Chapter 9

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    I wake up, but I'm not in control of my body. Chara is. Only my eyes, which will be used to watch the horrors that are about to unfold, are under my control. "Good, Y/N, you're awake." Chara/Alphys says. "By the way, your brothers want to see you." I want to scream and cry right now. "What was the point of making Alphys and Asgore have that conversation?" I think. Chara responds "Just in case somebody other than you were watching."

    Sans and Papyrus walk into the room. They pull me into a tight hug, but I can't hug back. They ask me if I'm okay, and in a voice not quite mine, I say "I'm fine." Sans notices and asks to speak with me alone. I can tell that he notices the fear in my eyes.

   He whispers in my ear, "I'll get you out of this Y/N, don't worry." I can feel the yellow tears in my eye sockets. Then, to my horror, Chara takes a knife from the table. She says "I'M not Y/N, my NamE Is ChAra, aNd you'RE In mY WaY!" She then lunges at him. I think "No! Don't kill him!" She stops and answers out loud, saying "Y/N, why should I listen to you?" I can see a glimmer of hope in Sans' eyes. I think again "Because of our deal."

I can feel her leave me and she materializes in front of Sans and I. She pouts. "We made a deal. You're a fair person, right?" She answers "I guess I AM a person of morals." I stifle a laugh. "Next time though, I'm putting up a fight, Chara." I feel my eye glow red. I'm back to normal! "See ya, Chara!"

Alphys walks into the room. "W-why are y-you two I-In here?" I quickly say "Sorry, I accidentally teleported to the wrong place." I then walk out of the room holding Sans' wrist. I put my arm around Papyrus' shoulders and teleport home.

"Hey Sans, wanna go to Grillby's?" He looks at me. "you're over grillby now, I presume?" I nod. "No need to mope over that fireball. He's not as hot as I thought he was. It's ice to know that you and Paps will always be there for me though." Papyrus screams "NYEH!!!" Sans and I then teleport to Grillby's.

I order a mustard and a burger. Sans orders a ketchup and fries. We both eat our food, then drink the condiments. I end up learning some new gossip: Grillby and Muffet broke up because Grillby accidentally burned her so Muffet sent her 'pet' after him. They had a big fight, and then broke up. I started laughing, and Grillby says "I guess you heard about Muffet and I, then?" I nod.

I order a few more mustards, while Sans plays poker with Doggo and some of his friends. I drink about 11, and pass out onto the counter. Sans then drags me home.

I wake up to hear Papyrus yelling at Sans about letting me drink too much. "Jeez Paps, no need to be so cold!" I say, and he turns to me. "NYEH! NO MUSTARD TODAY!" He then sets down a plate of spaghetti in front of me. "EAT," He orders. I happily gobble it down. It's been a while since I've had Papyrus' spaghetti.

   I decide to go visit Undyne. "HEY Y/N!" She shouts when she sees me. She shoots me one of her big, toothy grins. "WANNA SPAR?" I gladly accept. I got a little better at using her shield to block the attacks. Soon, I block all of the spears she sent at me, even the yellow ones! I won the battle, and she invited me inside.

    I decided to talk to her about the piano. She quickly jumps up and start playing 'Spear of Justice.' When she finishes, I applaud. I then show her a duet I found for 'Waterfall.' It looked hard, but with enough practice, I think we could do it. I took the top part, while she took the bottom. We practiced for a few hours, until it was time to go home.

    I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. It's been a while since I've felt like that. I decide to make eggs and toast. Papyrus comes down when he smells it and after waking up Sans. He teleports to a chair. "that looks eggcelent." Papyrus groans. "Thanks, you really crack me up!" Papyrus smacked both of our heads. I laugh as I serve them their food.

    I go visit Mettaton today. He opens the door. "What do you want?" He says, to my surprise. I take a deep breath. "May I come in?" He lets me in and I sit down. "Mettaton, I'm sorry for trying to kill you... I now know that you and Papyrus aren't the end of the world. I'll try to convince Sans to let you two be together."

   He looks shocked. "Well darling, I guess I can forgive you if it means that me and Papy can be together." I give him a hug. "Thanks Mettaton, I feel really bad. I hope you sincerely forgive me." He then grins at me. "Of course, darling! It was just a sheer mistake." We then sit there and chat for a bit.

    I then go visit Napstablook. "Hey, Blooky!" I say. He invites me in. "Do you want some cookies I made for you?" I ask. He replies "Sorry... I probably can't eat them... I'm a ghost after all..." I then stab the cookies with bones. Their hp goes down to zero and they turn into ghosts. "There buddy, they're dead! Now you can eat them!" He smiles and takes a bite. "Am I really your buddy?" I nod my head. "Thanks for the cookies... buddy..."
"See ya later, buddy!" I then go to Grillby's.

   "Hey Grillby, can I have a burger?" He looks at me. "No mustard?" I shake my head. "Papyrus doesn't like me drinking so much." He goes to fetch me my order. As he sets it down, he says "I'm sincerely sorry for all of the pain I've put you through. I hope we're still friends." I look happily up at him. "Of course!" I eat my burger. "By the way, can I play the piano? It's been a while."

    I played a few songs on the piano, but mostly some monster's themes and other themes that I've heard while wandering around. After playing for about 2 hours, I get paid and then I head for Tori's.

    When I get there, her, Asriel, and Frisk are in the kitchen. "We're making snail pie!" Frisk and Asriel say. I chat with Tori about snails and I talk to the kiddos about random things. Soon, the pie is done. Tori cuts me a slice. It's actually pretty good! I compliment her, and she says "Snail Pie is my specialty." I think that her Butterscotch-Cinnamon is better, but to each there own.

    I teleport back home from the ruins. It's been a long day. "DID YOU STAY AWAY FROM MUSTARD TODAY?" I nod my head and take Papyrus to his room and read him his bedtime story. I give him a kiss on his cheekbone and whisper goodnight to him. I then take Sans off of the couch and put tuck him in his bed. I kiss his skull. I then head to the bathroom to take a shower, brush my teeth, and head to bed. It's been a while since I've had a nice, productive day like this.



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