Chapter 13

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(You look like the pic above except as the character on the book cover.)

    It's the big day, and you're over at Mettaton's so he can dress you up. You have a white dress with a buttercup in it and you're holding a bouquet of buttercups. Your hair is in a bridal bun, and you're wearing some light makeup. The best thing about you though, according to Mettaton, is your smile. "I can't help it, Mettaton! I'm super excited!" You say when he tells you this.

    As Mettaton dresses you up, you review some things in your head. Chara and Frisk are the flower girls, Azzy's the ring bearer, Papyrus, Mettaton, and Sans are your best men, you and Blooky couldn't decide between them all. Undyne and Alphys are your bridesmaids. Asgore's the priest, and Tori will walk you down as your mother. Catering will be by Muffet and Grillby.

     The ceremony went great! Papyrus and Mettaton walked down together, and so did Alphys and Undyne. Sans though, instead of walking, he ran down the aisle screaming "SINGLE FOR LIFE!!! WHOO HOO!!!" Tori was sniffling as she walked me down. "Congratulations," she whispered as I got to the front.

    We made our own vows to jazz up the whole wedding. He was wearing a nice dark blue suit with a light blue tie. He went first.

    "Y/N, I have only known you for a short period of time, but you have shown me that there's more to life than laying on the floor and feeling like garbage." He gazed lovingly into my eyes as I gazed back. "You have made me feel meaningful and loved, and you make me very happy. I promise to always love you, and nothing will ever pull us apart. I mean, I'm already dead so..." People started laughing. "I love you with all of my soul, and I swear to protect, love, and help you to the best of my abilities no matter what." He finishes.

    I start. "Napstablook, I love you with all of my soul. You make me feel alive, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I remember feeling joyed when we would lay on the floor feeling like garbage together, and I wouldn't care if no one said a word. I was just happy to be with you." I teleport a piece of paper into my hands and slowly tear it. "You will make a teariffic life partner, and I swear to love, protect, care for, help, and enjoy being with you no matter what. I love you, Blooky." Papyrus screamed at the pun, and everyone started laughing.

   After everyone calmed down, Asgore said a few words. We exchanged our rings. They both were silver with 2 gems: 1 red and 1 blue. Asgore talked for a bit, but I was to busy gazing into Blooky's eyes, and I could tell that he was doing the same. Soon, Asgore said "You May now kiss the bride." Blooky grabs my waist and passionately kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and do the same. He then picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the room, with everyone cheering for us.

   After the whole wedding and reception, my phone was filled with pictures. I went home with Blooky for the night. I cuddled with him as he talked to me about everything on his mind.

    I woke up, and Blooky was smiling at me. I flicked his nose and jokingly said "Creep." I giggled and he laughed a bit. We decide to go down to my house and on the way there, we get a lot of 'Congratulations'. Soon, we got to the house. Chara opens the door and hugs mine and Blooky's legs. We then walk inside and start moving our things to the new house that we had bought together before the wedding.

   Chara was moving in with us too. Sans and Papyrus were a bit upset, but I told Sans that he would soon get a girlfriend and I told Papyrus that he'll soon get a house with Ton-Ton. He blushed, and then continued moving boxes into the house. Sans remained there and shifted his glance to the side. "About that..." he said. "I met a girl named Red..."

(This is Red

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(This is Red. She's from an AU.)

    "So you're dating a girl named Red that's not even part of this universe? Wow, that's crazy!" He blushes. "She's really nice..." I giggle. "Good luck with her, Baby Bones!" I give him a hug and get back to putting away boxes.

    Soon, we're done unpacking, and the house looks great! Chara has her own room now, which she's super pumped for. My life is turning out really great now!

————————5 years later———————
     It's been a while, hasn't it? Blooky and I are still together, and Chara's 15! I have a 4 year old girl named Allegra and I'm pregnant with a kid. We're going to name them Phoenix! Papyrus and Mettaton got married shortly after we did and have a soon to be 4 year old boy named Impact. Undyne and Alphys also got married and adopted a girl named Ember.

(This is Ember)   Sans and Red got married too

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(This is Ember)
Sans and Red got married too. At his wedding, I shouted "SO MUCH FOR BEING 'SINGLE FOR LIFE!'" Most of the monsters got the reference and started laughing. Chara is currently dating MK and Frisk is dating Asriel.

Soon, Phoenix was born. Allegra and Phoenix look somewhat similar. They're both pale and have white hair, but Allegra has an eyepatch on her left eye and her right one is blue, while Phoenix has two red eyes. Allegra got into a fight with a kid in preschool and she got stabbed in the eye with a pair of scissors. I made sure the kid knew that his life was on the line when he did it.

——————-Time Skip 5 years——————

Allegra has rosy cheeks that are always kind of purple and she acts a lot like Sans, except she likes drinking chocolate syrup. She has a purple magic, and she always wears a purple scarf with a black t-shirt and purple basketball shorts with a white stripe along the side. She wears white fluffy boots which surprisingly haven't stained yet.

Phoenix, who's a lot like Papyrus, loves ketchup, like Sans. He has yellow magic, like my JUSTICE form. He's always wearing some yellow camouflage hoodie with blue jeans and yellow sneakers. He's about 5 now, while Allegra is 9.

    Impact is basically a little boy that has hair like Mettaton and LOVES neon colors. He's really adorable and acts like Papy, but he has a really good singing voice. He's Allegra's best friend. Ember, on the other hand, is really shy, but is super good in battle. She's also super smart. She's one of Phoenix's best friend, and she's a really cute kid.

    Napstablook and I are still as in love as the day that we were married, which is good. He started being a DJ, and has a lot of fans. I still have a ton of money, so I don't have to work every day. Chara is now married to MK, and Frisk married Azzy. It's funny how they stayed in the same relationship this whole time. Lucky them. At least I have Blooky.

     Sans and Red had a kiddo named Athena. She's doing really good for her age. In fact, for a 4 year old, she's brilliant. She always wears a red cloak that her mom handed down to her. She has short pink hair that only peeks out a bit from her hood. Despite covering pretty much her whole body with a cloak, she's quite the extrovert, but knows when to be serious. She's very mature. Her best friends are Ember and Phoenix, even if she's a bit younger.

     My life is pretty great now, and I wouldn't change anything about it! It's really amazing to have come from the void to here. By the way, I've been able to contact Gaster from the void. He was very happy to see me and to be a grandfather. My bros and I are closer than ever, especially since our kiddos always wanna see each other. I love my life now!



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