Chapter 6

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I forgot to change back into my normal clothes, so I do that first. It feels so good to finally have shorts back on, and to have on my fluffy blue slippers!

I grab a bottle of mustard and begin drinking it. It only affects me if I have too much too quickly. I bring an extra bottle with me to drink while I'm walking. I haven't seen Mettaton try to come over in a long time, and Papyrus has been out a lot. I have a hunch about something. I leave Sans to sleep in.

I teleport over to Mettaton's place. Nobody's there, so I continue to explore the place. I then quietly stumble into Mettaton's bedroom. I look over, and I can feel my face beginning to turn red and my eye beginning to flare.

Mettaton's fangs are out, and sleeping with Papyrus. So much for working his 'overnight shift'. I take Papyrus and teleport him back home and into his racecar bed, and then I teleport back to Mettaton.

Mettaton's awake when I get there, and when he sees me, his fangs disappear and fear replaces the peaceful look on his face. I glare at him. "I warned you, calculator." He starts to stammer something, but I cut him off by carrying him with my magic. I tighten my grip around his neck. Tighter, tighter, tighter...

Papyrus comes running into the room with Sans and Alphys. He screams "STOP IT Y/N!" Tears come to my eyes. I let Mettaton go. "Why, Papyrus? I thought I could trust you." Alphys runs over to Mettaton and Sans helps her teleport the two of them to her lab.

"I-I thought I could t-trust you..." Sans teleports back. I'm on my knees, sobbing. I then start choking, which turns into maniacal laughter. I start coughing out black goo. My eyes and mouths begin to melt. I'm no longer in control. A knife appears in my hand.

I hear Sans telling Papyrus to run. He obediently listens. Sans didn't know what had happened to create enough hate that Chara could take over, but he fought me anyway. Chara didn't know how to use me, so he beat me a few times. Every time I died, I say his blue tears trickling down his skull.

I then black out, and soon wake up in my bed. I can see Sans, Papyrus, and Chara. I give my bros hugs and kisses, and ask if I can have some alone time. Chara seems to be a ghost that only I can see, but I know she's real.

    We ended up talking for a while. The conversation was useless, except for the last part. "So basically, if I allow you to kill me every week slowly and painfully, you will reset that day so I'm still alive and you won't hurt anyone else?" Chara replies "Yup, that way, the same day won't repeat itself over and over." I think for a second, and then agree. We shake on it, and I make sure she's not crossing. It's for the good of everyone.

     Grillby comes to see me. He looks at me without a single expression. "I've lost interest in you." The words stab me like a knife. I ask "Who're you with now?" He bluntly says "Muffet." and leaves.

   I take all of the pictures I have of him to waterfall. I slowly tear them up and drop them into water. I would burn them, but he's made of fire, and it didn't seem to cross my mind that they were polaroids and they were just pictures.

I walk home with red tears rimming my eyes as I think about everything that had happened. I walk in the door, and Sans looks at me. He then teleports the two of us to his room. "what's wrong, sis?"

I start sobbing into his shoulder. He gives me a hug and I squeeze back. I say "G-grillby *hic* b-broke u-up with m-me b-because I-I'm no- *hic* I'm n-no g-good... I-I'm j-just a m-mistake th-that *hic* s-should've s-stayed I-in the v-void..."

His eye sockets go black and he teleports somewhere. I figure he went to Grillby's, so I pull myself together and teleport there.

      Sans has Grillby in a chokehold. I wonder how he managed that. I put my arm around Sans' shoulder and teleport us back home, taking Grillby with us.

     The second we set foot in the house, Sans launches Grillby into battle. Grillby looks at me pleadingly, and I say "Shoulda at least said sorry."

    I walk to Papyrus' room. We need to have a little 'chat' about the calculator. Sans still probably doesn't know what happened. I see Papyrus hugging a pillow and sobbing. I feel really bad that I caused this.

      I sit at the edge of his bed, near his feet. "Hey Papy, you okay?" He looks up at me and hugs me. "I-I'M SO S-SORRY Y-Y/N! T-THIS IS A-ALL M-MY FAULT!"  I make eye contact with him. "This is not your fault. This is my fault. I shouldn't have gotten so mad."

    I help him calm down with a few monster candies, and soon he's feeling a better. I then bring up the subject that I came here to talk about in the first place. " Listen Paps, I'm sorry that me and Sans don't like Mettaton, but I don't want him to hurt you."
"NOBODY CAN HURT THE GREAT PAPYRUS! NYEH HEH HEH!" I then look at him. "Think about 3 minutes ago." "OH... BUT WHY EXACTLY DON'T YOU TWO LIKE HIM?"

    Sans then walks into the room. "What did you do to Grillby?"
"he's fine sis, he apologized. he may or may not be down to 1 hp though..."
"Good. I think Papyrus has something to tell you, promise you won't get mad." Papyrus looks at me with eyes full of fear. I give hug a reassuring pat on the back. Sans says "i promise."

    Papyrus takes a deep breath. "I'VEBEENSEEINGMETTATONBEHINDYOURGUYS'BACKSI'MSOSORRYPLEASEDON'TBEMAD!!!" I take Sans into the hallway before he can explode at Papyrus.

     Sans starts screaming really loudly. "WHAT?HE'S JOKING HE HAS TO BE 👌︎◆︎⧫︎ ◻︎♋︎◻︎⍓︎❒︎◆︎⬧︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎❼︎⧫︎ ♒︎♋︎❖︎♏︎ ♎︎□︎■︎♏︎ ⬧︎□︎❍︎♏︎⧫︎♒︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ●︎♓︎🙵♏︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎✏︎ ♒︎♏︎❼︎⬧︎ ◻︎♋︎◻︎⍓︎❒︎◆︎⬧︎✏︎ ♋︎♋︎♋︎♋︎❒︎❒︎♑︎♑︎♒︎♒︎♒︎✏︎✏︎✏︎" He puts his hand over his mouth. Papyrus has his head peaked out from the door. I guess he was listening all along. I can still hear Sans' voice ringing in my ears.

     Sans looks from Papyrus to me and at himself and to Papyrus then to me... and then he starts hyperventilating. In a few seconds, he passes out. "Well, we have two passed out people in our house now."
I look at Papyrus. "Grillby's the other one. Better bring them both to Alphys."

     We head over to Alphys' lab. Papyrus is carrying Grillby while I have Sans. I glance over at Papyrus. "You can be with Mettaton, just not in front of Sans or I." His eyes turn into stars. "WOWIE!" He starts sprinting to Alphys' lab. Luckily, I'm able to keep up with him.

     I'm sitting in a chair next to the bed Sans is in. Papyrus went to go see Mettaton recovering from the injuries I gave him. I called Muffet, told her what happened, and she's now with Grillby. At least they're happy.

    Alphys walks into the room. "H-hey Y-Y/N... c-can I t-talk to y-you a-about s-something?"
"Sure Alphys, what is it?"
"Well, y-your soul is v-very u-unique. Y-you c-could do practically a-anything w-with it."
"W-would y-you l-like me to t-train y-you in learning h-how to u-use it t-to it's f-full extent?"
"What do you mean?"
"W-well, with p-proper t-training, y-you c-could h-have enough p-power to r-raise s-someone f-from the d-dead, or restore s-someone who's been g-greatly injured."

    I look at her in amazement. "No joke?" "I-it's t-the truth..." My eyes widen and I say "Are we starting tomorrow?"

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