Chapter 2

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At the last second, I teleport to the side. I ask "Frisk? Why-" She cuts me off by laughing. Evil, warped, demonic laughter. She has a crooked smile on her face. She says "i'M nOt FrIsK, i'M cHARa." In her warped voice. She then glitches, and turns from Frisk into a girl with brown hair, rosy cheeks, reddish brown eyes, and green sweater with a cream stripe. Chara.

My upside down, red soul pops out of my chest as I enter the battle. Monsters aren't supposed to have determination, but I'm a special case. I have so many motivators that I can't help but feel determined. For example, my little skelebros. I have to protect them from Chara, even if it costs my life.

I begin speaking. "Listen up kid, I'm gonna kill you, and I'll keep killing you over and over again until you give up. If you thought Sans' battle in the Genocide Route was hard, wait until you've seen me. I'm your new worst nightmare." Chara growls. She swings her knife at me, but I dodge. I use blue magic on her, and send a bunch of little bones at her feet, and as she jumps, I Gaster Blaster her and she dies. "It's not over yet..." I think to myself.

The kid's reset 184 times now. Sans is going to catch onto what's going on soon. I gotta get Frisk back before anyone notices she was gone. I can tell Chara's getting tired. I send a bone, impaling her, and she says "I'lL bE BaCK SOon, cOMeDian. WATcH yOUr BacK." And she leaves Frisk. The body changes from Chara back to Frisk, and there's blood all over the floor. You heal Frisk, then teleport her back to Tori's house.

You teleport back, breathing hard. You look up, and see Sans. "sis, what's going on?" He asks, and his eye starts to flash blue. "Don't worry Baby Bones, I took care of her." I reply. He eyes the blood on the floor and nods. I use my magic to clean the floor, then collapse onto the couch.

I wake up, and Papyrus and Sans are eating in the kitchen. Sans throws a mustard bottle at me, and I catch it with my magic. I take a sip, and instantly feel better. I chug the whole bottle
and then get up. I say "I'm going out today." I then teleport to the ruins.

I knock twice on Tori's front door. "Who's there?" I hear her say. "Canoe."
"Canoe who?"
"Canoe let me in?"
Tori starts laughing, and opens the door. We talk about miscellaneous things, like snails and cooking. She offers me some butterscotch-cinnamon pie, which I gladly accept. I after about 3 hours, I ask "Can I bring Frisk over to my house for a bit?"

     I teleport with Frisk to our house, and we sit in the couch. Luckily, Papyrus is on duty, so it's just Sans who's home. I can tell he's going to be listening to our conversation.

      Frisk looks at me with a face mixed with guilt and sadness. She starts bawling and says "I'm s-so, so, so s-sorry she t-took over, I d-didn't mean to, she j-just did it, I'm so v-very sorry, I'll try harder..." She starts crying into my shirt. "It's okay Frisk, I know you didn't mean to. At least no one got hurt this time." I hug her back and ruffle her hair.

     I take Frisk and Sans to Grillby's, because Sans said "just in case the kiddo acts up again". I could handle her, but Sans wouldn't let me leave, so I took him. I sat between Sans and Frisk. Frisk ordered fries, while I ordered mustard and Sans ordered ketchup. Frisk then vented about the resets and everything else she wanted to get out.

     After Frisk finished venting, I teleported her back to Tori and then I teleported back home. Sans was already sleeping on the couch. I chuckled at him. "Lazybones" I say as I put a blanket over him. I then decide to go visit Alphys.

     Alphys and I watched some anime together and gossiped about the latest drama, such as Mettaton, Mettaton, and Mettaton. Mettaton created all the drama in the underground. She then asked for my phone number, but I didn't have a phone, so she made me a phone. It was a sleek, red, thin phone that I could turn into a computer by triple clicking the power button. I said thank you and gave her 500g. I then said bye and teleported home.

     Sans was eating some expired chips and drinking ketchup. I grabbed a bottle of mustard and went to Papyrus' room. We did some puzzles together, and some Junior Jumble. Sans came in about an hour later to read Papyrus' bedtime story. I gave them both kisses on their foreheads and headed to bed.

      I wake up and head downstairs. Papyrus is sitting on the couch with Mettaton. Sans is sitting in the kitchen, drinking ketchup and glaring at Mettaton. I grab a bottle of mustard and join him. Mettaton is in his EX form today, which makes Papyrus more nervous. Mettaton then leans towards Papyrus, about to kiss him, when I use my magic to pull Mettaton away. Mettaton is now in a cloud of red and blue.

    Sans and I both walk up to Mettaton. I say "Listen toaster, touch my brother again and I snap your legs and arms off." My eye is glowing a bright red. I give Sans his turn to chew Mettaton's head off. Papyrus is awkwardly looking off to the side, his face covered in orange. We then escort Mettaton out the door.

     Papyrus then started complaining and scolding us about how he's old enough to choose what he does with his life and some other stuff. I just look at him with my glowing, bright red eye and he shuts up. I just cannot allow my little bro to be seeing that toaster-calculator-thing. (Sorry Papyton Fans)

/////////Time skip to next day/////////

     We got word that King Asgore was having a ball tonight. It was going to be huge and fancy, and the whole underground was going to be there. Mettaton EX came back to our house. "Why're you here again, Mettaton?" I say to Mettaton. "Well, darling, I can't allow you to go to the ball wearing THAT." He looks at my clothes in disgust. "I'm going to make you look lovely tonight!" I had a hunch that Mettaton was trying to be nice so I could let him be with Papyrus.

     Mettaton dragged me shopping for dresses. After trying on who knows how many dresses, I finally settled on a long, silky red dress with red straps and it started to flare out starting from my waist to the bottom. I had on some red eyeshadow and lipstick, and had also dyed my tips red. Red was my favorite color. Mettaton had paid for everything. By the time we were done, it was time for the ball, so I teleported to the castle.

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