Chapter 4

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I decide to start walking home from Tori's house. I haven't seen much of the underground. I enter a room, and there's a huge flower in the middle. It looks at me and has a face!!???!! Oh... it's a monster!

"Howdy, I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" I interrupt Flowey by saying "I know who you are, you hurt my little bros and you're gonna have a BAD TIME."

Flowey leans forward a little. "Hey, you're Gaster's kid, right? I remember you!" He says with an evil grin. He disappears for a few seconds and returns with the souls that Asgore had collected. He then says "You're supposed to be powerful, right?"

Flowey then turns into this giant, disgusting monster. Omega Flowey. We had this huge battle, a lot of confusing things happened, like Flowey turning into Asriel, and the human souls helping me. (You know what happens in the fight, I'm just being lazy. Not a good quality for a writer...)

In the end, I won. A small goat appeared. He sees me and starts sobbing. I give him a hug, and Tori walks by on her daily walks around the ruins with Frisk. They see Asriel and run up to him and give him a big hug. I feel really good about myself! Tori says "Thank you, my child. I'm so happy to have my son back!" With a grin plastered across my face, I teleport back home.

I grab a bottle of mustard from the fridge and sit on the couch. I whip out my phone to finally get a good look at it. Alphys had inputted all of our friends' contacts. I started using my favorite app.

A few hours pass, and Sans walks down the stairs. I tell him all about Asriel and his eye sockets widen. Papyrus peeks his head out of the kitchen. "NYEH? THE PRINCE IS BACK? WOWIE!" I say "We can visit him tomorrow in the ruins!" I then head to bed.

     I wake up and have a text from Asgore. It says "Are you available tonight at 7:00?" I have another text from Grillby, which says "Do you want to go out tonight at 7:00?" Well, that's a problem, but right now I have to see Asriel with the Baby Bones.

      I hold one of Papyrus' hands and Sans holds the other, and we teleport to the ruins in a flash of red and blue. We knock on the door, and Asriel opens it. Papyrus picks up Asriel into a big bear hug. Sans sticks out his hand. Asriel shakes it. "PPPPHHHHLLLLRRRTTTRBBBBBTT"

     Sans and I start chuckling while Asriel and Papyrus look mad. In sync, Sans and I say "The whoopee cushion in the hand trick! Always funny!" We start laughing even harder.

     We all sit in the kitchen, trying Tori's new recipe, Lemon Meringue Pie. I say "It's really good, but nothing tops Tori's Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie!" Asriel then says "No, Mom's snail pie is the best!" I finish up my pie, and say "Thanks guys, but I've gotta run. I'm kinda busy..." I teleport away.

     It's 6:00. I text Asgore "Can I come now?" I then text Grillby "Can I come at 8?" They both reply sure, and I teleport to the castle.

     Asgore sees me and says "Hello, my child! It's good to see you again, I would like to talk to you about your training. Is it true that you can use all types of magic?" I reply "Yes sir, it is. I spent years training." He then has me battle him. I win, and then I heal him.

      "Do you think I could see your soul for a second?" I pull out my soul. It's upside down, just like any monster, but it's red. Determination. It's glowing very brightly, and I see a few tiny flecks of every other color of the rainbow in your soul.

      He then says "Please meet me at Alphys' lab tomorrow at 8 in the morning, child. You can leave for today." I respond "Thank you sir!" I check my watch, and it's 8. Perfect timing. I teleport into Grillby's.
       He's closing up early for the night. "Grillby, you don't have to take time off of work for me." He simply says "I love you, and I want to spend more time with you." I turn bright red, and say "I love you, too." We then go to a movie theater. I order a jumbo popcorn and a large drinks. Grillby doesn't like liquid - I wonder why.

       After the movie, he offers to walk me home. He's about 5 inches taller than me. I rest my head on his shoulder as we walk home, and outside the door, he kisses me. I say goodbye, and enter the house.

      I look at Sans. "You we're looking through the window, weren't you?"
"You took a picture of us, didn't you?"
"You're going to send that to Alphys and Undyne, aren't you?"
He's grinning. I playfully punch his arm. "Did you read Paps his bedtime story?"
"Yup," Sans responds. He then whips out our condiments. "Alphys and Undyne should arrive soon."

     They arrive and are fangirling. It's annoying, but I ignore them. I'm just trying my hardest to keep quiet, since Papyrus is sleeping. They keep asking me questions about Grillby. Soon they get all they want out of me, and we play a game of Monopoly, and then they leave. It's 12. I give Sans a piggyback ride to his room since he didn't want to stand up, and I kiss his skull and I head to bed.

       I wake up at 7:55. I brush out my hair, chug a bottle of mustard, and teleport to Alphys' lab. I'm early. Alphys says that Asgore can't make it, but she knows what to do, so she runs a few test in my soul. I just told myself that it probably was just for some research. All the tests finish at 11, so I decide to head down to Grillby's.

    I'm bored, and there's a piano in the corner of the room. "Can I play the piano?" He says yes, and I play Megalovania on the piano. Sans walks in during the song, and when he realizes what's playing, he chokes on his ketchup.

     I head over to Sans when I'm done. "I know about the timelines, Baby Bones. I've heard the song at least a million times." He then says "You missed a few notes." He walks me over to the piano and shows me a few things that I should add. I try them out, and they actually help a lot!

       Grillby asks me if I can play piano as a job. I agree, and walk over to the piano. I grab some sheet music front my jacket (The jacket is magic, duh) and start playing. He pays me 50g for 40 minutes. It's a job, at least.

       I look at the calendar when I teleport home. It's Papyrus' birthday tomorrow! We need to prepare and get everything ready! I call Tori and Muffet to bake a cake together and the rest of our friends to help set up. It's going to be exciting!

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