Chapter 5

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I wake up at 3:00 in the morning for Papyrus' Birthday. I then walk over to Sans' room and wake him up. Out friends are going to arrive at 4, and Papyrus should wake up at 5.

I make sure that Sans dresses somewhat nicely today, so he's wearing a blue pullover hoodie with black pants and blue sneakers. I'm wearing a red pullover hoodie with black tights and red sneakers.

I begin tidying up the place. There's a knock on the door, and Tori and Muffet show up with the cake and desserts. Later, Grillby shows up with spaghetti and some burger and fries. Soon, the rest of our friends show up with decorations and we begin decorating.

It's 5, so I head up to wake Papyrus. He quickly gets ready, puts on his battle body, and runs down the stairs. I teleport down before he gets to the bottom of the stairs. When he reaches the bottom, he turns on the light, and we all pop out and scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Papyrus is extremely happy that Sans is dressed up. His eyes are twinkling! We've spent the first 4 hours just chilling and doing whatever, since it's too early to do anything. We just hang around the house, eating and talking, and playing some video games.

At about 9, Papyrus cuts his cake. It tastes super good! We spend some more time chilling in the house, and then we all get together to open his presents.

     I got him a cute picture of him, me, and Sans. (We're in the pose of the pic below)

    Sans gave him a plate of spaghetti and said "BONE Appetite!" Papyrus threw him out the front door

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    Sans gave him a plate of spaghetti and said "BONE Appetite!" Papyrus threw him out the front door.

    Alphys gave him a manga about a very specific monster catching a human. Apparently she wrote it herself just for Papyrus.

     Undyne gave him a blue spear like hers  shaped like a bone. She said it was 'spear-cial" (special) and Papyrus threw her out the front door as well.

     Tori gave him a cookbook full of Italian recipes. She whispered to me that it maybe it would 'help his cooking skills'.

     Frisk and Asriel gave him a white sweater with 2 orange stripes across the center that she had made for him. Looks like Tori's been giving her knitting lessons.

     Asgore gave him a bouquet of buttercups and echo flowers. All of the echo flowers said "Happy Birthday!"

     Muffet gave him 5g. At least she's becoming less stingy with her money...

     Napstablook downloaded a song playlist that he had made just for him. I'm going to have to listen to it sometime.

    Grillby said that he would spend some of tomorrow teaching Papyrus cooking 'secrets'. Basically, going over the basics of what's edible and what's not so we can actually eat whatever he makes.

     Mettaton got him a Mettaton EX plushie and a kiss ON THE TEETH. Sans and I both agreed to let Papyrus have one day without us trying to kill Mettaton. It was really hard not to stop them and I had to teleport a dummy into the room so Sans and I could beat it up. Don't worry, we made sure the dummy wasn't possessed.

     After the gifts, I decide to tell them about a game called Assassin. "Assassin is a game where you write down everyone's name on a card. Then, everyone draws a card. Make sure you don't get your own name. You're not supposed to tell anyone who you got, but you're supposed to tag the person you got without anyone, even the person you tag, noticing. You then tell the person you tag that they're out because you tag them and the person you tag has to tell you who they got. The game goes on like this until there's one person left, and that person wins." (I know it's confusing)

    They all agreed to play, and so I wrote down everyone's names on paper and ripped it up. I told them a few more things about the game, like to always be on guard because if you know the person's gonna tag you, you can says something like "I know what you're gonna do" or whatever. We then draw cards.

    I got Muffet. To make the game more interesting, we had to wander throughout the underground and try not to stay confined to one place. I'm heading to Muffet's place to see if she'll be there.

    Sure enough, she's there, and I buy a rather expensive spider donut. I eat it, then slyly tag her on the back. I tell her she's out. She got Napstablook.

     According to my sources, there are 4 people left: Me, Sans, Napstablook, and Papyrus. I manage to get Napstablook out pretty quickly, and he had Papyrus. I wanted to purposely let him win, but I'm very competitive, so that's not gonna happen.

    I walk up to Papyrus and 'hug' him, then tag his back. He screams "NYOOOOOO HOOO HOOOO!!!" And give him a real hug, then go off to find Sans.

    I head over to Grillby's, but Sans isn't there. He isn't at his sentry station, either. He's not at the hotdog stand, or the door to the ruins. I sigh, and start heading home, when I feel a double-tap on my back. I flinch, and guess who's there.

    We both teleported back to the house, where everyone else was waiting in anticipation. "Who won?" Everyone said simultaneously. I sigh and point to Sans, who had a huge grin on his smiley face. "it was snow much fun. I had a grate time." He says, while pulling out a snowball and a cheese grater, groans fill the room, with some laughter. Soon, it was nighttime, and some of our friends left.

    Tori, Frisk, Asriel, Undyne, Mettaton, and Alphys were still here. Mettaton grabs a bottle and says "Let's play truth or dare!" We all reluctantly agree, since no one knows what to accept from Mettaton.

     Mettaton spins the bottle, and it lands on me. "Truth or dare, darling?"
"I dare you to watch me kiss Papy without doing anything to stop me."
I calmly walk over to Mettaton. He's about 4 inches taller than me.

     "I've already done that dare today, haven't I, Sparkles? Make me do it one more time and I," I use my magic to carry Mettaton "Will," I tighten my grip around his neck. "KILL," My eye starts flaming. "YOU." I drop his body, as he struggles for air. Everyone looks shocked.

    Sans looks at me and whispers "You violated our agreement, yanno." I look at him, with my eye still on fire. I mutter "If he touches my little bro one more time I'll snap his neck..." Sans takes the hint and stops bothering me.

      Mettaton then says, after finally steadying his breathing, "Okay darling, no need to be upset. I'll just dare you to do something else." He's looking at me in fear. "G-go... drink 5 bottles of mustard?" I sigh and go get them. I head Sans say "Oh brother..." as I chug them down.

    They decide to sit me out of the game, since I'm really drunk at the moment. Mustard has more of an... effect than ketchup. I'm laying with my legs over the top of the couch and my arms wrapped around Sans. A few more dares go by, and then I fall asleep.

     I wake up with a small headache. I ask Sans where Papyrus is. He says "He's out somewhere doing something." I get a text from Papyrus saying that he has to work overnight. I text okay back.

    Papyrus has been out a lot lately. I wonder where exactly he's going. Normally he tells us everything, so I'm a bit concerned. It's probably not a big deal. We'll see if this continues for the next few days.

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