Chapter 12

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    Asriel had given Chara a plushie of him (the one above). She squeezed it as I cute her hair, since she was scared of the sharp scissors. Soon after, Chara's hair looked really cute (Look at the image above) and I was proud of myself for doing such a good job.

   We'd gotten a hammock set up in my room so Chara could take the bed. Being older means responsibility, and besides, she deserves it. I think I've killed the shadows for good. They haven't come back yet, and I haven't felt a dark presence since I killed the shadow. Chara looked so peaceful in bed, hugging her Asriel plushie.

    Sans and Papyrus have gotten used to having Chara around, and I think that Sans is beginning to trust her more. So is Frisk, even though there's room for improvement. Chara's been getting piano lessons from Undyne and cooking lessons from me. She's doing pretty good in both. It's great to see her enjoying herself. Though I still have to be the one to use the knife to cut things.

    I've been going in at least 3 times a week to Grillby's to play the piano. I've been staying away from a ton of the mustard lately. I have a lot to live for. Sans has, reluctantly, approved of Papy and Mettaton's relationship, and everyone is really happy. I also think that Tori and Asgore are getting back together. Slowly, but surely. I, on the other hand, am currently dating Blooky. Mettaton has fully forgiven me, thankfully.

    It's time to ask Chara the question. "Do you want to live with us or with Tori?" She looks directly into my eyes. "I want to stay with you. I love you, Y/N. You're my older sister to me. I hope you think of me as a little sister." I pull her into a hug and spin her around the room. "Of course I do, Chara!" I tell Sans and Papyrus that Chara is staying with us, and they seem good with it. We remodel the room to for 2 people.

   The walls are now green with a cream stripe. The carpet is cream, but we have a red rug. We got a bunk bed, and Chara took the top, while I took the bottom. We have a mirror with a red rim and a we have a white dresser underneath it. We also have a closet in the wall that has white doors. The room actually looks a lot better than before!

Today I have a date at MTT Resort with Blooky. I'm wearing a pretty red thick strapped dress that has a big black ribbon with a bow in the back. I'm also wearing black flats and I curled my hair. Napstablook comes to pick me up at the door, and I almost fall over when I see him.

Napstablook is a robot!

I star grinning from ear to ear

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I star grinning from ear to ear. "Blooky, you look amazing!!!" I say as I hug him. I then gaze into his eyes for a few seconds until finally pulling him into a kiss. His eyes widen, but he kisses back. I can hear a few people walking down the stairs and suddenly stop. I pull away from Blooky and see Sans, Papyrus, and Chara wide eyed. "Look at Blooky!" I say.

   They then calm down. Chara giggles. "I thought that you were cheating on Blooky!" I shake my head. "I would never do that. I love Blooky!" I then kiss him again. He wraps his arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around his waist. Sans makes a fake gagging noise, but I'm distracted. After a few minutes, we finally let go. "Let's head over to the Resort, shall we?" I say, hooking arms with Blooky and teleporting.

Mettaton greets us when we get there. "Hello, Darlings~! Let me seat you two!" He leads us to a table in the center of the room. I order a Legendary Hero and Blooky orders a Glamburger. Blooky and I eat our food while talking, flirting, and laughing.

After we finish eating, we share a Starfait. After that, we hang around and keep talking to each other about everything from the latest drama to the strangest pick up lines.

As we get up, he puts his arm around my waist, catching me off guard. He then leans down and kisses my lips. I put my hands on his shoulders and kiss back. I know Mettaton's probably recording from somewhere, but I don't care. I'm enjoying the moment.

He then walks with me to waterfall. He takes me into a cave full of echo flowers. He then tells me to 'go explore.' I touch the petal of the nearest echo flower, and it says "Y/N, I love you with all of my soul." I tap another one. "Y/N, you're the first person that has ever loved me like this, and also the first that I've loved this way as well." I smile at Blooky, who's blushing a pleasant shade of blue.

I continue exploring the flowers, which are all saying a variety of sweet things. I turn back to Blooky, who points to a flower. "You missed one," He says, and I walk over to it. I gently touch its petals, and it says "Y/N, I love you so much. I know we haven't been together for that long, but I would like to ask you a question. Y/N-" The flower cuts off, and I turn to Blooky. My hands fly to my mouth as I see him on one knee. "Will you marry me?"

I start crying. "YES!!!" I shout, and I think the whole underground can hear me. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he picks me up bridal style and kisses me. I kiss back, filled with joy and happiness, but most of all, determination. He then pulls his face away and with my arms around his neck, he carries me back home.

Thinking about it, Mettaton probably found a way to follow us, but I don't care. It's the happiest day of my life, and I couldn't have a care in the world. We finally reach home, and Napstablook knocks on the door. No one opens it, so he kisses me again. By the way, he's still carrying me. Sans opens the door and sees the two of us. I keep kissing him even though I know Sans is there. I'm so happy!

After about a minute of watching us kiss, Sans coughs. Blooky sets me down and I'm grinning like an idiot, but so is he. Sans looks at Blooky. "Lemme guess, she said yes?" We both nod, and I peck his lips one more time before heading inside.

I change back into my clothes, and I lay on the couch watching the breaking news. Guess what? I was right. Mettaton DID record everything, but I'm happy that everyone knows. Sans, Papyrus, and Chara are watching it with me, and I can't help but grin at everything.

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