find myself in Alphys' lab. 'Shoot,' I think. I check out my soul, but it still looks just as damaged. I guess the trait that took over was Justice. I get up and try to teleport away, only to be electrocuted. "You can't get away now," Says a voice.

I try to call for help, but nobody came. I hear maniacal laughter as Chara walks into the room. "H-how..." I ask as she walks up beside me. "I implanted the idea in Asgore's brain. I possessed Alphys and Asgore. Quite simple, actually." I look at her. I call for help again. No one came. Chara possesses Alphys and ties me to the bed. She then puts me into a machine, and I black out.

"Sweet, innocent, Y/N. Destined for death. Should've stayed in the void, if you ask me. We're going to have you absorb all of the souls, and then you will destroy humanity. Oh, you don't like it, sweet Y/N? SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?"

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