Chapter 11

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Chara sleeps in my bed next to me. I let her hug me and take up most of the blanket. After all, she's only 10 years old and has already dealt with some harsh stuff. I get out of bed early to make her and my bros some chocolate chip pancakes.

Papyrus comes down and helps me make the pancakes. Sans soon comes down and grabs a ketchup and his favorite expired potato chips. "Where's the kid?"
"Sleeping, don't worry." He relaxes a bit. Chara comes running down the stairs in some black leggings and a green pullover hoodie with her signature cream stripe. "Did you brush your teeth?" She nods and bounces up and down happily as I pass out the pancakes.

I'm looking at Chara. She's a cute kid with a troubled past. Those rosy pink cheeks, her reddish brown eyes, her brown hair, her pale skin... you would think of her as a sweet, innocent little girl. Speaking of hair, I'm going to have to cut Chara's. It's really uneven and funny looking right now.

After Chara eats about 5 pancakes, she slouches in her chair. "I'm stuffed," she says. Sans is pouring ketchup on his pancake. Chara giggles at him and he forces a grin. Papyrus stood up. "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM LEAVING FOR SENTRY DUTY AND WILL BE BACK AT 3! GOODBYE! NYEH HEH HEH!" Chara smiles, but then it melts away. She must be thinking about all the times she had beheaded him. Sans notices and says "ima go to the hotdog stand. see ya guys later." He teleports away.

I look at Chara. "So Chara, do you want to spend the day just chilling here or do you want to visit some more people?" She replies "Can we stay here until after lunch and then go visit people?" I nod. "Sounds like a plan."

We basically spend the first half of the day watching Netflix or doing whatever on our phones. I text Tori.
Me: Heyyy, Tori!
Tori: Hello, my child.
Me: Do u mind if we visit you today? I have someone that you'll probably wanna meet.
Tori: Of course!
Me: Thanks Tori! Cya!
Tori: Bye!

Papyrus gets home and makes some spaghetti. I whisper to Chara "Don't worry, I'll make sure that he doesn't give you too much or poison it. Either way, I'll try to stop you from getting sick." She thanks me and we walk to the kitchen. We eat our spaghetti, which is actually pretty good! I walk with Chara out the door.

Chara asks me if we can stop by Sans' hotdog stand. I teleport us there, and he grins. I guess he's always grinning though. Chara then says "Can you stack hotdogs on my head?" His eye sockets widen. "ya sure kiddo?" She nods, and her face looks full of determination.

"Sorry kiddo, 30's my limit." I take a picture with my phone. I then help Sans by using my magic to get the hotdogs down. I hand one to me, one to Chara, and one to Sans. Chara puts a little amount of condiments on her hotdog and eats it. "This is good! Thanks Sans!" He grins, but for real. "no problem, kiddo." We then say bye and then go to visit Blooky.

"Hi Blooky! This is Chara. Can we come in?" He opens his door. "Hi Y/N and Chara... I'm Napstablook... but you probably already know that... ohhh... I'm rambling now... aren't I... I'm sorry..." Chara and I giggle. I say "You're so cute, buddy!" I then give him a hug *magic* and his cheeks turn dark. Chara laughs.
We then all lay on the floor listening to spooktunes and feeling like garbage.

I saved the Spooktunes playlist to my phone. I really liked it. Blooky was so awkward... but it was adorable. It suits him. I then give Blooky a quick hug and thank him for the great time. "You... has a great time?" I smile warmly. "Of course we did, buddy!" We then say bye and head over to Undyne's for training.

As we approached Undyne's house, Chara said "I totally ship you and Napstablook. You two would be so cute together!" I turn a dark shade of red and look away. Chara knocks on the door while grinning cheekily at me. Undyne then opens the door. "TRAINING TIME!" She screams.

She has Chara land a few blows on the dummy WITH HER FISTS, May I add. She prefers not to use weapons. I think she may have a mild case of Aichmophobia, the fear of pointy things. Mainly knives. She has a reason though. Then Undyne flings Chara into battle. Chara lands a few blows, and she's actually pretty good at dodging and defense. She dodged a lot of Undyne's attacks.

Undyne takes us inside after a bit of training. "SO, NERD, TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF!" Chara looked up from the tea that Undyne had made for her. "Well, I like the colors green and cream, I like chocolate, I don't like pointy things, and would like to learn how to play piano." She cowered as Undyne pointed her spear at her. "FUHUHU! IM JUST JOKING! I COULD TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY PIANO TOO! AND HOW TO COOK AND-" I cut off Undyne. "You can text Chara more information, but we gotta go. Bye!"

I then teleport to the outside of Toriel's house! Chara's eyes widen bigger than ever. I knock on the door and smile at Chara. Tori opens the door and sees Chara. Her eyes well up with tears and she gets on her knees and hugs Chara. "M-my Child... you're b-back!" Tori says through sobs. "I missed you, Mom." Chara says as she hugs Toriel. We then go inside.

Tori gives us all slices of butterscotch-cinnamon pie after Asriel has their own happy reunions with Chara. Frisk is still a bit worried. Chara happily gobbles down the huge slice of pie and asks for another. Toriel laughs and passes out another piece to all of us, which we all eat without hesitation. Nothing like a happy reunion to lift your spirits.

I talk to Toriel while Chara, Frisk, and Azzy are playing in another room. "I'm going to have Chara stay with me for a little bit longer and then, if she wants to, she will move in with you, if you're okay with that?" Tori gives me a hug. "Of course, my child! I'm very happy right now!" I let Chara stay and play with the kiddos for a bit longer until we head over to the castle.

     I teleport Chara to the castle with me and we go to the throne room, to find Asgore looking at the flowers. He looks up, and sees Chara. She runs up to him before he can react and jumps into his lap and hugs him. He squeezes her back and strokes her hair. "Child... I missed you..."
"I missed you too, Dad..." I smiled. They looked really happy. I let them catch up with each other and talk for a bit. We then headed back home.


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