Chapter 3

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The ball was being held in the judgment hall. I see Sans and Papyrus, who are wearing tuxedos. Sans has a blue tie and Papyrus has an orange one. I head over to Sans, since Papyrus had ran off after seeing Mettaton arrive. I say to Sans "You look like you don't want to be here." He replies "Yeah, I had no body to go with to the ball." I giggle, and we chat for a bit.

Grillby walks up to you two. He says hello to the two of us and joins the conversation. A song starts playing and people start to dance. Grillby's flames turn pink and he asks "Y/N, m-may I have this dance?" I freeze for a second and then accept his offer. Grillby's a really good dancer! He kept gazing into my eyes, causing my cheeks to turn red.

We danced to a few more songs, and then Grillby took me out onto a balcony. His flames rise, and I look at him. He asks me "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" I'm stunned, and I think for a second. He's very nice, and he's really cute. I also DID have a slight crush on him... just a slight crush. Definitely. I then manage to stutter out "Y-yes!"

He then kisses me, which surprises me, but I kiss back. It was really warm, but I guess that makes sense. When we pulled away from each other, we had a crowd around us. His flames grow a bright pink, and my face turns a dark shade of red. I see Sans, who shouts over the commotion "Now THAT'S a relationship I approve of!" I giggle, and walk away with Grillby from the center of the crowd.

We go back to the main room, and we grab some food and take a seat at a table. We're later joined by toaster, Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Tori, and Frisk. They're all commenting on how cute Grillby and I look together. Soon, the conversation drifts towards other topics. I see Sans glaring at Frisk, so I kick his Tibia. He then looks away.

Asgore walks over to our table, and I laugh when he tries to talk to Tori. He said "Hello, Tori," And she replied "Don't Tori me, Dreemurr." Asgore looked sad but then greeted the rest of us. He asked to talk to me, so I went with him to a more private room.

    He basically just asks me about my powers, and was interested in how I had determination. He asked to know a little bit more about me. He then asked if I would like to join the royal guard. I said that I would think about it, and he said he would set up training for me with Undyne.

    I teleported back home since the ball was over, then changed into my signature clothes and removed my makeup. I was bone tired, heh, so I went to sleep for then night. Before I fell asleep, I felt quick skeleton kisses on my cheek as I passed out.

     I woke up, my heart pounding. I had a dream that Chara came back and I had to kill Frisk. I then tried to heal Frisk when Chara left her, but I dealt too much damage, and she died. I realized it was just a dream, and calmed down.

     I drank some mustard for breakfast along with some spaghetti that Papyrus had made with Undyne. She was there so she could evaluate my skills and see what to do for my training.

    I teleported the two of us to Undyne's house, and she had me attack the dummy. I one-shotted it, and she decided to fight me herself. She asked to see how many types of magic I could use. I could use blue magic, green magic, purple magic, you name it, I can do it. Years in the void with Gaster weren't just wasted sitting around.

     Undyne sent me home from training and said that she had to speak with the king. Papyrus ran to the front door when I opened it and asked how training was. "It was good, Papyrus." I then said "I'm going to Grillby's." He ran out the door behind me and screamed "TO SEE YOUR BOYFRIEND!" I flushed a bright red.

     Sans was already at Grillby's when I arrived. I took a seat next to him and ordered a mustard. Sans eyed the bottle of mustard and said "I still don't see how you can drink the stuff." I just shot back "To each their own." Grillby came back and set down the bottle. I blew him a kiss and he turned bright pink. I chuckled and chugged the mustard.

    Sans asked me if I wanted to have a competition. "whoever can drink the most bottles of their condiment in 10 minutes wins." He said. I accepted, and asked Grillby to get a bunch of condiments ready. People started to crowd around. "This is going to be fun," I thought.

     "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" Monsters were chanting. We were 5 minutes into the competition, and we had both chugged 20 bottles. "This is unhealthy," I said in my head. We were both beginning to slow down, but I was determined to win.

      "3...2....1.... TIME!" Everyone in Grillby's was now watching. MTT TV had come to record us, too. I had won with 40 bottles, while Sans had 39. Condiments aren't the equivalent to alcohol in the monster world, but they do affect your mental state temporarily if you drink too much of it. In both of our cases, we were definitely 'drunk' off of the condiments.

      Mettaton had to call Papyrus to pick us up, since we were both too 'drunk' to teleport back home safely. While we were waiting for Papyrus to come and get us, I had apparently grabbed Grillby and started kissing him. After kissing him nonstop for a few minutes, I had been playing with his face and rubbing his cheeks. Basically, I did some embarrassing stuff while Sans was passed out on the counter. Luckily, Papyrus came and got us before I could do anything super stupid.

    I woke up and Papyrus was watching MTT TV. He was sitting in the middle of the couch, while I was laying across his lap and Sans was sleeping on his shoulder. I had a massive headache, but I managed to focus on the TV. It was showing our news story. I groaned and laid back down on Papyrus' lap. I then fell back to sleep.

Papyrus had fidgeted a little when he awoke, causing Sans and I to wake up also. We had all fallen asleep on the couch. I sat up, and so did Sans, while Papyrus got up and started to scold us about drinking too much and he told me about the embarrassing things that I had done.

     After that, I teleported to Grillby's to apologize. I also paid for all the mustard and ketchup that we had used. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and said sorry. I then left. I teleported back home and went to Sans' room.

     I entered and we talked a bit. He started talking about Frisk and how he doesn't trust her anymore. I said "Tibia honest, Baby Bones, I know she didn't want to hurt anybody. You should forgive her." I heard Papyrus screech from the other room and I giggled. Sans replied "I know i'm being harsh, but i can't have her snapping and killing someone." I decided to take him to see her so they could talk things out.

    Frisk and Sans came to terms with each other and were soon back to normal, making puns and arguing over who gets the last piece of pie. It makes me happy to see him and Frisk friends again.

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